Study on Interior Design Characteristics of Exhibition Spaces of Local Museums - Focusing on Surveys on Status of Museums in Yeongdong Area -
박석중 Park Seouk-jung , 문정인 Moon Jung-in |
JEWNR 47(0) 7-16, 2015 |
The purpose of this research is to prepare useful materials based on data acquired through survey on actual use conditions in exhibition spaces of museums in the Yeongdong area when altering the structure of the existing museums or constructing new museums within local areas. The features of the elements of interior environment and interior exhibition space planning identified after analyzing surveys on the actual condition of museums located in four areas, which are Sokcho, Yangyang, Gangneung, and Samcheok, are as follows.
The space of museums are composed of permanent exhibition halls, special exhibition halls, seminar rooms and storehouses. In addition, the plane form appeared to be mostly planned in a quadrangle form and the touring route in a consecutive route type. The interior exhibition spaces were both composed of an immobile partition and mobile partition type and the observation paths were directed to the right and left depending on the location of exhibition halls.
As an element of interior environment, lumber, vinyl tiles, or painting were used for finishing materials, and, regarding colors, white color and brown color families were mostly used. Down lightings, rail type spotlights, fluorescent lights inside display cases (wall type), and halogen lights were used for lighting devices. In addition, foamex boards and tempered glasses were used in metal or wooden frames for signs, and wall types, mobile types, and exposed display tables were planned for the furniture (display cases).
keyword : 지역박물관, 전시 공간, 실내디자인 특성, Local Museums, Exhibition Spaces, Interior Design Characteristics
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Information Architecture Design for Fashion Coordination App based on the men`s needs of fashion information
고정민 Kho Jeong-min , 이지현 Lee Jee-hyun |
JEWNR 47(0) 17-30, 2015 |
It is time that application is becoming important depending on the universalization of the smart phone, so various form of fashion application has been developed reflecting the taste of the users. However, ordinary users and male users are not main target, and the specialized contents for mobile is quite rare because most of applications are information provided type for high involvement on fashion group,
Accordingly, this study aimed at a suggestion for an application design that suggest customizing coordination tor an ordinary male office worker who not fashion-susceptible
This study was conducted in parallel with the literature research and survey. Primarily, type of fashion applications, fashion information search and utilization characteristic, application structure of information were analyzed. Secondly, In-depth interviews of six people to meet the deduced requirements through literature research were conducted. Consequently personas and imaginary scenarios classified by two types depending on the features were written and utilization was confirmed. So specific application interface based on two step processes were designed.
This study could be used to organize and diversification of male fashion information service by presenting information architecture development process of fashion applications.
keyword : 모바일 어플리케이션, 정보구조, 패션 정보, Fashion Information, Information Architecture, Mobile Application
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A Study on the Effect of Companies` Design Management Competence on the Performance from the Customers` Viewpoint
우경훈 Woo Kyung-hoon |
JEWNR 47(0) 31-42, 2015 |
When the existing researches that verified the effect of design management on company performance is examined, complementary studies are needed from two aspects. One, they failed to verify the effect of competence which is companies` intrinsic attribute. The other one is that the studies failed to verify the effect of company performance by expanding it to the performance from customer viewpoint. To complement these shortcomings, this study proved the effect of the design management competence on the performance from the customers` viewpoint. Data was collected by targeting 200 companies in Korea of diverse sizes. Five hypotheses set by this study were verified using multiple regression analysis, and all the hypotheses were adopted after verification. Accordingly, it was proven empirically that the design management competence is an important variable that exerts significant effect on the companies` performance from the customers` viewpoint. The key empirical results of this study are as follows. First, basic/specialization technology factor and innovative technology factor exerted positive (+) effect on the share of customers purchasing again. Second, organization change factor exerted positive (+) effect on the market share. Third, basic/specialization technology factor, participation by a third party factor, innovative technology factor and organization change factor exerted positive (+) effect on the existing customer growth rate. Fourth, basic/specialization technology factor, participation by a third party factor and organization change factor exerted positive (+) effect on the number of new customers. Lastly, participation by a third party factor and organization change factor exerted positive (+) effect on the customer profitability. Effective development of design management competence and utilization measures are presented by organizing into five in order to create performance from the customers` viewpoint based on these empirical results.
keyword : 디자인 경영, 디자인 경영 역량, 고객 관점 성과, Design Management, Design Management Capability, Customer Focus Performance
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Cultural Meanings of Digital Technology Application in Craft
김정지 Kim Jungji |
JEWNR 47(0) 43-52, 2015 |
In the development of information age from the industrial society in 21C, analogue culture has been digitalized. It creates continuous changes in design methodology and social values reflecting different time. Traditional craft-based methodology of designing through making process is strongly relevant to an emerging culture of customization in 3D production and consumption recently. In the context of 20th century mass production and mass consumption, crafts lost compatibility in the market of everyday products with the economic constraints imposed by the cost effective strategy of industrial production with mass manufacturing technologies. As a result, products of customization and individuality became the most parts of contemporary crafts. However, in a current post industrial society, composed by advances in ICT(Information & Communication Technology), the mass customization of products to individual need is on the market such as global brand Nike and is being offered by product designers across the countries.
Looking at various examples and analyzing relationships between craft and technology in the aspects of history and philosophy, this research suggests a re-evaluation of the crafts in 21C culture. A design methodology through making is developing with current digital production process and it is linked to craft practice in the sense of concepts of making. Such methodology and its products embrace an `authencity` that is highly valued in the circumstances of a society loosing identity and humanism.
keyword : 공예, 디지털 기술, 진정성, Crafts, Digital Technology, Authenticity
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Effects of Use Motivation, Perceived Attributes and Audience Innovation for Mobile LBA on Intentions for Continuous Use
염동섭 Youm Dongsup , 김화동 Kim Hwa-dong |
JEWNR 47(0) 53-63, 2015 |
This study attempted to look into factors of Location-Based Advertising(LBA) showing a rapid growth in advertising and marketing affecting intentions for continuous used based on Location-Based Service(LBS). For this purpose, based on preceding literature review, this study inquired into use motivation(motive for economic reward, motive for the acquisition of general information and motive for the acquisition of local information) and the audience innovation and perceived attributes(perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness) regarding LBA which were expected to affect the intentions for continuous use. The results of the study are as follows: First, it was found that LBA use motivation had a positive(+) effect on intentions for continuous use. Second, perceived attributes of LBA had a positive(+) effect on intentions for continuous use. Third, it was found that users` innovation propensity had a positive(+) effect on intentions for continuous use. Lastly, as a result of an inquiry into the relative effects of these factors, it was found that the effects were great in the order of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, motive for the acquisition of local information, motive for economic reward and motive for the acquisition of general information. These results will provide the basic research data related to LBA and useful practical implications for practitioners of related industry in producing and planning LBA.
keyword : 위치기반광고, 이용 동기, 이용의도, Location-Based Advertising(LBA), Use Motivation, Use Intention
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Collaboration Trends in Fashion and the Automotive Industry
조정미 Cho Jung Mee |
JEWNR 47(0) 65-77, 2015 |
This research is to examine major collaboration cases between fashion and automobile industries since after the 20th century when automobiles have been commercialized, analyze their various chronological and methodological types, and inquire into the strategic effects and value capabilities. The research method consisted of analyzing the collaborations between automobile and fashion industries by time and types via internet and literature.
According to research, the collaboration between automobile and fashion progressed by the automobile company selecting a specific fahsion designer brand. As such, instead of supplementing automotive elements to fashion, the attributes of fashion have been fused into automotive. Collaboration patterns also displayed tendency of putting more weight on exterior design variations fitting to the unique visual identities of the fashion designers. A more detailed classification of collaborations with fashion designers revealed that, formative aspect can be classified into exterior, interior and automotive accessories, and emotional aspect includes exhibition planning, various events, advertising and other cultural marketing considerations. The aspect of collaboration type that is becoming more active in the 21st century is the emotional aspect of collaboration. Automobile companies and fashion designers are bringing in charity groups, musitians, artists, and environmental activists as partners for holding exhibitions, performances and charity events, and venturing active emotional communications.
The research studied collaborations among different industries, and in the future, will assist in forming strategies for international collaborations as means to enter into a more successful global market for our automobile and fashion industries.
keyword : 자동차, 패션, 콜라보레이션, car, fashion, collaboration
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A Study on Color Analysis of the Library Websites for Local Governments in Seoul
김영석 Kim Young Seak |
JEWNR 47(0) 79-92, 2015 |
Today, successful construction of Website is possible only when the website is harmonious and proper from the color-caused visual aspect while having harmony with the relevant design elements. This study is aimed at considering color characteristics shown on the currently operated Website for the library affiliated with local governments in Seoul. For this purpose. this study extracted main color, sub-color and accent color from the initial screen of the Website, and then did color analysis, tone analysis and color design by applying them to IRI Image Scale. The results can be summed up as 3 kinds as follows:
First, it was found Blue series and Green series were mostly used as main color. Blue series represent refreshingness and freshness while Green series are seen in nature the most, symbolizing peace and safety, etc. The IRI-defined adjective image scale of main colors is mostly `Natural`, and at this point, `Intimate` `Pastoral`, `Natural` and `Cozy` were extracted as their relevant emotional adjectives.
Second, there appeared diversely grass-green, orange, blue, and green, etc. as sub-colors, and color image, which belonged to Dynamic-Hard area, showed dynamic and hard image. The IRI-defined adjective image scale of sub-colors belonged to mostly `Modern` and at this point,` Practical`, `Urbane` and` `Cold`, etc. as their relevant emotional adjectives.
Third, accent colors were found to diversely include red, blue, green and yellow, etc, and on the whole, the accent colors were colorful and fresh. The IRI-defined adjective image scale of accent colors belongs to mostly `Colorful` and at this point, `Attractive`, `Mature`, and `Refreshing` etc. were extracted as the relevant adjectives.
It is thought that such results of color analysis make it possible to grasp the color trend or characteristics in Web Design, potentially being able to offer useful information to setting up guidelines of Web Design in the relevant field later. Nevertheless, this study thinks of it as the uppermost limit that it considered color research without taking into account the other design elements, such as the area and layout of Website.
keyword : 도서관 웹사이트, 색채분석, 서울지방자치단체, Governments in Seoul, Library Websites, Color Analysis
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The Actual Conditions of Employment Contracts and Minimum Wages and Job Satisfaction among Employees in the Beauty Industry
박다영 Park Da Young , 유태순 Yoo Tai-soon |
JEWNR 47(0) 93-104, 2015 |
This research aims to find the actual condition of employment contracts and minimum wages among employees in the beauty industry; to identify the effects of its characteristics on their job satisfaction; and to empathize the need of applying the minimum wage system and better working conditions to the beauty industry. A total of 391 questionnaires were used for data analysis, intended for employees working in beauty shops in Daegu. The SPSS 19.9 for Window program was used.
The results show that small-scale beauty shops didn`t have employment contracts more often; employees in beauty shops were hardly aware of the minimum wage system; and the majority of shops had not been supervised by labor supervisors. Regarding demographic factors, gender, marital status, and age didn`t affect their job satisfaction, while the higher level of education they had, the better personal satisfaction they showed regarding their educational background. Considering making contracts, those who closed the employment contract and whose contract was done in writing appeared to have higher job satisfaction and they showed various levels of job satisfaction depending on their working conditions. Lastly, with regard to observing the minimum wage system, employees who were working in the shops that complied with the system got more satisfied with their jobs.
keyword : 근로계약, 최저임금제도, 직무만족, Labor Contract, Minimum Wage System, Job Satisfaction
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Classification and Practical Use of Educational Augmented Reality Application for Mobile Media
이운형 Lee Woon-hyung |
JEWNR 47(0) 105-114, 2015 |
The augmented reality technology can be used in various types of contents, but its potentialities and possibilities as a new medium are recognized especially in education fields related to social infrastructure.
This paper deals with the classification and the practical use of educational augmented reality application, from the point of view of grafting augmented reality technology onto the education area, focused on the possibilities of educational augmented reality application for mobile media.
Characteristics of augmented reality media can affect to the effect of education: first, interactivity that helps user`s active study. second, communication through visualization in the three-dimensional space. third, presence that boosts learning activity through real-time acquisition of the information. These characteristics of augmented reality should be considered in the development of applications.
Also, in the result of analysis of the educational augmented reality applications in the market, although various form of the applications, they could be divided into three types depends on place, content, learning method and operating method: a history experience type, a teaching material type and a learning astronomical geography type. It is expected that these research results will be used as a material that can be referred to in the development of educational augmented reality applications for mobile media.
keyword : 증강현실, 교육용 어플리케이션, 모바일 어플리케이션, Augmented Reality, Educational Application, Mobile Application
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Effect of Fashion/Beauty TV Media Use on Appearance Consumption Behavior
박수연 Park Su Youn , 황진숙 Hwang Jin-sook |
JEWNR 47(0) 115-130, 2015 |
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of fashion/beauty TV media use associated with appearance to appearance consumption behavior, and to investigate that media credibility had controlling roles between fashion/beauty TV media use and appearance consumption behavior.
The survey by the questionnaire were performed with 20~40s consumers who experienced fashion/beauty TV media and also lived Seoul, Kyonggi, or Choongnam. Total 631 data were applied as mentioned below. Data were analyzed by frequency, reliability, multiple regression and hierarchical regression by SPSS WIN 18.0 program.
In the effect of fashion/beauty TV media use on appearance consumption behavior, using time affected trend-orientation, cosmetic procedure and figure control, and interest use affected people-consciousness, cosmetic procedure and figure control. Generally, the factor of accidental exposure highly affected fashion/beauty TV media use on appearance consumption behavior. Finally, whether media credibility had mediating effects in fashion/beauty TV media and appearance consumption behavior was analyzed. The media credibility interacted with actor-copy, trend-orientation, other people-consciousness and cosmetic procedure but didn`t affect body line management.
With the analyses of effects of fashion/beauty TV media use on appearance consumption behavior, this study will be helpful for establishing product planning, sales promotion, marketing subdivision and various strategies.
keyword : 패션/뷰티 TV미디어 이용, 외모관리 소비행동, 미디어 신뢰도, fashion/beauty TV media use, appearance consumption behavior, media credibility
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