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Thesis Editing committee

chairman of the editing committee

Son,Won-Jun Pusan National University

member of the editing committee

Kim Cheol-Ki Pusan National University
Jung Eui-Chul Seoul National University
Moon Sun-Wook Chungwoon University
Moon Jeong-min Chosun University
Lee Woon-Hyung Incheon National University
Jang Ae-ran Jeju National University
Kim Kyung-Sun Kwandong University
Chung Won-jun Carleton University


Rules of the Thesis Editing Committee of the Korean Association of Design Trends

Article 1 [Purpose]
These rules have as their purpose the stipulation of matters concerning the composition and operation of the Editing Committee (heretofore referred to as "this Committee".)

Article 2 [Composition]
1. One head of the editing committee
2. One vice head of the editing committee
3. Fifteen editors (including the chairman and vice chairman)

Article 3 (Appointment and term)
1. The chairman of the editing committee shall be appointed among members whose academic track record is exceptional.
2. The vice chairman shall be recommended by the chairman and appointed by the chairman.
3. Editing members shall be selected through recommendation by the head of the editing committee and appointed by the chairman. However, no more than half of the entire board of editing members shall be changed at once.
4. The term of the editing members including the head of the editing committee shall be set at three years but may be extended for another term.

Article 4(Work tasks)
Major work tasks of the committee are as follows.
1. Reception and review of papers submitted to the official journal of the Academic Association, "Korea Design Forum."
2. Editing and publishing of "Korea Design Forum"
3. Editing and publishing of other academic journals

Article 5 (Operations)
1. The committee shall select and appoint reviewers for each thesis in order to determine whether the thesis submitted to the "Korea Design Forum" shall be published. Based on the review opinion of the reviewer, the decision shall be made.
2. The committee shall hold a comprehensive review session of four times or more per year, in accordance with the closing of the review for the academic journal that is published per schedule. In certain cases, the journal may be replaced with electronic documents. Should the head of the committee judge necessary, or should the majority of the editing members demand as such, the committee may be summoned.
3. The meeting of the committee shall be held when two thirds or more of the editing members are in attendance, and matters shall be passed when half or more of the attendants agree. The head of the committee also holds a vote, and shall hold the casting vote in the case of a deadlock.
4. The head of the committee may compose sub-committees as necessary and select members in charge for each field.

Article 6 (Editing and review)
1. The academic journal shall be published four times a year (February 25, May 25, August 25 and November 25).
2. The review and selection of theses in accordance with the rules of application and thesis review shall be overseen by the editing committee.
3. The rules for the review of theses shall follow the rules of review of this committee. The selection of review members shall be done by the head of the editing committee in consultation with the senior editing committee member.
4. The list of the names of the editing members and the rules for publishing shall also be printed in each issue of the journal.
5. The committee shall set forth separately the rules for submitting theses and review. Theses not drafted in accordance with these rules may be rejected by the head of the committee or the members of the editing committee.
6. The submitted thesis shall be reviewed in accordance with the rules for review. The rules for review of theses may be revised should there be more than two thirds of the votes for revision by members of the editing committee listed.

Article 7 (Matters in addition to the rules)
Matters not covered by the rules shall be determined through the decision of the committee.

<Accompanying rules>
These rules shall take effect upon the approval of the operation directors' committee.

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