Study on the Revitalized method of Scientific Culture of Policy.
김경훈 Kim Kyeong-hoon , 박정희 Park Jeong Hei |
JEWNR 13(0) 7-16, 2006 |
The Period of scientific culture is a feature of the global village as well as Korean society. Up untill now an argument about desirable scientific culture has not been accomplished. Indifference and barriers of science has been a same problem as well as a negative attitude toward science and engeering which has become an issue recently. In the near future scientific technology will develop at an unprecedented pace. Since a lot of policy work which claims to stand for scientific culture is being promoted, we must try to consider this problem from a new perspective. First, we must defin a fundamental notion and the meaning of scientific culture, and make a description of historical and reorganizational way of scientific culture in Korean society up to this point in time. Second, we must make a model project of an advanced country. Third, we must derive a conclusion in regards to ①educatioal reform ②scientific culture and a connection focusing on the role of the press ③scientific culture within the masses in reference to these premises and organization that correspond to scientific culture in Korean society
keyword : Scientific Culture, Scientific Communication
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A study on the Package Design in Brand Marketing
문수근 Moon Soo Geun |
JEWNR 13(0) 17-27, 2006 |
Nowadays the product competition made by technological innovation, change in consumers mind and diversification in lifestyle have led to people`s purchasing a specific brand that has excellent company image or product image. In today`s market, a brand is more than just a product market. A brand should be understood as the total value of the company and product that include the consumer`s psychological, physical and emotional satisfaction and trust. In today`s worldwide market and consuming environment we need consistent, various activities to add value to the product or brand. This is a task to increase influence through brand marketing. As our society is shifting to the information oriented society, there is a limit for the company growth by relying its sales only on manufacturing or marketing. The company needs to offer a meaningful value by making the consumer recognize the company`s intention and belief that exist in the product. The purpose of package design is to give the customer very important information on recognizing and selecting a product. In this sense, packaging is an important part of brand marketing as it informs the customer of the product, persuades and makes the customer remember the product. Nowadays package design is in the center of a trend that is continuously changing in the customer`s mind and lifestyle and has to make a mutual feeling of between the customer and product. As a result, in brand marketing especially package design is based on feeling. In this relation package design helps a customer`s preference of a company or product lead to purchase and helps maintain the cusomer`s preference even after the purchase.
keyword : Emotional Packaging, Brand Marketing, Package Design
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A study on the Ceramic design education for junior and senior high school students.
이부연 Lee Boo Yun |
JEWNR 13(0) 29-36, 2006 |
This study is for Junior and senior high school students` ceramic design education. It is true that ceramic design education has been done by studio ceramists or art teachers in their studios or art classes without considering students` developmental stages. Junior and senior high school students are in adolescents stage. In this stage, students are struggling between physical and mental unbalance. Special characteristic of visual and haptic phenomena are more clear in this stage. For Junior and senior high school students, ceramic design education offer chances to express their inner world freely. Through processes of ceramic design education, students can learn that there are certain rules in the society and following rules are also inportant in their living. Students can learn how to concentrate their work by themselves. Students can get self respect and self confidence by completing their works. Students can get positive thinking for their future through ceramic design works. Students can develop their muscles through ceramic design education. Ceramic design class also can be a kind of welbeing activities. Students can develop their social skills. Students can develop their perceptions through ceramic design education. Also intercurricular activities with so called hard and boring subjects and ceramic design education are possible for better understanding of subjects. For the future, continuiing studies of ceramic design education are needed for more qualitative art classes in Junior and senior high school and students` wholeness.
keyword : Ceramic design education, Junior and senior high schoo
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A Case Study on Animation TV-CM - Focused on Line Animation -
이경재 Lee Kyoung Jae |
JEWNR 13(0) 37-45, 2006 |
Public institutions establish their own characters. Nowadays, characters are no longer exclusive products of enterprises. Characters of public institutions are regarded as representatives of their chief and civil servants. Therefore, a careful process of setting up a character must take place even at the very first step. The image of characters for public institutions must be an absolutely friendly one. They have to be this way for ordinary people take the public services and their work positively. In order to deliver a friendly image, an image should give favourable impression. The most appropriate method is to express it as a childlike face. In addition, its name should be associated with an infant. The struture of a child`s face is different from that of adult. This thesis has explained special features of a childlike face and offered a tentative plan showing how to get that particular image by designing.
keyword : childlike face
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A Research of Brand Logotype`s by Calligraphy
강명옥 Kang Myung-ok , 정영희 Jung Young Hee |
JEWNR 13(0) 47-57, 2006 |
As the industrial structure has been changed from mass production into quality competition in 21st Century, it is to form Brand Identity (BI) through visual communication, which is the most effective in delivery information among other factors to popularize brand identity and image following the rapid advance of market globalization. Corporate needed other differentiating method than quality of goods, which was released everyday, and it`s because consumers became to prefer high quality image while buying more beautiful and good-looking brand goods as well as respecting themselves from standardized product qualities. Soon they began to require a brand which is sensitive and even touching, and so it has been more an more requested for corporations to satisfy the identity by developing visual design as well as to build their own characteristics by differentiating with other products, and it`s still an assignment for any corporations to solve out. Brand Logotype is a modeling of letter design that is expressed with own characteristics, and the Calligraphy, which has global and Korean inclination, is formed with natural and distinguished letters as a manuscript following the global era, and it also heightens the product quality while differentiating other brands` Image. While computer letter font is objective, general and everyone can use it, the Calligraphy is characteristic and distinguished with geometrical digital letters for its feature. Such characteristics of Calligraphy give differentiation and formative beauty and it has a potential to enlarge the scope of Brand Logotype Design.
keyword : Calligraphy, Brand, logo
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A Study on Data-ink and Redundancy at Information Visualization
강성중 Kang Sung Joong |
JEWNR 13(0) 59-68, 2006 |
Information design is a series of process and activities to provide right information to right person at right time with efficient methods. Information design goes through organization to group, classify data and visualization to apply graphical elements for enhancing users` cognition. Redundant elements in information visualization can decrease the efficiency of transferring messages. At Shannon and Weaver`s communication model, noise can be generated at signal. While noise should be removed with technical perspective, noise could help the understanding of information with semantic view. Data-ink, suggested by Edward R. Tufte, is the formula to measure the redundant graphic element in data-information graphics. In communication theory, redundancy is not erasable because it makes communication clear and evident with repetition and reconfirmation of messages. For statistical information, notion of data-ink is critical for objectivity of visualizing data. Redundancy is a factor to facilitate interest and experience for audiences by creating participation and storytelling in time-space diagram and narrative information graphics. According to attribute and purpose of information, selection and balance of redundancy and data-ink should be considered.
keyword : Information Design, Redundancy, Data Ink, Communication model, Noise, Efficiency
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The Study for Storytelling Schema
고재성 Ko Jae Sung |
JEWNR 13(0) 69-74, 2006 |
The creation is providence territory by God, and the human beings` creativity represents the storytelling and the image and will be reinterpretation and recomposition. The storytelling and the image are intuitive object, the emotion and sentiment, and the environmental perception are implicated circular forms where they include general concepts. The story is the universal thing and the storytelling follows in originality depends on the environment. The story consists of the function between environment and self depends on creativity . Namely in each national culture keeps a universal creativity. The storytelling is function and the namely S=f (P and E), S equals f(P and E). It also affects differing the form from the environment but the story is eternal. The storytelling reinterpreted the time and story object under the schematized space. The study leads the simulation due to storytelling schema Korea storytelling is the method on the proposed a methodology.
keyword : schema, storytelling schema
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Study on the Emotion Development of Image Symbolic Representation
곽봉철 Kwak Bong-chul , 이성수 Lee Sung-soo |
JEWNR 13(0) 75-83, 2006 |
This thesis proposes direction and purpose of `emoticon`, a series of punctuation characters utilized in the virtualspace of the digital age, based on the resources acquired from analyzing the function and application value of `emoticon`. This presents the definiteness, recognition and utilization of communication mean as characterized symbols and communication method as image signs along with communication role of the emoticon characters hereafter. Accordingly, it once again states the potential for the advancement of emoticon characters, which can be said as the image symbolic language, and further discusses the necessity of research on linguistic symbolism of the cyber space, which would experience the development and increased utility of IT communication means. The argument of this thesis is summarized in the following. 1. Definiteness of formative expressions on symbolism of image communication 2. Reliability measurement on formative expression and recognition of reasonableness 3. Analysis on the necessity of research on utilization method to establish serial and parallel combination of special characters and distinctions of emotional expression as implied expression As the age of IT communication expands, the role and importance of cyber languageused in the cyber space have been brought to spotlight and a researcher on symbolism and formation of such issue has presented the reasonableness of research on the definiteness and recognition of formative expression in design field.
keyword :
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A Study on Package Design Strategy of Special Kimchi of Jella Province
김남훈 Kim Nam Hoon |
JEWNR 13(0) 85-94, 2006 |
Korean `Kimchi` as healthy fermented food is attracting attention by adopting international standard CODEX and Korea assumes a new aspect as the orignal country of Kimchi. Considering at this point when it`s necessary to develop new Kimchi products which can appeal to current consumer`s various needs of taste, health and function, it`s inevitable to perform strategic approach to develop and merchandize traditional and tasty Jellado Kimchi in order to brighten the future of Korean Kimchi industry. Jellado has a competitively advantageous position for the development of Kimchi industry because jellado has been considered as the home of traditional taste and also it has an advantageous opportunity to distribute and sell Kimch through Kimchi festival which is unique and held only in this province. "Gamchilbegi" as a co-brand of Jella province has been born by Kimchi industry promotion unit of Gwanju and Jella province which has been established as a part of `Regional Innovation Specialized Business` by the Dept. of Korean industry and resource since 2004. From the beginning, several local Kimch manufactures have joined for producing traditional Jellado Kimchi of co-brand "Gamchilbegi". However, there have been many problems like small scales of joined manufactures, inconsistent quality management caused by the lack of understanding of co-brand and low quality package for consumer convenience. From this perspective, this study newly defines the role of "Gamchilbegi" as a co-brand of Jellado Kimchi. Then based on this, we developed differentiated and successful package strategy against large corporations for suggesting revitalization method of Korean Kimchi industry.
keyword : Jellado Kimchi, Brand, Package Design
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A study on the Wireless Internet Mobile Flash
김명미 Kim Myoung Mi |
JEWNR 13(0) 95-102, 2006 |
In a multichanging society, one`s ability to obtain useful information decides his/her life quality, and the same can be applied for companies where their survival will depend on the ability to obtain information fast and efficiently. In such environment, what enables individuals to achieve the goal is mobile technology. Mobile technology enables users to receive information anywhere, anytime. In world-wide view, mobile flash market has similar characteristics to the earlier stage of internet where it had unlimited growth potential. Also, standardization of new generation IMT-2000 along with Java technology, and last but not the least, improvement of device functionality, will allow multi-dimensional transmission of multimedia information. Therefore, it is very important for an individual to have a thorough understanding of mobile flash, wireless internet, and mobile flash area, which will allow that individual to research and develop new ideas helping advertisers, marketers, web designers and the most imporantly the users themselv.
keyword :
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