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Vol.13, No.0, 7 ~ 17, 2006
Study on the Revitalized method of Scientific Culture of Policy.
김경훈 Kim Kyeong-hoon , 박정희 Park Jeong Hei
The Period of scientific culture is a feature of the global village as well as Korean society. Up untill now an argument about desirable scientific culture has not been accomplished. Indifference and barriers of science has been a same problem as well as a negative attitude toward science and engeering which has become an issue recently. In the near future scientific technology will develop at an unprecedented pace. Since a lot of policy work which claims to stand for scientific culture is being promoted, we must try to consider this problem from a new perspective. First, we must defin a fundamental notion and the meaning of scientific culture, and make a description of historical and reorganizational way of scientific culture in Korean society up to this point in time. Second, we must make a model project of an advanced country. Third, we must derive a conclusion in regards to ①educatioal reform ②scientific culture and a connection focusing on the role of the press ③scientific culture within the masses in reference to these premises and organization that correspond to scientific culture in Korean society
Key Words
Scientific Culture, Scientific Communication
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