Village design through rediscovering the non-economical value of a village
이동훈 Lee Dong Hun , 방정아 Bang Jeoung Ah |
JEWNR 26(0) 7-20, 2010 |
The economic value oriented society which comes from the deepening of globalization and capitalization makes aliennated a lot of non-economic values such as cultural and ecological and social problems such as income polarization and environmental disruption arise. The high-rise apartment centered urban redevelopment destroys historical, cultural and ecological values that have been built up in the urban space. And it mass-produces monolithic residential cultures led by economical efficiency. The concerns of cultural and ecological values are experimented on the rural communities. The representative examples of those are villages. Villages have varieties of value elements which are naturally accumulated throughout the years. The revivals of villages that are led by the non-economic value standard make communications between people possible and finally establish bases for rehumanization. This study focuses on Hwamyoung-2 district which is planned for urban redevelopment. It is divided into three branches such as values of ecology, culture and communication. It examines and analyzes the value elements which the village has. This study includes value-information-maps, concepts of values and visualizations. Through these works it rediscover the values of existences. This study finally gets applicable ideas and makes them visualized.
keyword : 마을디자인, 비경제적가치, 생태, 문화, 커뮤니티, 도시재생, non-economic values, urban redevelopment, villages design
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A Study of community and avatar of virtual reality that appear in online game
이향재 Lee Hyang Jai , 조성태 Jo Sung Tae |
JEWNR 26(0) 21-32, 2010 |
The development of today`s Internet, a cyber community that has created another type of society. The online social environment for youth, realistic avatars users online self and the means of expressing yourself avatar was to analyze the relationship between self-identity. Studies range from realistic self-concept of self-related nature of the self-awareness, self-appearance of self-esteem and self-related attributes, and the avatar for the hypothetical self-consciousness and awareness of interpersonal relationships will want to study. Research subjects by considering the homogeneity between the groups using the virtual avatars of people who are 10, 20 units of the user`s avatar purposive sampling was conducted online surveys. Results include self-identity and the virtual nature of youth awareness about the character avatar on a virtual space, while a separate self-identification and to establish self as a double self clarify the distinction between virtual reality and can not recognize the self-same performance could see the difference in appearing. The results of the youth, the virtual nature of the user`s avatar in the form of things to recognize is the presence awareness and self-consciousness, and when painting a positive concept of conscious awareness, spatial structure can be viewed has been formed. This avatar of consumers to identify the elements of self-awareness and utilization to promote the creative and aesthetic value of the consumer to form a variety of avatar representation in the present age, if the present form would serve as a source of looks.
keyword : 아바타, 커뮤니티, 가상공간, Avatar, Community, Visual Space
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GUI Analysis of Multimedia Navigation Content
박정희 Park-jeong-hei |
JEWNR 26(0) 33-42, 2010 |
In the changed design environment of modern industry, users become the center, especially GUI (Graphic User Interface) that enables to have direct communications with users become the mean of useful communication that raises the convenience levels of uses. In this research, throughout the surveys about the present condition of multimedia navigation, I specify a visual organization focusing on GUI contents and seek a useful communication direction for users and For this research, I chose 14 multimedia navigation products from representative corporations in this area. By summarizing the result of the analysis, we were able to find that the pictogram typed icons were largely used and much navigation had 8 menus, which accounted 42% among 14 products. Generally, most of the layout was in a standard format of 1 or 2 straight horizontal lines and small percentage were in a cross-over typed free style curve layout. This covered the current graphic design of the menu screen but this will be used as a basic foundation of GUI design guideline for future navigation and will be used to provide the value to understand the general information of digital navigation media with long-term perspective.
keyword : 멀티미디어, 내비게이션, GUI, Multimedia, Navigation
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Materialization for Characteristics of Color Marketing Targeting Early Adopters
김재원 Kim Jae Won |
JEWNR 26(0) 43-56, 2010 |
In the industrial society with deepening competition, consumers before the industrial revolution purchased products according to rational consumption. However, in order to survive in a digital society where many of new technologies and new products are introduced, it is important to powerfully attract consumers` interest at the beginning stage of introduction of products.
In particular, early adopters are those who accept and spread new technologies or innovation earlier than others. They have own socio-economic status and play an important role as opinion leaders in various groups.
Therefore, companies came to try marketing strategies stimulating various senses as part of emotional consumption of early adopters, among them. marketing strategies using the sense of sight became much more activated. This phenomenon especially appeared from digital products containing up-to-date technologies targeting young people such as mobile phones and MP3 players. Due to shortened lifespan of those products and characteristics changes by up-to-date technology, recent products presents different formative characteristics from the existing products.
On the other hand, early adopters lead this new trend as new consumers. And color marketing that can make different by maximizing effect with minimum cost became a medium that promotes sales by maximizing emotional appeals to early adopters.
As stated above, early adopters that are becoming a consumer group the world is paying attention to pursue amusement, not possession, through consumption. On the basis of those characteristics, the current study examined countermeasures to maintain and develop sustainable competitiveness of the domestic market through analyzing cases about strategic approaches of color marketing targeting early adopters.
keyword : 얼리어답터, 컬러마케팅, 디지털 제품, Early adopter, color marketing, digital products
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Fashion Design with Application of Armour in the 16th century
박선영 Seon-yeong Park |
JEWNR 26(0) 57-66, 2010 |
The purpose of this study is to design a fashion costume with application of armour in the 16th century. The province of this study is to analyze the structure of a particular armours and show the creative fashion costume with application of a peculiarity through a graphing and illustration by Adobe Illustrator. It is also to analyze sculptural and decorative features, scientific structure, the ability in terms of protectation and volup-tuous beauty.
The materials of the design are the German fluted decoration and besagew of Maximilian armour(shoulder defense), struture of pieces of plate and epauliere of foot combat armour, slashed armour of professionals, and reinforcement of tournament armour. Therefore an armour is an attractive material which gives creative possibilities in molding costume design.
keyword : 갑옷, 패션디자인, 일러스트레이션, Armour, Fashion Design, Illustration
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The Research for the Emotional Consumption & Package Design following on Transition of the Consuming Environment
오용균 Oh Yong-kyun |
JEWNR 26(0) 67-75, 2010 |
As society of emotional expression arises from the evolving consumption environment, selection criteria for goods by consumers puts emotion in priority over rationality. As the importance of emotion gets higher including emotional consumption, emotional management, emotional marketing, emotional appeal, etc., emotional trend is being positioned to be the tide of new generation. Therefore, packaging design strategies in the dimension of emotional appeal must be sought to meet consumers` appetite and emotion. Consistent and rational analysis about customers` emotion is needed to be emotional packaging design in a further advanced dimension. Treats from this research and character is like this and to do, the emotional package design having what kind of quality from the consuming market which changes and being expressed and appearing, examined about gets up what kind of meaning action. Also, the goal tries to observe is about affirmative the sensitivity package design affects in sensitivity consuming.
Herein, trend analysis has been performed to investigate how different features from case-studies, in which five senses are applied in the dimension of minimalism as the trend of high art, storytelling in linguistics, and emotional marketing, are expressed in packaging design. For this purpose, based on emotional consumption pattern by the evolving consumption environment, radical comparison analysis about case-studies and trends applied to emotional packaging design is needed. By applying each characteristics derived from it to packaging design, emotional packaging design must be what leads consumers to purchase of goods with diversified impressions and concepts differentiated from other goods, and comes across very well for consumers.
keyword : 감성소비, 패키지디자인, Emotional Consumption, Package Design
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Storytelling of advertisement images that make use of everyday life routines
강현옥 Kang Hyunock |
JEWNR 26(0) 77-86, 2010 |
The perception of text structure, which plays a key role in appealing to the consumers` emotions, is determined by the way the implications of the contents are delivered to the consumers. In the industry of cultural contents, this concept is defined as a “storytelling.”
This study examines the text structure of advertisements by understanding not only their original functions, but also their role as a cultural content. For this purpose, the study focuses on advertisements that are produced using daily life routines with which people are closely related and familiar as a background story. In order for the advertisement to fulfill its functions and to play a role as cultural content, external factors of advertisement, stories that were made from the visual storytelling and the external factors, and the narrative storytelling should be appropriately coordinated in an advertisement. The analysis of advertisement image concludes that the most important factor in text structure is emotional and mental factors of the topic and storytelling that can appeal to the consumer`s mind.
keyword : 문화콘텐츠, 텍스트, 스토리텔링, cultural contents, text, storytelling
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The Development of a Online Color Education Curriculum and Contents
이향아 Lee Hyang-a , 이영 Lee Young , 박윤미 Park Yun-mi |
JEWNR 26(0) 87-96, 2010 |
The function of color has been in the main study subject related Psychology, Analytics, Therapeutics etc. The importance of color is increased much more than now owing to increasing the consequence of color as a means of differentiation the multi functions of beauty. Color has the visual and expressive power. Thus efficient development of the color education curriculum should be needed in perspective of the education purpose not attaining the only theoretical knowledge but experiencing and performing the learning contents directly.
Online education has good points so as for instructors to use the various multimedia on contents conveniently and for learners to learn in the more rich environment. And comparing to the offline education environment, face-to-face education, the quality of education is able to improve in the online education environment through revitalization of the interactions between instructors and learners, each learners and so on.
The purpose of this study is to design the contents and methods of color education which is appropriate of the learner characteristics, developing environment, and subject characteristics. And it is also to develop the new color education curriculum and online contents that is composed of the visual and auditory effects as different as the old methods such as blackboard and chalk.
The satisfaction of color education curriculum and the instructional methods developed are verified in the result of the lecture appraisement in the S cyber University, the second semester, 2008.
keyword : 색채교육, 온라인 강의, 교육과정 개발, color education, Online education, color education curriculum development
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Career Stress And Responsive Characteristics Of PITR - Aimed At College Students Majoring In Design
차용선 Cha Yong-sun , 박윤미 Park Yun-mi |
JEWNR 26(0) 97-106, 2010 |
The purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy of PITR (person in the rain test) as a measure of diagnosis for career stress by observing the level of career stress and responsive characteristics of PITR. The subject of the study is 209 college students majoring in design in I university located in Noh-Won-Gu, Seoul, while a measure of career stress and PITR are used as measurement tools. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0 program, and calculation of the mean, standard deviation, frequency analysis, and one-way ANOVA was executed while Scheeffe`s test was done for post verification. The results from the study are as follows. Firstly, it turns out that the level of career stress for college students majoring in design is the average value of 40.18 (3.63 on a scale of 5), which is high. Secondly, regarding responsive characteristics of PITR for college students majoring in design, the high proportion is shown in the cases of drawing `the high quantity of rain` and `the strength of rain` which is neither heavy nor light and the cases of expressing `the shape of rain` as straight line and not expressing `the strength of wind`. It is observed that there is a touch in `touch in rain and people,` `touch in puddle and people,` and in a case of drawing with `stable stroke`, it turns out that there are many cases of not drawing `white and dark clouds` as well as a `puddle` and drawing with width of no more than 5 mm in `the area of a puddle`. Thirdly, the level of career stress depending on responsive characteristics of PITR for college students majoring in design showed the meaningful difference in the quantity of rain, validity of stroke, and dark clouds. Based on the above results, we propose the utilization as a tool of analyzing career stress using PITR.
keyword : 디자인 전공 대학생, 진로스트레스, 빗속의 사람그림, College students majoring in design, career stress, person in the rain test (PITR)
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A Study of Street-furniture in public space by semiologie method Analysis of street-wastebasket based on relation of administrator and pedestrian
김영찬 |
JEWNR 26(0) 107-116, 2010 |
Public space is interface phenomenon based on mutual communication structure. That is not made by government or designer, citizen. That is systemed by their relation.
Street furniture in the public space has to be designed with mutual communication structure. In the case of street -wastebasket, the shape depends on the processing of trash disposal that define from space what is established. And the space is changed by relation between administrator and pedestrian in that space form.
Finally, wastebasket can not do the function if it establishes and uses based on one-side communication system. This sturdy is used by semiologie analysis method. Examined structure of administrator and pedestrian that around with wastebasket in public space. Through this, I make a proposal to design of public structure that it is designed after consideration of administrator and pedestrian structure in public space.
keyword : 공공공간, 기호학, 거리쓰레기통, Public space, Semiologie, Street-wastebasket
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