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Vol.26, No.0, 107 ~ 117, 2010
A Study of Street-furniture in public space by semiologie method Analysis of street-wastebasket based on relation of administrator and pedestrian
Public space is interface phenomenon based on mutual communication structure. That is not made by government or designer, citizen. That is systemed by their relation. Street furniture in the public space has to be designed with mutual communication structure. In the case of street -wastebasket, the shape depends on the processing of trash disposal that define from space what is established. And the space is changed by relation between administrator and pedestrian in that space form. Finally, wastebasket can not do the function if it establishes and uses based on one-side communication system. This sturdy is used by semiologie analysis method. Examined structure of administrator and pedestrian that around with wastebasket in public space. Through this, I make a proposal to design of public structure that it is designed after consideration of administrator and pedestrian structure in public space.
Key Words
공공공간, 기호학, 거리쓰레기통, Public space, Semiologie, Street-wastebasket
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