A Study on the Urban Design Directions for the Improvement of Life Environmental Townscape - Focused on the Planning Process for Dobong-gu Urban Design Master Plan -
문선욱 Moon Sun-wook |
JEWNR 28(0) 7-18, 2010 |
You can say that urban design is the whole of thinking, behavior, and activity for establishment of residents` good living environment. The Image of city must have present a local identity by an overall reflection and projection of inhabitants` living conditions. We could enjoy a mechanical benefit until now by the modern conveniences and indiscriminate development of the city. However, this results in a tendency come up other problems. And cityscape has made a negative image by losing the city`s identity. Urban design activities must improve the quality of life, provide utilities and instill a sense of civic ride for the residents.
The purpose of this study is to deduct issues caused by the case studies and residents` consciousness for setting up an urban design objective, to analyze the characteristics and potential of Dobong local district on the basis of present data, and to suggest a master plan according to the suitable urban axis and region. The geographical scope of the study is Dobong district in Seoul. It limits the step of design conception on the process of establishing the Dobong urban design master plan. We must change the progressive urban design action for setting an urban goal because that cityscape won`t be created in a short period time and at one swoop. The main urban design agent must be effectively connected to related fields and support various programs to citizen`s activities. This holistic system can realize a true urban design for citizens.
keyword : 도시디자인, 경관, 생활환경, urban design, townscape, life environment
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The Influence of Calligraphy to the Customer`s Visual Cognition
윤재성 Yun Jae-sung , 김철우 Kim Chul-woo |
JEWNR 28(0) 19-28, 2010 |
Calligraphy has a sense of friendliness with the human beings, and active and soft culture is derived from it. It increases the advertisement and added value of goods based on the beautiful aesthetic value.
Hangeul, Korean Alphabet, consisted of consonants and vowels are used wildly in various fields such as in the design of goods, print media, title of TV drama, poster design, design of book cover, 3D movie, animation, and film with the calligraphy in the analog and digital era.
The Calligraphy has the initiative feeling, mystery as like the melody of music, speed, and suspense that are distinguished from the delicate, straight, geometrical, and standardized structure of the digital culture.
The Calligraphy has the appealing to the sensitivity, and it occupies an important position as the component of design that can influence directly to the purchasing intention for the goods.
In this study, the customer`s Visual cognition was researched in the aesthetic side of calligraphy.
Especially, the influence appraisal for the Visual cognition of calligraphy and proper design were found based on the analysis for the preference by sex (male, female), and generation (10s, 20s, and 30s or more) in the print media, picture, design for goods (package design), and company image and brand image that were examples applied the calligraphy.
When the Calligraphy is applied to the goods and design in the future, the drawback shall be compensated, and the continuous study and effort are needed.
keyword : 캘리그래피, 시각적 인식, 조형성, Calligraphy, Visual Cognition, Aesthetic Value
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The deep expression of the human body images through digital media
김재원 Kim Jae Won |
JEWNR 28(0) 29-42, 2010 |
The modern art in the post modern era provides the various meanings which should not be determined as one concept, and the artists who implement digital media are able to make their thinking to images with perfect freedom due to the development of modern media.
As a result, this thesis is for researching art history meanings of human body images in the new culture which electronic technology has established in the 21stcentury.
From the ancient time to present, the appearance of human is the important theme in the fine art. Also, human bodies as the objects of an ideal beauty and the instruments of the conceptual fine art since Renaissance are the main concept of idiom since the 20thcentury, and are developed invarious aspects by highlighting the new perceptions and meanings of human bodies.
Especially, the fine art of human body images has the more complicated aspects which have diverse formats such as an instalment and object, photo and video as well as a performance in a medium, style and theme; however, recently many performances which deal with the insignificance of human bodies, incompletely and distortedly fragmented human bodies, and grotesque and fantastical sexual metaphor have been appeared.
Therefore, this thesis will shed light on what sort of modelling methods are used to spread and unfold the expressional features to understand human body images in a deep way.
In addition, this thesis will seek the meanings to increase the understanding about the mutual reactions by requesting and communicating about a new method of what are the spaces of digital media and are human characters, artists` own artistic techniques and art historical meanings through modern electronic media.
keyword : 디지털 매체, 테크놀러지, 인체 이미지, Digital media, technology, body images
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The aesthetic consciousness which appears in earthen cinerary urn of Unified Shilla Period
박경희 Park Kyung-hee |
JEWNR 28(0) 43-52, 2010 |
The cremation culture was advanced with Buddhism effect. We can find it through testaments of the kings in unified Shilla period and we can be able to confirm from forms and patterns of excavated earthen cinerary urns.
The aesthetic consciousness of the harmony and the amalgamation are discovered which through various cinerary urns of pagoda style·magic pear stylel·round shape style etc. and lotus flower patterns·patterns of various and the round shape etc. in unified Shilla period. The former is to respect tradition and apply the new thing and the latter is to surpass actively the civilization of the foreign nation and to unite into one.
keyword : 화장문화, 토기골호, 원융의 심미의식, the cremation culture, earthen cinerary urn, the aesthetic consciousness of the amalgamation
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Analysis of Design Characteristics on Nacre Products
박영순 Park Young-soon , 정의철 Jung Eui-chul , 김은정 Kim Eun-jeong , 한민희 Han Min-hee |
JEWNR 28(0) 53-66, 2010 |
The study aimed to analyze design characteristics of nacre culture goods sold through online shop. For the analysis, design characteristics included patterns, production techniques, and materials. Most of nacre culture goods turned out to be personal care goods and stationary, especially boxes for accessories. For the patterns, plants, animals and natural landscapes were mostly used. The applied patterns have maintained traditional and descriptive shapes, which need to be developed in more simple and abstract forms. As materails, Woods were most used and traditional Korean papers were mostly used for the goods. As a technique, most nacre culture goods were biased in Jul-eum-jil which is the one of the traditional production techniques. In this statistics can lead to misunderstanding nacre culture goods and techniques as specific characteristics even though there is a broad variety of Korean traditional patterns, production techniques.
keyword : 나전, 문화상품, 문양, 제작기법, 소재, nacre, culture goods, pattern, production technique, material
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How to apply Hangul characters for representing meanings in the Korean cultural goods
박재인 Jane Park , 박영순 Park Young-soon |
JEWNR 28(0) 67-78, 2010 |
Characters are applied to cultural products frequently in Korean culture, and it seems deeply rooted. The purpose of this study is to study methods of applying the Korean character culture, which has characters that play an extensive role and have profound meanings, to cultural products. Having examined the status, the focus has been placed on the formativeness of the characters, not conveyance of meanings. On the basis of these results. this studu attempts to propose three mrthods of using Hangeul words containing Gilsang meanings and patternize them.
The first method is to use Hangeul words with other elements. It can be largely divided into three methods: 1)using Hangeul words with consonants, 2) using Hangeul words with phrases and 3) using Hangeul words with pictures.
The second method is to divide Hangeul words. It means to divide the consonants and vowels of words, and arrange them according to a pattern regulary or irregularly. the shapes of the characters are divided, but if they are combined again, the words will be visible. This method will make it possible to read seemingly prosaic texts interestingly.
The third method is to use Hangeul words repeatedly. This method can be divided into two methods. One is to use one word repeatedly to give the effect of a geometric pattern and the other is to use several different words and patternize them.
keyword : 문화상품, 길상문자, 한글문양, Cultural Product, Gilsang character, Hangeul pattern
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A study on the impact of media of computer screen on interaction -Focusing on gender -
박화진 Pack Hwa-jin |
JEWNR 28(0) 79-90, 2010 |
All Humans are living in relation with each other. They form their community in this relationship, and such community expects and requests individuals to faithfully carry out their own responsibility. A person changes himself/herself in order to meet such expectation and request of the community, is recognized by others, and adopts himself/herself as an individual with identity in the society. Here, the Blog is a method of communication connecting humans, which is essential to social life. This is because the Blog has some various characteristics unlike offline. Specifically, first, the Blog enables surfing at all times and assists easy provision and communication of information. Second, the Blog has the characteristic as personal communication medium. In other word, it enables smooth communication and promotion of friendship. Third, only with use of images and texts on computer screen free from physical body, the Blog helps a person in informing himself/herself to others and enabling interaction with them.. Of course, such Blog has also adverse effects in addition to its good effects. We can point out its failure of transferring a variety of emotional information as one of such adverse effects. Therefore, this study suggests that understanding the Blog culture properly is essential in seeking a proper alternative to the adverse effect of the Blog and regarding the Blog as real design medium.. In this regard, the purpose of this study focused on which one of interactivity in individual`s properties and interactivity in media`s properties is more influenced by the cause of adverse effects of the Blog. In the experiment, 8 coders accessed the Blogs of writers and drew a conclusion through analysis on them. The results of study showed that self-expression by computer screen, a property of medium caused more misunderstandings than self-expression by face-to-face. Therefore, it is found that wrong interaction in cyber space is not due to individual`s property (i.e. gender) but is significantly influenced by screen medium itself. Furthermore, through this result, this study suggests that it is necessary to seek a way in which more definite interaction can be made in case of self-expression on the Blog as a future study in the aspect of design.
keyword : 컴퓨터 스크린, 상호작용성, 성별, Computer screen, perceived interactivity, Gender
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Factors Associated with Pedestrians` Body-holding Patterns
이영창 Lee Youngchang |
JEWNR 28(0) 91-100, 2010 |
The study was conducted under the hypotheses that pedestrians` body-holding patterns are influenced by various variables including physical and physiological characteristics, and that identifying those variables would be a prerequisite for designing public spaces. In this study, the public spaces were selected to observe body-holding patterns of pedestrians during two different seasons and to identify factors associated with body-holding patterns of pedestrians based on the literature and a preliminary study. The body-holding patterns include a body position and other various actions shown by pedestrians. It was found that pedestrians` body-holding positions were accompanied by other actions. The overall body-holding patterns of pedestrians were affected by various factors which include surrounding conditions, the way pedestrians deal with their luggage, the way they communicate with their companies, a distance with strangers, usages of portable gadgets, weather conditions, and so on.
keyword : 보행자 공간, 신체지지양태, 환경요인, Pedestrians, Body-holding, Environment factors
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Case Study on the Designer Like Sensitivity Training for the General Public-Focalizing on the Seoul city`s City for Women`s Happiness project, "Sungdong/Hanyang Women`s Happiness Design School" case study-
현은령 Hyun Eun-ryung |
JEWNR 28(0) 101-110, 2010 |
The main administrative project of Seoul city in the year 2009 can be narrowed down to "The City for Women`s Happiness Project" and "Seoul, Capital City of Design Project," These two main projects have a common denominator, "the sensitivity", and focus on improving the quality of life for all people.
"The City for Women`s Happiness Project" is a project in which the Seoul city government strives to transform the city into a place where women can be happy by reflecting the women`s perspectives in all administrative work. This project uses the belief that if women (housewives) who play an important role in families are happy, then the entire family and even all the citizens can be happy, as its foundation. In the midst of the design being recognized as a determining factor for a nation`s competitiveness, the "Seoul, Capital City of Design Project" finds its significance in that its purpose is for the city to be the leader and develop the economy, and improve the citizen`s quality of life by utilizing designs. The city is hosting various events such as the Seoul Design Olympics and pushing forward with many public design projects as the city was designated as the 2010 World Design Capital.
Therefore, the "Sungdong/Hanyang Women`s Happiness Design School" case study which this particular study focalizes on was an attempt of the Seoul city to create a synergy effect that the individuals and the society can be happy by putting together the aforementioned two projects. So far, the projects that had to do with designs consisted of projects in which the public institutions focused on the public design and the administrators putting a focus on the design experience training for students.
However, the designer like sensitivity training programs targeting women who live in the city`s space and are solely in charge of educating their children were non-existent. It is expected that from the city`s efforts, the women will understand and actively participate in the 21st century city design projects such as life design, public design, and design training educational programs, and their increased participation is also expected to make women into competent curators when making the creative and sensitivity friendly happy city.
keyword : 대중디자인교육, 여성행복도시 프로젝트. 디자인수도 서울, Design-education for the General Public, Women`s Happiness Projectl. Seou, Capital City of Design Project
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The Development of Public Facility Applied by Ubiquitous Technology - Centered on the Planning Program for u-City of Mapo-gu as the Model City -
박석훈 Park Seok-hoon |
JEWNR 28(0) 111-118, 2010 |
Ubiquitous technology is widely applied and supported to our daily environment for the pursuit of the convenient life in Today. Consumers recognized effective images of u-IT technology which is mainly composed of house, commercial complex, school and public facility for building comfortable usage and utilizing various composition with high advanced images.
The purpose of this study is focuses on the application and construction of public facility design which is significantly related on our daily life elements such as transportation, pedestrian environment and public service, as planning a standard model of u-City in Mapo-gu.
Based on advanced countries` cases like USA, Japan and Europe, the method of this study is proceeded by case investigation prior to searching for developing suitable Ubiquitous forms in local urban environment. Furthermore, the foundation of research materials and data provides for better environmental applications with functionality, usability and expediency as set up design developing factors. With these outcomes, it is positively expected that newly designed public facility is to prevent unnecessary existing facility and to combine with various functions as established a standard model.
Through this study, consumers can get and use necessary information and service at any time and anywhere in Ubiquitous technology applied environment. Also these facilities provide convenient living environment for residents in u-City.
keyword : 유비쿼터스, 유-시티, 공공시설물, Ubiquitous, u-City, Public Facility
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