Abstract |
All Humans are living in relation with each other. They form their community in this relationship, and such community expects and requests individuals to faithfully carry out their own responsibility. A person changes himself/herself in order to meet such expectation and request of the community, is recognized by others, and adopts himself/herself as an individual with identity in the society. Here, the Blog is a method of communication connecting humans, which is essential to social life. This is because the Blog has some various characteristics unlike offline. Specifically, first, the Blog enables surfing at all times and assists easy provision and communication of information. Second, the Blog has the characteristic as personal communication medium. In other word, it enables smooth communication and promotion of friendship. Third, only with use of images and texts on computer screen free from physical body, the Blog helps a person in informing himself/herself to others and enabling interaction with them.. Of course, such Blog has also adverse effects in addition to its good effects. We can point out its failure of transferring a variety of emotional information as one of such adverse effects. Therefore, this study suggests that understanding the Blog culture properly is essential in seeking a proper alternative to the adverse effect of the Blog and regarding the Blog as real design medium.. In this regard, the purpose of this study focused on which one of interactivity in individual`s properties and interactivity in media`s properties is more influenced by the cause of adverse effects of the Blog. In the experiment, 8 coders accessed the Blogs of writers and drew a conclusion through analysis on them. The results of study showed that self-expression by computer screen, a property of medium caused more misunderstandings than self-expression by face-to-face. Therefore, it is found that wrong interaction in cyber space is not due to individual`s property (i.e. gender) but is significantly influenced by screen medium itself. Furthermore, through this result, this study suggests that it is necessary to seek a way in which more definite interaction can be made in case of self-expression on the Blog as a future study in the aspect of design. |
Key Words |
컴퓨터 스크린, 상호작용성, 성별, Computer screen, perceived interactivity, Gender |