Abstract |
Calligraphy has a sense of friendliness with the human beings, and active and soft culture is derived from it. It increases the advertisement and added value of goods based on the beautiful aesthetic value.
Hangeul, Korean Alphabet, consisted of consonants and vowels are used wildly in various fields such as in the design of goods, print media, title of TV drama, poster design, design of book cover, 3D movie, animation, and film with the calligraphy in the analog and digital era.
The Calligraphy has the initiative feeling, mystery as like the melody of music, speed, and suspense that are distinguished from the delicate, straight, geometrical, and standardized structure of the digital culture.
The Calligraphy has the appealing to the sensitivity, and it occupies an important position as the component of design that can influence directly to the purchasing intention for the goods.
In this study, the customer`s Visual cognition was researched in the aesthetic side of calligraphy.
Especially, the influence appraisal for the Visual cognition of calligraphy and proper design were found based on the analysis for the preference by sex (male, female), and generation (10s, 20s, and 30s or more) in the print media, picture, design for goods (package design), and company image and brand image that were examples applied the calligraphy.
When the Calligraphy is applied to the goods and design in the future, the drawback shall be compensated, and the continuous study and effort are needed. |
Key Words |
캘리그래피, 시각적 인식, 조형성, Calligraphy, Visual Cognition, Aesthetic Value |