Product Family Formation Method of Chairs by Arne Jacobsen and Jurgen Bey
김진우 Kim Jinwoo |
JEWNR 46(0) 7-16, 2015 |
The purpose of this study is to investigate chair design which forms product family. In case of chair design, a series of product family in which various variables are applied to diverse forms would appear. A concept of product family was adopted in this kind of product group. This study paid attention to new diverse variables which have emerged within a single frame titled `product family` and social phenomena which influence these variables. In addition, they were analyzed based on chair design cases. For this, literature review and case study & analysis were conducted.
This study is structured as follows; In chapter 2, a theoretical review on product family was performed. In chapter 3, types of product family in design were described. In chapters 4 and 5, two artists and their chairs were explained. In chapter 6, two chairs were comparatively analyzed, and conclusion was given. This study attempted to comparatively analyze chairs which revealed changes and differences even under the same concept of `product family`. For a case study, therefore, `7 Chair` by Arne Jacobsen (1902-1971) and `Kokon Chair` by Jurgen Bey were selected. Even though they were analyzed from the same perspective as `product family`, the characteristics of two chairs were differentiated. As a result, the product family formation method in chair design was compared trough analysis on the two cases.
keyword : 제품군, 아르네 야콥슨, 유르헨 베이, Product Family, Arne Jacobsen, Jurgen Bey
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Perceived Hair-style Benefits Sought and Preference for Particular Female Image Appeals according to Face Shape and BMI among Female College Students
이영아 Young A Lee |
JEWNR 46(0) 17-26, 2015 |
The purpose of this study was to identify the differences in the level of hair-style benefits sought and the preference for particular image appeals according to face shape and BMI among female collage students. Subjects were 176 female students of colleges located in Seoul and its suburbs in Gyeongki Province.
The findings were that face shape and BMI were important factors in the differences in the level of hair-style benefits sought and the preference for particular image appeals. In the square group the level of hair-style benefits sought was the lowest, while in the long group it was the highest. Also the low BMI group showed the highest level of hair-style benefits sought, while the high BMI group revealed the lowest.
To conclude, women`s face shapes and BMIs can have a considerable influence on the hair-style behaviour and the preference for particular image appeals. From this conclusion, it can be noted that the influence of BMI goes beyond just the matter of how much fat gain there is.
keyword : 얼굴형, BMI, 헤어 추구혜택, Face Shape, Hair-style Benefits Sought
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Intertextuality in Contemporary Men`s Wear Collections - With a Focus on Paris, Milan and New york Collection from 2010 A/W~2012 S/S -
최동은 Choi Dong Eun , 권혜숙 Kwon Hae Sook |
JEWNR 46(0) 27-36, 2015 |
The purpose of this study is to analyze design pattern and feature used for contemporary men`s wear, focused on designs appeared in fashion collection. The content analysis was performed for empirical test to analyze inter-textual design feature, around 843 pictures selected based on 5 design features out of 7,221 pictures collected mainly from Paris, Milan, and New York collection published in the『GAP Press Men』, a magazine, for A/W season, 2010 through S/S season, 2012.
The results of this study are as follows ;
First, for inter-textual design, the Paris collection was highest, followed by Milan, New York.
Second, features and frequency of inter-textual design are as follows; It was analyzed that the features of inter-textual design were 5 types such as gender neutralization, style mixture, item redundancy, order confusion, and length confusion.
The results of design feature analysis from this study are as follows; gender neutralization is divided into wearing of strong male image and of femininity emphasis.
Style mixture appeared in crossed use of items of business suits and those of casual wears, which seems a free coordination phenomenon. Item redundancy appearing in the male clothes tended to enhance individuality through simple redundancy of the same items and redundancy of different clothes, which tendency is in common with female clothes. In the mean time, order confusion is a wearing style which looks natural and can enhance individuality of the wearers although it is out of the normal order of wearing and it can be classified into order confusion in casual wear and order confusion in business wear.
Though it is a natural wearing style in women`s clothes, length confusion is a violation of length order in men`s clothes, which shows the individuality of the wearer.
Although these characteristics appear in women`s clothes, we can see that there are differences in the method of expression. Following studies need to segmentalize men`s clothes in more detail just like the styles of women`s clothes and analyzed them by era, not by year.
keyword : 남성복, 해체주의, 상호텍스트성, Men`s wear, De-construction, Intertextuality
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A Study on Branding Strategy of the EXPO
권윤경 Kwon Yun-kyoung |
JEWNR 46(0) 37-46, 2015 |
With the increasing income, Movements are actively taking place to improve the competitiveness among cities and countries. During this, Branding Expo is situated as an important factor in determining the attractiveness of the cities, further countries. Mega-events such as the Certified Expo contributes to enhance the brand value of the local tourism products through improving regional recognition and image. At the same time, It contributes to vitalize the local economy through increased tourism income and attract tourists, and build a tourism infrastructure in regional development dimension. With significantly changed the understanding of the international community about the Expo, such as a mega event, the perception that Expo is used as a means of leaps and regional development of the national economy and national unity is spreading. Therefore, many countries are competitively rushing to host the Expo.
Expo is an opportunity to recognize the nature of national identity and national brands as well as giving us a country`s planning, ideas and information, the capacity to deal with design. In this study, I was looking for branding strategies and plans for future by analyzing the current status of the domestic and international, certified and unofficial Expos in order to propose the direction of brand development for improving the image of the country and city, the importance and the role of the Expo(Mega Event Design) brand design development. As a result, that derives Expo brand strategies which are establishing a differentiation strategy as a brand identity, designing an unofficial Expo as a regional tourism brand content, and constructing an accredited certification system of an unofficial Expo.
keyword : 엑스포, 엑스포브랜드, 브랜드아이덴티티, Expo, Expo Brand, Brand Identity
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Development on the Value Stage Model of Convergent Service Design according to the Fusion of Service Industries
천하봉 Chun Habong |
JEWNR 46(0) 47-60, 2015 |
Innovation and productivity of service design is generated from invisible values that are created through the consumer-oriented environmental system rather than from scientific and logical perspectives of providers. Thus, service design has to be made from the comprehensive touch points which create user experiences through service infrastructure establishment, distinctive contents experience, and execution of contents in the infrastructure. Accordingly, the development structure of service design has to be addressed individually based on the service industry system and the development areas. And a systemic organization through step-by-step structures is required for evaluation of the outcomes, classification of the role models, and financial reward standards. In order to improve competency of service design, convergence service activation is urgently needed and at the same time, a systemic role of service design is required. Accordingly, for the creation of customer-oriented convergence business and the progress of convergence service design industry, this study aims to investigate the followings. First, service industry will be viewed with a fusion perspective and the novel values of convergence innovations will be classified. Simultaneously, structural systems for convergence service industry and convergence service development will be investigated. Second, the steps of fusion service design will be structured and the areas and values of development targets will be defined. This study will be able to explain the role and status of fusion service design in the service industry, which will help the service design be established as a formal design area by providing evidence for systematic roles and created strategic values of such design outcomes. Eventually, the academic system of service design will be firmly established. At the same time, the next-generation convergence service industry will be identified and the competency of convergence service-based industry will be further fortified.
keyword : 서비스산업, 서비스디자인, 서비스모델, Service Industry, Service Design, Service Model
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A Study on Spread and Imitation of wearing head dresses in Joseon Dynasty
안인희 Ahn In Hee |
JEWNR 46(0) 61-72, 2015 |
Joseon Dynasty is a country that women in that time were forced to live on the law, Nae-Wei, which is based on Neo-Confucianism.
However, Joseon had a class system that the application standard of courtesy applied for the high class women, female civilians and the low class women was all different. But one of the symbolic factors in Nae-Wei law, wearing the costume of facial mask had been spread regardless of the social status since the end of Joseon Dynasty. This research, accordingly, analyzed of spreading for wearing the costume of facial mask for gentry women, female civilians and the low class women by the social status and the agreement motives. Also the categorization for social agreement motives by Kelman has been utilized the way of this research method of this study.
The result of this research is as in the following.
Firstly, the motive for spreading the costume of facial mask for high class women went through the internalization process. In the early and middle period of the Joseon Dynasty, both the law and the system for the costume of facial mask have been practiced, at the same time, the base which set up the view of Nae-Wei systematically was offered to the high class women. Wearing the costume of facial mask since the middle period of the Joseon Dynasty has been practiced so became the way of life without any control by the country. The costume of facial mask was a dress code that symbolized the virtuous women who were the best norm of value and was internalized with the law, Nae-Wei.
Secondly, the agreement motives for the costume of facial mask for female civilians and the low class women passed the procedure that those women felt the same themselves as the high class women. women from the costume imitation psychologically. The costume of facial mask for civilians and the low class women became the one symbolizing the high class women as the subject for a prohibitive costume. At the end of the Joseon Dynasty, female civilians showed the aspect identifying themselves with the high class women by copying not only the costume of facial mask for the high class women but also the sense of ethics, sexual fidelity.
Thus, the spreading phenomenon on wearing the costume of facial mask for both the high class women and female civilians and the low class women was similar but the agreement motives appeared in different way.
keyword : 조선시대 복식, 복식동조, 폐면용 복식, Joseon Dynasty Costume, Costume Conformity, Head dresses
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Active Seniors and Their New Fashion
권혜숙 Haesook Kwon |
JEWNR 46(0) 73-83, 2015 |
The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of female elderly consumers from the baby-boomer generation in Korea and domestic fashion brands targeting this particular demographic group. The results are as follows:
Active seniors are emerging as a new consumer group and receives the spotlight in many areas because of their active economic activity. They can afford time and money to indulge themselves, and have an active purchasing power, especially giving high priority to buying clothes. RUBY is the major fashion consumer group which is interested in senior citizens` beauty, health, and leisure activities. The beauty and fashion industry actively target this specific group.
The domestic industry of fashion brands for senior women is just at the level of settling down. To boost the future fashion market for senior women, it is necessary to set up a new brand strategy which based on understanding of consumer preferences and awareness towards fashion, and to develop the design through in-depth research on figure analysis of new senior women and pattern making. Also, market segmentation and clear positioning is needed to meet the new needs of senior women as well as a new way of internet marketing which is suitable for physiological changes and consumption patterns or consumer behavior of active seniors, and a marketing strategy which combines analog sensitivity with IT techniques for `Smart Silver`, is required.
keyword : Domestic Senior Women`s Fashion Market, Active Senior, Smart Silver
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The extension of concepts and functions for jewellery : Focusing on the extension of meaning of jewellery as reinterpreting concept of wearable
김계옥 Kim Kye-ok |
JEWNR 46(0) 85-94, 2015 |
The study examined the extension of meaning and function of jewellery through the new value of jewellery reinterpreted the concept of wearable. Based on the idea, examining the jewellery as new communication tool through fusing art, design and science. As analyzing on conceptual jewellery art which various trying to identity of jewellery reversed traditional jewellery formation, deducting restructure and extension of recognition for general jewellery. It inspects possibility to the formation of new jewellery through analyzing jewellery approached to body itself, extended functions of body and sensorial experience as based on the function and meaning of interaction with area of jewellery through the use of body in area of performance art, product and fashion design. It is possible to decorate as the body itself by the ornament tool of sensory experience, showing the extended possibility of functions as desktop, techno and medical jewellery as adding various functions of products. The new language of sensory jewellery through the extended function and meaning of body space could be developed the cultural emoti-con beyond the beautiful object.
keyword : 장신구 아트, 웨어러블 아트, 장신구의 기능, Art jewellery, Wearable art, Functions of jewellery
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The Trend Change Showed on the Design Elements of Modern Men`s Suits -Focused on 2011 S/S ~ 2013 F/W Fashion Collections-
박영희 Park Younghee |
JEWNR 46(0) 95-106, 2015 |
In this study a difference in the design elements for both men`s suit jacket and pants and men`s suit silhouette was analyzed according to year and season. The data for this study was collected from STYLE.COM and the men`s suit photographs of six hundred from S/S fashion 2011 to F/W fashion 2013 were used. To analyze the collected data statistically x2-test was carried out using SPSS 20. The results were as follows. An analysis of the difference in design elements about men`s suit jackets according to year and season showed that the silhouette, lapel type, pocket type, color and pattern had a significant difference among design elements used according to year and season but the jacket opening breasted types and lapels didn`t have a significant difference. In case of the men`s jacket the using ratio of the H-line lapel, notched lapel, regular lapel, single lapel, flap lapel, achromatic color lapel and solid lapel showed highly as a whole. An analysis of the difference in the lapel width, lapel type and pocket type according to the sort of jacket`s silhouette showed that the lapel width and type have a significant difference but the pocket type didn`t have a significant difference. An analysis of the difference in design elements for men`s suit pants according to year and season showed that the silhouette, width, trouser cuffs, color and pattern had a significant difference according to year and season. In case of the men`s pants the using ratio of the fitted silhouette, plane silhouette, achromatic color silhouette and solid silhouette showed highly as a whole. An analysis the difference in the pants length and trouser cuffs according to the silhouette of men`s suit pants showed that the using ratio of the pants length and trouser cuffs according to the silhouette had a significant difference.
keyword : 남성 수트, 디자인 요소, 트렌드 변화, men`s suit, design elements, trend change
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Analysis of the Existing Housing Design Guidelines for the Disabled in Korea
김보애 Kim Bo-ae , 이연숙 Lee Yeun-sook |
JEWNR 46(0) 107-116, 2015 |
Although, living environment shaping is important, as the aged and disabled people rapidly increase recently, there is no regulation on the inside of housing for the disabled and the elderly in the current laws and regulations. Even though, some guidelines were steadily developed, according to the urgency of situation, despite no existence of the relevant laws and regulations, any comprehensive and analytic research on those guidelines has yet to be carried out. This purpose of this study is to generalize the existing guidelines for the housing for the disabled and analysis of the compositional characteristics. The target for analysis is 10 existing housing guidelines for the disabled, developed after 2000s to the present. The content analysis technique was used. Analysis criteria included target housing types, target disability type, development purpose and procedures and spatial type and disability type. As a result, there were first lack of consistency and reliability of the guideline omitting the source and origins of those items. Second, 9 space 71 classified concept were extracted using 1910 items from source of literature. In conclusion, even though the structure of the guideline were found., there are in great need to develop guidelines for the disabled housing which will be more important in the future.
keyword : 장애인주택, 주택가이드라인, 내용분석기법, Disabled Housing, Housing Guideline, Content Analysis Technique
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