A Study on the Body Shapes of 40~60s` obese women
김효숙 Kim Hyo-sook , 이소영 Lee So-young |
JEWNR 31(0) 7-16, 2011 |
The purpose of this study is to provide the fundamental data of the body shape for the 40s, 50s, 60s obese women.
In order to identify the body shape of obese women, this study analyzed the direct measurements of `Size Korea 2004` and shapes of 3D horizontal section through the 3D measurements.
The results were as follows;
1. In all items, obese women`s measurements had high values than non-obese women`s, except for the height. In height, there were no significant differences between the obese women and ordinary women of the same age groups.
2. Measurements in width, thickness, circumference, length, and weight, there were significant differences between obese women and non-obese women, and especially obese women`s waist and navel level waist were much thicker than non-obese women`s.
3. The circumference of waist and navel level waist, and length of clutch of obese women had high values.
4. The shapes of horizontal sections of 40s, 50s, 60s obese woman subjects were almost similar to average women`s, but the horizontal sections were bigger and much more thicker than that.
5. The size and shapes of 40s obese woman subject`s horizontal section were similar to average women`s, but 50s obese woman subject had wider and thicker in waist and navel level waist measurements than average women`s.
6. The body shape of 60s obese woman subject is flat in back waist, and protrude in front abdomen.
keyword : 3D 인체측정, 인체 단면형상, 비만여성, 3D measurement, horizontal section, Obese women
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An Analysis of Sexual Image Types of Men`s Fashion - In TV Trendy Dramas -
윤지영 Yoon Ji-young , 유태순 Yoo Tai-soon |
JEWNR 31(0) 17-28, 2011 |
The purpose of this research is to figure out the type of modern male`s sexual image which is the key clue to predict 21c men`s fashion market by analyzing men` s fashion through recent TV trendy drama programs that will work as a basic data to dominate the advantage in marketing by dealing with the fast transferring men`s fashion market.
Three drama were selected with a program ratings that exceeds 30% and popular among various range in age through TV trendy dramas from January to July of 2009. Nine male celebrities with distinct characters in each of the drama were selected and their sexual image was analyzed. The sexual image type was analyzed by silhouette, details, materials, color, accessories, and hairstyle and the results are as followed.
The results of analyzing the sexual image patterns of male celebrities of domestic TV trendy dramas shows that nine of the male celebrities expressed diversified sexual images in dramas but the Retro sexual, Cross sexual, and Gastro sexual trait of character were not salient. Rather the Metro sexual with a concept of femininity combined on masculinity and Uber sexual based on transformation of traditional concept are most prominent in modern fashion.
keyword : 남성복, 성이미지, TV 트렌디드라마, men`s fashion, sexual image, TV trendy drama
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Characteristics and Tendency of LED Lighting Design Using diffusing Effect of Fabric in Interior Space
양보람 Yang Boram , 정강화 Chung Kangwha |
JEWNR 31(0) 29-40, 2011 |
The light in interior space is being recognized as a material itself rather than just a thing that provides the brightness. Because of importance of the diffusion of light in interior, the choice of material considering the effects of diffusion and transmission of light is needed in lighting fixtures. In particular, there has to be an urgent research in regard to a mechanism of the diffusion of light on account of minimized light point resource, straightness of the light, and the protection of glare. Accordingly in this study, selected cases were analyzed to present a possibility of the usage of fabric as diffusing material and study characteristics and tendency of LED lighting design utilizing diffusion of fabric. Basis of analysis is classified with morphological characteristic and express characteristics. As a result, the analysis according to morphological characteristics, there was a tendency that the LED lighting utilizing fabric extends from a form of independent lighting fixture to a form unified in a space appeared. Also various diffusion surface formed and diffusing effect of light appeared to express characteristics of fabric such as drape, stretch, and tactile impression. This study shows that the fabric, a diffusing material of LED lighting has an advantage of morphological freedom and various lighting diffusion effects as in design aspect. It is expected to have smart writing technology applied to an interior environment in a natural way without a sense of difference through a utilization of fabric material.
keyword : LED 조명, 확산소재, 패브릭, LED lighting, Diffusing material, Fabric
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A Case of Advertisement Illustration by the Metaphors
김경선 Kim Kyung-sun , 사문룡 Shi Wen-long |
JEWNR 31(0) 41-51, 2011 |
Generally, an advertisement expression is composed of language factors and visual language factors, of which the latter is more effective in advertisement than the former, advertisement experts say. Especially, this thesis recognizes illustration, one of the visual language expression ways, to be important in enhancing the effectiveness of advertisement.
Hence, rhetorical metaphors are applied as creative expressions of advertisement illustration. Rhetorical metaphors are generally classified into simile, metaphor, personification, synecdoche, metonymy, and allegory.
The illustrations of various product advertisements, business advertisements, and public service advertisements are analyzed. A total of 22 advertisement Illustrations including 4 using simile, 4 metaphor, 4 synecdoche, 4 personification, 2 metonymy, and 4 allegories are analyzed. Illustrations of the product advertisement are 14 altogether including 4 with simile, 4 synecdoche, 3 personification, 2 metonymy, and 1 allegory, which is about half of the total works. 6 public service advertisements, 2 business advertisement illustrations are analyzed.
The studies of advertisement illustrations by figurative rhetorics have been increased recently, but it doesn`t seem to be enough. Therefore, I hope this paper will contribute to activating studies related to advertisement illustrations and providing basic theoretic basis necessary to stir up creative illustrations.
keyword : 시각언어, 수사학적 비유법, 광고 일러스트레이션, Visual Language, Rhetoric Metaphors, Advertisement Illustration
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The Use of Visual Perception in Interface Design - Focused on the Optical Illusion -
정승은 Seung Eun Chung , 엄린아 Lin-a Eom , 류한영 Han Young Ryoo |
JEWNR 31(0) 53-62, 2011 |
The importance of interface design has been emphasized since the end of 20th century and the principles of visual perception have applied to many interface design works.
The purposes of this study are to understand the optical illusions which might represent the principles of visual perception, and to investigate designers` use experiences of them and their applicabilities to the future design works.
The result of the study shows that designers have not highly used the optical illusions in their works. However, it is clear that designers highly agree that the illusions and understanding of them are useful in the cases they have used them in their works.
This study also provides designers with some optical illusions and their practical application techniques for the future interface design. In addition, such results might be the bases of the future research regarding the principles of visual perception in the design research field.
keyword : 시지각, 착시 현상, 인터페이스 디자인, Visual perception, optical illusion, interface design
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Art-Makeup Design Using The Femme Fatale Image in Gustav Klimt`s works
김미현 Kim Mi-hyun , 유태순 Yoo Tai-soon |
JEWNR 31(0) 63-76, 2011 |
This study is aimed to explore the possibility of new art field of art makeup by expanding Gustav Klimt paintings to makeup. Especially, among his paintings, it is well understood the strong symbolic images of Femme Fatale as an art of view and a part of beauty value . So, I tried to express the female body curves as the object.
After the work, the introduction of Gustav Klimt image and symbolic decoration is found that it can give tremendous impact on the art makeup to express the inside of human with colorful language to become plastic arts.
Therefore art makeup will secure culture art position going over makeup artists` festival. Also it
will be a performance art which can offer communication place for appreciation of color magic and performance.
keyword : 구스타프 클림트, 팜므파탈, 아트 메이크업, Gustav Klimt, Femme Fatale, Art makeup
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Electronic-book Design Process Through an Investigation into History and Design Elements of the Book : on form and function with consideration of product-environment design
김현정 Kim Hyunjung |
JEWNR 31(0) 77-86, 2011 |
This paper is to propose a new form of a book that has been developed and changed over the long period of time. It is important as books are no longer passively read by readers but becoming an active digital medium, turning the readers into users.
For the project, a design process of four stages were taken. First, the history of books was reviewed and design elements of books were analyzed. Second, the characteristics of electronic-book were investigated. Third, design concepts and designs of the electronic-book were developed. Lastly, the final design of the electronic-book was proposed.
In an approach to the integrated design solution of the electronic-book, understanding book as a cultural artifact in the context of history and the analysis of various design elements and design issues were needed. Three development phases took place to finalize the concepts into keywords. The four concept keywords were, 1) ergonomic, 2) eco-friendly, 3) user-friendly, and 4) continuant.
The proposed design of the electronic-book embodies changes of the media, the user, and the environment, harmonizes with the systems of the nature, and corresponds with various issues that product-environment design faces, expecting to enhance the value of the design.
keyword : 전자책, 책디자인 요소, 제품환경디자인, electronic-book, book design elements, product environment design
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Japonism characteristics influence on the formation of Modern design
강민정 Kang Min-jeung , 임경호 Lim Kyung-ho |
JEWNR 31(0) 87-96, 2011 |
Europe of 19th century was being transformed as modern society. The reason was the Industrial Revolution, the change of production system, and soon it became an origin of changes economically, socially and culturally. The human being`s energy which is the source of economic activity was changed as machinery energy and the land was changed into plant. With those changes, city`s development and citizens who are the new main agent of economy were born.
These kinds of economic and social changes required new cultural changes. This was not only just for artistic exclusive property but also culture for ordinary people with large quantity production. The western Europe was attracted by orientalism that they had never experienced before because their previous culture was recycled plastic historically.
Under this circumstance, Japonisme is formed. The oriental Japonisme that affected to western Europe has social features from Edo period as the result of Japanese Edo period. The Social background of the Edo period is related to European modern society from a development point of view in a urbiculture and a civil culture and we found that Japonisme was not just a simple curiosity of new culture.
Japonisme was not just a trend or hobby and affected to European modern society. Specifically, Japonisme`s morphologic, colorful and shocking compositing expression as ready-made became a background for new esthetic and plastic materials during the period that the concept and importance of design were defined as mass production method. The fact that the design of modernism as geometric expression suitable for a mass production and machine aesthetics was affected by Japonisme cannot be denied.
keyword : 자포니즘, 근대 디자인, 우키요에, Japonisme, Modern Design, Ukiyo-e
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Characteristic of New Silver Generation`s Color Preference
서주환 Suh Joo Hwan |
JEWNR 31(0) 97-106, 2011 |
Korea is a world-unprecedented rapid transition to an aged society. So, it forecast real demand moment of aged industry in 2020, and domestic aged population ratio is expected to reach the highest to 38.2 percent by 2050. Rapid transition to an aged of population brings about diverse society and economic changes. Especially, Silver-friendly industry is showing rapid development at times growth of new-silver generation who has an economic power. New-silver generation is experienced consumer than the consumer any class. So, it demands the emotional approach that out of a material value sufficiency for their needs.
Since the information society, importance of color is getting bigger with changed to emotional society that impacted importance of sensibility area. But, a study that about new-silver who is emerging in a new consume of people is weak. Accordingly, this study is examining research trend about people of new-silver generation and analyzing color of preference through survey. And, it present fundamental data of appropriate color usage plan for them on analysis of survey.
keyword : 뉴실버세대, 색채, 선호특성, new-silver generation, color research, color preference, preference characteristics
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A Study on the Visual Impact in Television Advertising: Analysis of the Samsung Fire and Marine Insurance Company`s "Fishing"and "Driving" Commercials
정동환 Jung Dong-hwan |
JEWNR 31(0) 107-118, 2011 |
The insurance advertisement of < Samsung Fire and Marine Insurance Company`s 2010 TV Advertisement `Fishing` and `Driving` Edition > induces audiences` effective immersion with an intuitive language structure (narration, text) and the Mise-en-Scene expression of shots in order to show future needs as the types of consumption. The visual scandal refers to what attracts eyes unconsciously and arouses interest by giving visual stimuli through unrealistic visual images with unusual expressions hard to understand since they are out of our common sense visually. Two TV advertisements of Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance which shocked this researcher`s eyes and inside used digital quick zoon with VISUAL IMPACT.
Focusing on the movement of time and space resulted from audiovisual elements, image analysis (shots and shot meaning analysis), and digital edition (digital quick zoom) through the intuitive language structure (narration and text) of < Samsung Fire and Marine Insurance Company`s 2010 TV Advertisement `Fishing` and `Driving` Edition > accepting such effects of consciousness, this study aims to examine how the synesthetic effects of human consciousness perceiving and recognizing `moving images` are being utilized in the meaning structure strategies of TV advertisement.
keyword : 비주얼 스캔들, 디지털 퀵 줌, TV 광고, Visual Scandal, Digital Quick Zoom, TV Advertisement
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