N. Hartman`s Value Circles and Aesthetic Location
민병일 |
JEWNR 7(0) 6-13, 2002 |
N.Hartman advocated the independence of value. He stressed that the value does not rely on actual facts but stands independently. He attributed the value to inner attitude or spontaneity of feeling as well as reaction to experienced facts. This value comes from intuition and it comes from purity and universality in its categorematic structure. According to N.Hartman, relativity and absoluteness are complimentary to each other in the value. He asserted that the aesthetic value represents all kinds of beauty. This special quality of the beauty can be discovered in natural beauty and human physical appearance as well as art. This beauty comes out of the personality of humans. This aesthetic value is comprised of the existence and comfort values, and the independence of their aesthetic value can be summarized as follows: First, the existence and comfort values do not reappear as element in the aesthetic value. Second, the level of the existence and comfort values does not determine the level of the aesthetic value. Third, the realization of the existence and comfort values is not related to the realization of the aesthetic value. This study comes to conclusion that the value ranks in order of aesthetic value, ethical value, life value, existence value, and comfort value. However, N.Hartman viewed that the aesthetic value is not universally or inevitably based on the ethical value, life value, existence value, and comfort value in order and that nothing should be based on any of these. In conclusion, the aesthetic beauty cannot be arrayed in order and nothing can be revealed but for just a distinctive one.
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A Study on the inter - relation of a Package Design & a Brand
문수근 |
JEWNR 7(0) 28-42, 2002 |
An enterprise and it`s image created by it`s goods are leading customers toward a tendancy of the purchase by a specific brand, that is caused by the situation of the competition of goods, the change of consumer`s thinking, the diversification of a modern`s life style, and the radical change of international circumstances by continuous technological revolution. In these market surroundings, a brand is passing over the simple function of an indication of goods, now including consumer`s psychological satisfaction and trust, and being recognized as a final value of the enterprise. Researches on competitive goods and production of a characteristic brand must be resolved when we consider our market surroundings, such as invasion of renowned brands from oversea, expansion and growth of competitive brands both in domestic and international. I believe that the establishment of a successful brand image can be fulfilled only by the consistent technological development of enterprises, by the continuous creation of item fashion, and by the perfect quality control and consistent after service. The materials and the variables of a strategy and a decision in every package design are related with the adjustment of marketing elements. These marketing elements are taking a key role in determinating a package desing and a brand. Design strategy and creation effort based on the objective substantial references and reserarchs could be most effective means of sale. Even though mass production and bulk sale contain the overall effectiveness of advertisment of goods, a package design satisfies the conditions of protection, delivery and distribution of goods, moreover the well-represented properly applied strategy in package itself, which you can say a successful package, will be the most crucial catalyzer in a sale of goods. In conclusion, a sale of goods is very depend on the reputaation of a brand or it`s image, which means that a brand or it`s image have to be emphasized in a package design. The fact is that a package is designed by a brand.
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A Study on Image Expression Technique of Advertising Animation
박일재 |
JEWNR 7(0) 46-64, 2002 |
Recently, using animation to advertising is a part of trend of visualization in the modern society. But it is easy to differentiate it from the other advertising and it gives the customers intimate because it uses excellent originality and various expression techniques, advantages of animation. However, although it uses animation to advertising unconditionally, it is difficult to get effectiveness of advertising. The reason is why animation advertising for interest does not notice the products for public relations. If the selection of character is wrong or there is no originality or it does not give the customers a feeling of intimacy, there is no significance used in animation to advertising. On a basis of this situation, this study is to execute experimental research for grasping a factor which customers like among expression factors of animation and a method how to produce in the production of CF by target. The object of the first survey was an expert group that produced advertising professionally. The object of the second survey was a customer who met with advertising. As expression factors of animation creative, it classifies four factors: subject matters, patterns, emotions and techniques. First it classifies CF that a man, an animal and a man and an animal make an appearance simultaneously as subject materials for expression of animation. Second, it classifies in comics and pictures as expression techniques of animation. Third, it classifies plane and cubic patterns of animation. Lastly, it investigates it by classifying Korean-like and Western-like in the emotional aspect of expression. As a result of measuring 4 factors of preference in the experimental survey, the factor that the customers recognized most was animation techniques. The picture-like factor preferred the comic-like as a result of investigation. Also, a kind of materials was highly regarded among expression factors. When it was made the whole age as an object, the pattern of animation with most effective to the customers was animal-like, picture-like, cubic-like and Korean-like as an order. Accordingly, in producing CF being object of a target without subdivision, when it is produced by constituting animal-like, picture-like, cubic-like and Korean-like factors of expression among animation factors, it may give the customers strong impression.
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The study regarding the weekly bulletin editing design of the Korean church
임태윤 |
JEWNR 7(0) 68-80, 2002 |
This paper is contents about a weekly paper design of a Korean church. Comparison analyzed each other the result that a study method collected the weekly which was a current busy and selected about 100 nationwide church at random, and checked design cognition about a weekly report. Principal contents of this text are size of the weekly report and number of pages of the weekly bulletin, an existence and nonexistence of an illustration and a kind of an illustration, used a color and included contents in the weekly paper. Contents about a cognition examination to have done believers with a target are necessity and function of the weekly, loading a church picture on the first page, a thing about collar print, and practical use of the weekly. using the previous examination data, this study was researched about a problem and improvement plan of currently using the weekly bulletin. The examination result, Size of the weekly report of churches is mostly different and cannot be practical on a case-by-case basis A standardization worked, and there was an illustration of the weekly and did not become discrimination serious trouble. A color seemed to be a monotone, and the size of a church pictures or the situation appeared by needing a regulation. In order to solve these problems, each churches appeared by must consider production necessity of an illustration to be able to do discrimination anger and a problem of a picture stowage. There are more a lot of people than a thought who had a negative sight about publishing a church picture in the first page therefore, we must consider this dot when we design a weekly paper. with a base to follow contents to be above, this paper that presented the course in order to be able to become help, but it left a purpose in design production with a problem proposal a little from now on.
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A Research Study on Layouts in American Magazines - With Priority Given to American Magazine Advertisements in Modern Times -
김영식 , 강영수 |
JEWNR 7(0) 84-96, 2002 |
In the 21st century, information and culture seem to dominate many aspects of human life. Advertising, as a form of visual communication, has played an increasingly more prominent role in the intermationalization, antifeudalization anddiversification of societies. With the increasing influences of advertisements, there is also a rise in cirticism pointed at advertisements. This issue needs to be clarified. Does advertisement media really communicate rational visual information to the consumer`s purchasing decision? If so, do advertisements accomplish this primarily through conveying visual information? Therefore, this research focused on the necessary visual elements of advertisements found in modern American magazines. After the Second World War, magazines and publications, TV, and the advertisement field have changed remarkably. In particular, 1950`s magazine advertisement industry went through a printing techniques revolution through an elaborative photocopy printing technipues named " full color reproduction." Advanced printing techniques and photography were adopted and applied experimentally to a wide range of fields, which, in turn, brought about the developmenet of graphic design and increasing participation of graphic designers in diverse media. Based on these characteristics, this period could be called the golden age of American magazine advertisements. And it developed while advertisements accomplished their own purpose of conveying appropriate visual information. From this analysis and research have done on visual elements of magazine advertisements such as layouts. I expect that useful reference materials will be formed to raise a growing model for Korean magazine advertisements.
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A Study about the Structure of Style on Credit Titles in Motion Picture - mainly with 100 major motion pictures -
김인철 |
JEWNR 7(0) 100-115, 2002 |
Credit titles meant only narrations of acting persons were at the beginning of motion pictures without sounds. But the meanning of credits are changing because of coming the era for scenic images. The scenic images with motion pictures are setting for important with many tools as computers and cam-corders. We can create many of images with ease at any time. In motion picture, the credit titles have created in between films many aspects, especially whole through the movies. The credit titles are made in 3 major parts-Pre Credit, Post Credit and Mid Credit. Production title, main thtile and sub credit are for Pre Credit. Caption and sub titles as descriptions for second languages are Mid Credit. Text summaries for whole movies people and as `The End` are Post Credit. Otherwise, the constructions of credit are in various. In 100 major motion pictures selected by AFI(American Film Institute), BFI(British Film Institute) and Cine 21 of Korea have expressed at moderate level. Compare to the other films not in 100 major, this is period of computer graphic interface of well coordinated with the films in these days, the credit titles are in somewhat classic shape still. And the visual communication designers have practised well since 1950s for better images in some major films.
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A Study for the Utility of the Product Representations with Web3D Animation - Toward the Internet Shopping Mall -
강민수 |
JEWNR 7(0) 118-128, 2002 |
There are diversifying to advertise their goods by developing of WEB environment. Simple expression by photo, vod and Web3D method will be a typical expression for each goods. Recently, the expression of products with Web3d has been embossing through the development of Web environment and Internet. Especially, Specialized Web3d is appearing else that is using only Web3d to express the expression of products on the Internet shopping mall. The most effective way is display the items But, In this situation that can`t express the true products through the Internet shopping mall I tried to verify this Web3D expression method through searching with this treatise. I could know, The method of Web3d is close to the true products when I analyzed the expression of the products shape as an aesthetic, Naturally, I did this not same. finally, the Web3d is the most useful way to express the products through Internet shopping mall and this way gives more good believeness to buyer than other ways. It`s better than others on utility.
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A Study of Globalization of Korean cultural image - Focused on visualization of intangible ( human ) cultural inheritance -
김제중 , 송진희 |
JEWNR 7(0) 132-147, 2002 |
The settlement of Korean cultural image starts from exactly perceiving and systematically arranging intangible cultural asset. It means starting from aggressively making public them -it`s a starting point of globalization. To make the image that the most local can be the most global, we have analyzed intangible cultural asset as taking it into consideration that the intangible cultural assets are the most representative Korean culture, search for individual image by the region so as to develop and promote the visualization of them that is original and indigenous, and seek out strategic globalization plans. Compared with example of advanced countries, we give a significant inquiry into our national policy to have an original plan for globalization.
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A Research on Design Planning Strategy for Industrialization of Cultural products - focusing on tastes values -
문은아 |
JEWNR 7(0) 150-166, 2002 |
Many developed countries have begun to regard cultural products to be the core assets to enhance the national productivity competitiveness in the 21st century, bringing in a new market for idea-oriented and technology -intensive products. On the contrary, we have a long way to industrialization of cultural products in Korea. The purpose of this research is to come up with effective design planning strategies to create cultural products with more commercial values, and thereby suggest ideas for stimulating our industry of cultural products. Design planning should be given the first priority when we look for ways to stimulate the industry of cultural products under the circumstances. Such a point necessitates a leveled-up design planning on a corporate level. Since this approach is initiated by a goal of developing products that satisfy needs of market consumers, a firm understanding of consumers as the market player is required. Most importantly, the consumers pursue products of vitality that enable emotional exchanges and carry internalized values. Speaking in a corporate context, marketability of products is decided by how fully those products accommodate tastes needs of consumers. Defining emotionality to be the core value to be pursued in our efforts for industrialization of cultural products, this research proposes two main points: First, I propose to analyze consumer tastes values in order to theorize for designing practices. At the beginning stage of design planning, effective design analyses should be carried out to come up with a conceptual lens through which to forecast market conditions. Along this line of reasoning, the Theory of Taster Scale, proposed by the Research Center for Emotionality in Japan, is desirably applied as a design analysis method as it emphasizes taste factors and caters to current consumer needs. Second, efforts for innovative product development can have better results by combining emotional values with science and technology. Based on the points made above, this research concludes that industria -lization of cultural products should not be pursued in the context of the external aspects of products; a more holistic and inter-disciplinary approach that welcomes help from various cutting edge high-techs and seeks to enhance the effects of emotionality. Applied in the process of design planning, such an effort will add to the corporate productivity. In short, for the goal of effective design planning for industrialization of cultural products, it is desired to analyze tastes values, and on top of that, to combine modern market needs for new functionalities with themes from the traditional culture. Last but not least, analyses of various tastes values that include prefer-ences for colors, shapes, and materials that are unique to each region, and proper application of their results to efforts to further develop cultural products, will certainly serve as a firm basis, on which cultural products that guarantee international marketability as well as our own cultural identity and emotionality.
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