Correlation Analysis between Design Thinking and Board Game Play
박웅희 Woonghee Park , 이현경 Hyun-kyung Lee |
JEWNR 68(0) 7-16, 2020 |
Background In the business sector, many strategies have been developed for innovation, but as the times change, other obstacles continue to emerge. As a result, existing methods alone have encountered limitations, and the Design Thinking theory, which is a methodology for solving problems creatively, has been revisited. However, domestic companies are still urgent to introduce overseas cases, and startups and SMEs occupy most of the design industry, but they still have a slow development of educational materials to improve designers' Design Thinking ability. According to previous studies, the effects of board games are fluency, flexibility, and originality, and this part is similar to the creativity area of design thinking. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the creative area as well as other areas of design thinking are related to board game play and to prove the degree of association.
Methods This study investigated the relationship between board game activity and design thinking ability through SPSS analysis through prior research and actual game play.
Result Research has shown that board games can be an effective educational method to improve observation and problem-solving skills during design thinking. Board game play was found to be related to observation, problem solving, logic, identity, and creativity among design thinking elements, especially among observation and problem solving abilities.
Conclusion In the study, SPSS analysis proved that board game play is most related to the improvement of observing ability and problem solving ability, which are key elements of design thinking, and is relatively lacking in creativity and other design thinking ability. Therefore, it suggested the possibility that a board game can be a main material for the education of design thinking.
keyword : 디자인 사고, 디자인 교육, 보드 게임, Design Thinking, Design Education, Board Game
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Study on Color Perception of Primary Color Signboards - Focused on Color Harmony and Legibility of Channel-Letter Signboards -
원세화 Seahwa Won , 이윤진 Younjin Lee |
JEWNR 68(0) 17-28, 2020 |
Background Signboards has been studied at various angles. However, studies on primary color signboards are rare. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore how color harmony and legibility of primary color signboards are perceived when building exteriors and areas are different.
Methods Fifty-three participants evaluated 77 area-building-signboard combinations against two scales of color harmony and legibility. The stimuli consisted of 5 areas (residential area, building area, seaside area, historic area, and green area), 3 building exteriors (brick building, stone building and curtain wall) and 5 primary colors of signboards (red, yellow, green, blue, and purple).
Result Findings of the study are as follows. First, the relationship between color harmony and legibility in all three types of building exteriors and five types of areas was moderate. Second, in terms of color harmony, primary color signboards were generally rated disharmonious in all three building exteriors and five areas. In terms of legibility, yellow signboards in brick buildings, red, green, blue, and purple signboards in stone buildings, and red signboards in curtain walls were rated most legible. Third, the effects of building exteriors on color harmony and legibility of primary color signboards were strong. Forth, the effects of areas on color harmony and legibility of primary color signboards were weak.
Conclusion It is concluded that primary color signboards, which are considered to have high legibility, can be evaluated as disharmonious, and when using primary color signboards, types of building exteriors should be considered rather than types of areas. The study findings provide an understanding of the characteristics of primary color signboards on color harmony and legibility in different building exteriors and areas.
keyword : 원색 간판, 색채조화, 가독성, Primary Color Signboards, Color Harmony, Legibility
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Characteristics of Maximalism in Fashion Designer Richard Quinn’s Work -Focusing on Fashion Collections from 2018 S/S to 2020 S/S-
김선영 Kim Sun Young |
JEWNR 68(0) 29-42, 2020 |
Background Fashion designers' open attitude and vision orient the future of fashion with which limitless creativity is provided for novel image making. This study is purposed to look through works of Richard Quinn, a fashion designer seeking for maximalism esthetics, and understand their expressive characteristics.
Methods Literature was reviewed about Richard Quinn's personal history and maximalism fashion. Empirical study produced maximalism features via analysis on design components like concept and formativeness, color, material, pattern and ornament in collection works from 2008 S/S to 2020 S/S.
Result Formativeness showed the exaggerated and enlarged silhouette with dramatic volume comparison. As to color and material, splendid image was realized with manifold color combination and matching and common material was used. Pattern had diverse kinds and shapes of floral design. Composite mixture with dot, check and animal shape was taken and a main printing technique was utilized. Also, ornamental effect was maximized with such add-ons as bead, embroidery and corsage along with pattern. Characteristics in Richard Quinn's maximalism were induced in such ways. First, fancy floral print, pattern repeat and composite application, and decorative handicraft technique were given for maximized ornamentation. Second, different ornamental details and patterns were added to exaggerated and enlarged silhouette and this process introduced a sense of visually hyperbolic formation. Third, differentiated individuality was presented with mix of all such as times and area, style, and design element.
Conclusion This study could find that Richard Quinn extends an esthetical maximalism in fashion and that it is utilized as locomotive force to create a new fashion image.
keyword : 리차드 퀸, 프린트, 맥시멀리즘, Richard Quinn, Print, Maximalism
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The Influences of Consumer Value of Sharing Economy Services on Consumer Intentions of Using Fashion and Non-Fashion Item Sharing Service
김민수 Min-su Kim , 이영선 Young-sun Rhee |
JEWNR 68(0) 43-54, 2020 |
Background Due to the diversification of lifestyles of consumers and a positive change in attitude toward reasonable and eco-friendly consumer culture, a wide range of domestic platforms now offer sharing economy services in several areas including fashion items, and daily necessities. Nonetheless, academic research on sharing economy service for fashion items have rarely been focused on. Therefore, this paper aimed to identify consumer value of sharing economy services and explored its influence on consumer intentions of using sharing economy services for fashion and non-fashion items.
Methods Main survey which was commissioned by an online research firm and a total of 329 responses were used for analysis. The data were analyzed using SPSS 24 program.
Result The sub-dimensions of consumer value of sharing economy services had been identified as altruistic, emotional, social, and practical value. Social values had the greatest impact on the intentions of using daily were sharing services and children’s clothing. Altruistic value and practical values, had the greatest impact on the intentions of using costumes for special occasions sharing service. Emotional values had the greatest impact on the intentions of using accessories sharing service. Practical values had the greatest impact on the intentions of using car sharing service and accommodation sharing service. Altruistic value had the greatest impact on the intentions of using toys sharing service.
Conclusion It is expected that the results of this study can help to understand the characteristics of potential consumers who want to use the sharing service of fashion products. and it will be used as basic data for establishing a strategy for the activation plan on the fashion shared service platform in the future.
keyword : 공유서비스 소비가치, 공유서비스 이용의도, 패션제품 공유서비스, Consumer value of sharing service, Intentions of using sharing service, Fashion sharing service
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Mecenat Space through The Shared Economy View - Focused on Shared space -
성가희 Ga-hee Sung , 윤갑근 Gab-geun Yoon |
JEWNR 68(0) 55-64, 2020 |
Background Mecenat activities have been expanded to cultural investment, and the space has become a community of cities and has various socio-cultural roles. In addition, the emergence of a shared economy led to the development of shared spaces and the enjoyment of culture and arts in various ways, which meant urban regeneration.
Methods The concept of the shared economy and the Mecenat space were studied and its characteristics were analyzed for the study of the Mecenat space in the shared economy perspective. Through this, the characteristics of the shared space in Mecenat space were extracted into six keywords: sociality, public nature, economic feasibility, placeability, diversity and accessibility. and The Mecenat case through the operation of the complex cultural space of domestic enterprises is analyzed and the results and future tasks are presented.
Result As a result of analyzing the cases of six places in Korea through the composition of the Mecenat space and the shared space characteristics, the space composition was classified, but the boundaries were blurred due to the diversification of space use, inducing users to perform freely. Based on this, the space characteristics were open space structure for urban regeneration, which induced all users to participate in the space and emphasized the location and community.
Conclusion Sharing economy and Mecenat were being used in the space to promote co-prosperity of the region, businesses, and culture and arts. Therefore, it can be applied in the direction of spatial composition from the aspect of urban regeneration.
keyword : 공유공간, 메세나, 도시재생, Shared Space, Mecenat, Urban regeneration
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Community Design Process for Enhancing Collaborative Capability
천타오 Tao Chen , 장주영 Ju-young Chang |
JEWNR 68(0) 65-76, 2020 |
of needs for elderly care, childcare, disability, and life-long education. The government only provides protection for basic needs, and NGOs are not sufficient to meet the needs of the whole society. Solutions can be found through community design to coordinate government governance, social regulation, and residents’autonomy. Now, the government-led governance mode (top-down) gradually turned to the residents' autonomy mode (bottom-up). Especially, residents’ self-organization plays a leading role in the process of community design. Through collaboration, residents are able to improve their co-creation ability in community design and become a co-producer of community services. However, most of the existing design processes and methods are used in industry and service industries, and lack of basic research on the community design process.
Methods The research goal of this paper is to develop the community design process and methods to enhance residents’collaboration capabilities. In this paper, the existing design processes and methods are compared and analyzed to find out the limitations. Based on the literature research of community design, the criteria of the community design process were proposed.
Result Combining the criteria with the Double Diamond mode, five stages of the design process (metacognition, describe, link, adapt, evolve) and corresponding methods are finally derived.
Conclusion This paper provides a basic reference for improving the collaborative capabilities and methods of the community design process and provides a new research direction for building multi-stakeholder participation in community design under the new mode.
keyword : Collaborative Capability, Community Design Process, Design Methods
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A Study on the Intermediation Space of Bookstore with Book Curation
이유나 Lee Yu-na , 윤갑근 Yoon Gab-geun |
JEWNR 68(0) 77-86, 2020 |
Background Due to cultural development, large bookstores are becoming complex cultural spaces. So, the company wanted to communicate with consumers more by substituting space with various purposes. Various values were developed by applying a book curation space that suggested the lifestyle of consumers to a medium that could change from the space of a large bookstore. Through this study, it was intended to be used as a basic data on the entrance plan with the distinction of presenting specific spatial orientation.
Methods Through the theoretical study, the characteristics and the direction of spatial composition were explored and based on this, the types and spatial characteristics were extracted through prior research. Specific spatial composition direction was outlined through case analysis.
Result There were four types of space, and the characteristics based on the two aspects of the medium space were shown in six characteristics. Through case analysis, the company sought to improve the culture of consumers in various ways and to take a deep approach to their daily lives.
Conclusion In space, product sales space and associated action space are considered in terms of programmatically, providing consumers with opportunities for cultural experience and improving culture. In terms of space, area, openness, and accessibility were taken into account to further expand the space from small unit spaces to increase the frequency of North curation contacts.
keyword : 북 큐레이션, 대형서점, 매개공간, Book Curation, Bookstore, Intermediate Space
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The Expression of Soju Label Design with Newtro Concept
기홍매 Hong-mei Ji , 임경호 Kyung-ho Lim |
JEWNR 68(0) 87-98, 2020 |
Background The "Newtro" trend, which was cited by Trend Korea 2019 as one of the consumption trends, is becoming more and more powerful in 2019. As a result, the liquor industry is also trying to reproduce past labels and release newtro products. Despite this trend, there is a lack of research that combines the brand of Neutro and liquor. Based on the logo type, color, character, illustration, and layout, which are five components of Soju label design derived from the existing research, this study aims to analyze the label design of Soju that reflects the concept of Newtro released in 2019 to provide a foothold that can be used as a basic material for the shaping aspect of Soju label design using the newtro design in the future.
Methods Among the long-term brands that have been sold steadily for more than 30 years, the criteria for selecting the research targets were Hite Jinro, Daesun, Muhak, Geumbokju and Lotte Liquor, which were the top five products in the national market share of soju companies in 2019. Among them, Lotte Liquor, which does not have soju, developed with a newtro design, has extracted only the other four liquor brand products. The analysis of the research subjects was analyzed by referring to the background and process of product development, how the logo type, character, color, layout and illustration, which are the components of soju label design, are reinterpreted in concept products as new.
Result The use and changes of logo types, characters, colors, layouts, and illustrations were led, and the use of logos and characters based on past label design, which had the highest consumer preference, was relatively high. The retro image of the brand's originality and Heritage focused on the unique originality and tradition of the brand through a reinterpretation of modern sensibilities.
Conclusion Newtro marketing should focus not only on bringing back the old, but also on the unique originality and tradition of the brand that has long been built to suit their emotions, centering on the younger generation, who are well suited to consumer needs and have never experienced the past. And we will have to use marketing strategies that can provide consumers with new experiences with new interpretations that fit the present.
keyword : 뉴트로, 뉴트로 콘셉트, 라벨디자인, Newtro, Newtro Concept, Label Design
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Shopping Behavior in Offline and Online Retail Stores - Comparison between Department Stores and Online Shopping Malls -
이정민 Jung-min Lee , 서구원 Koo-won Suh |
JEWNR 68(0) 99-108, 2020 |
Background As online shopping has been dramatically increased, retail industry has been significantly changed. Accordingly, it is urgent to develop retail space strategies for both offline and online shopping. The study aims to investigate consumers' perception and behavior from a social space perspective.
Methods A survey was conducted with 337 adults living in the Seoul metropolitan area. Consumers' perceptions on department stores and online shopping malls were compared using t-test. Moreover, the influences of consumers' perceptions on shopping royalty were investigated using regression analysis.
Result The results show that hedonic shopping value was the most important factor influencing shopping royalty. In addition, informativeness, after purchase utilitarian shopping value, and product reliability were influential factors for department stores. On the other hand, informativeness, before purchase utilitarian shopping value, and convenience were influential factors for online shopping malls.
Conclusion The study suggests that cultural space providing hedonic shopping value should be established in both online and offline shopping malls. The study provides a theoretical framework that can help explain consumers' shopping behavior and guidelines for practical strategies.
keyword : 패션 쇼핑, 쇼핑 공간, 쾌락적 쇼핑가치, Fashion shopping, Shopping space, Hedonic shopping value
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Character Study of Local Identity & Local Government - Focused on Gimhae City Character -
김민석 Min-seok Kim , 윤기헌 Ki-heon Yoon |
JEWNR 68(0) 109-120, 2020 |
Background These days, local character has gone beyond being a region's symbol to become a marketing tool for the local industry. As of 2017, it was estimated that there were 214 characters among 242 local governments nationwide. This is of great contrast to the early 2000s, when there was little recognition and utilization of most of the characters that sprang up suddenly. Through the development of the local character which re-creates local values, we seek ways to promote local culture and set the direction for local character development.
Methods We examined the local character of Gimhae City by conducting a theoretical review of related research materials and literature. Based on the analysis of Gimhae City's local character and its problems, we drafted a character plan that can be practically applied to the city. We sought to study the perceptions and preferences held towards local characters through research and analysis carried out on the local residents, civil servants, and experts in Gimhae City.
Result In a survey on Gimhae City's local character development model, most respondents preferred a concise design concept based on the cultural background of Gimhae City. Also, they preferred a friendly and affable character to a unique personality. A high percentage of local residents expressed the need for a local character to promote local identity and regional image, with exposure greatest through the Internet, SNS, and blogs.
Conclusion In order to develop a local character that represents the local culture and identity, affability and symbolism are attributes that must be given deep thought in the character plan. For newly created characters, character affability and symbolism among the local people might be weaker, which is something to note during the creation of new characters. In addition, when creating local characters, the key emphasis should be on delivering a positive image of the region, whereas at the administrative level, there is a need to consider how to expand local character and content online.
keyword : 캐릭터 디자인, 지자체 캐릭터, 김해시 캐릭터, Character Design, Local Character, Gimhae City Character
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