Service design research on youth start up support space
김현선 Hyun-sun Kim |
JEWNR 51(0) 105-113, 2016 |
Background This study focuses on deducting a development direction of implications through an analysis of introduction status, which is domestic start-up space support service design based on successful space support case in domestic and foreign by service design in the field of recently issued young people`s foundation and start-up, and success reason.
Methods For that, firstly we defined the concept of start-up, growth ecosystem and service design, and then we analysed the reason of introducing service design.
Result As a result of this study, we can understand that youth start-up space is needed local government`s support and participation of exports and enterprises, and it should be operated with composition of virtuous circle`s ecosystem if the innovation is possible through service design in the youth start-up.
Also we know that the youth start-up space is needed to classify center function, in which happens activities of curator and education, and center role when the space is designed.
ConclusionIn other words we examined that it could be more effective if it is used with composition of detail program(contents needed enterprise growth) based on several support theme(support theme followed enterprise growth), with expert group(expert network) and user group(local government infra) as the center.
keyword : 스타트업, 성장생태계, 공간지원 서비스디자인, start-up, growth ecosystem, space support service design
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Visual Formative Research on Text in Conceptual Art - Focused on Jenny Holzer and Barbara Kruger -
김상욱 Kim Sang Uck |
JEWNR 51(0) 115-124, 2016 |
Background It uses the language of the visual arts has been acting as a factor for the Formative beyond the scope of simple text, ranging from the ancient to the modern and representations in various media. This study is a party to the public Formative center of the text in conceptual art was born as the echo of the artistic modernism in the epistemology of the linguistic expression around the use of visual media that the expansion in any form.
Methods In order to understand the visual and media Formative extended methodology of language or text shall prevail conducted a study on the concept art and its expression. To be analyzed for the work of Jenny Holzer and Barbara Kruger to make sure that the text goes through the public and any convergence process in the visual arts area.
Result Use of the language is to develop a tool that enables the medium with only the original function with the text. Jenny Holzer and Barbara Kruger is an attempt to give a more formal scaling combination of personal narrative of gender or social message of the text shows examples of private media by the author.
Conclusion Jenny Holzer would conduct experiments to begin to use the text as a visual center of the Formative to the role of media convergence as part of the text in the Fine Arts area. This language is developed into a system of communication is not limited to the formative feature of the language itself. In the case of Kruger establishes a system of visual media reflects social overturned by the mass media for commercial environments and how to use the usage of the mass media by taking the way that paradoxically delivered a strong message to the audience. The role of language in the conceptual art is to contribute to the expansion of media diversity to be a priority with the interpretations of public participation.
keyword : 텍스트, 개념미술, 조형언어, Text, Conceptual Art, Formative language
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An Analysis of Structural Relations among Perception of DIY Cosmetics, Environmental Awareness, Good Life-style and Consuming Behavior Practice of Consumers
김선령 Kim Sun-ryeong , 유태순 Yoo Tai-soon |
JEWNR 51(0) 125-136, 2016 |
Background This research is to verify the relationships between factors that influence consuming behavior practice through a model structure by setting perception of DIY cosmetics, environmental awareness, and good life-style as causing factors. A survey is conducted among women of nineteen or older, who are major consumers of cosmetics. The research specifies the relations that all factors are led to consuming behavior practice by analyzing complexly, not by explaining fragmentary factors.
Methods A survey is conducted among seven hundred and thirty DIY cosmetic users residing in Daegu or Gyeongbuk, and AMOS 22.0 program is used for the analysis.
Result Between variables, it turns out to be direct and indirect effect on each other.
Conclusion The findings are in the following: First, perception of DIY cosmetics, environmental awareness and good life-style directly influence consuming behavior practice. Second, perception of DIY cosmetics and environmental awareness directly influence good life-style, and perception of DIY cosmetics directly influences environmental awareness. Third, it turns out to be that perception of DIY cosmetics indirectly influences consuming behavior practice through environmental awareness and good life-style, and environmental awareness indirectly influences consuming behavior practice through good life-style.
keyword : DIY 화장품 인식, 환경의식, 소비실천행동, Perception of DIY Cosmetics, Environmental Awareness, Consuming Behavior Practice of Consumers
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Value Creation for Life-Friendly Designs in an Ageing Society - Focused on Design Accessibility -
김호다 Ho-da Kim , 김명윤 Myoung-yun Kim |
JEWNR 51(0) 137-146, 2016 |
Background This study focused on diverse problems in society, the economy and regions because of the increasing number of elderly and changes in their lifestyles. This study investigated changes in lifestyles including the physical, physiological and psychological characteristics, hobbies, and the need for social activities. It is suggested that active intervention through design is needed to create higher value and to help people achieve living-friendly lives.
Methods This study analysed the results of previous studies on user-oriented convenience and environmental factors, as well as welfare services communication and considered consistent social exchanges and a bibliographical investigation, centering on the new-silver generation with wholly different characteristics from the existing elderly.
Result It was discovered that the ageing society requires design which satisfies self-realization through emotional value consumption and active self-development.
Conclusion This study suggests that design should be made for social members who are involved in senior support and help the new silver generation, a design for the society where the seniors belong. For tangible and intangible design elements to accommodate the aged and their living environment, design factors for the characteristic culture and emotions of the generation and for creation of important values should be improved.
keyword : 고령화 사회, 생활 친화적 디자인, 가치창출, ageing society, living-friendly design, value creation
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Current Situation and Issues of Museum Education for Social Studies in Elementary School
Dae-woong Kim , Koushi Hoshino |
JEWNR 51(0) 147-156, 2016 |
The purpose of this study is to shed light on the issues of museum education in the classroom. Recently, Japanese children are not studying social studies as much as before, it is undeniable that this is because the teachers are moving away from Social Studies. One of the solutions for this issue is to use facilities related to Social Studies education as suggested by the curriculum guidelines of the Ministry of Education. However, it has not been successful in many schools. Therefore in this study a research survey was conducted with the purpose of exposing the issues in the utilization of facilities related to Social Studies in the classroom. The subjects of this survey were 635 randomly selected teachers from 27 public elementary schools in Fukuoka. The result of the survey clearly shows that the problem is the lack of classroom time as well as preparation time as teachers are so busy. The result is useful as future reference material for producing the leaning support contents in the learning program at the museums.
keyword : Museum Design, Contents Design, Education
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Education of Design to Junior College Students for the Era of Convergence
천정임 Jeong-im Cheon |
JEWNR 51(0) 157-166, 2016 |
Background The current society demands that students should be taught in the perspectives of communication, integration, and convergence or fusion. To meet such demands, several university departments of design are offering curricula from the perspectives of fusion or convergence. However, there are some problems in executing the curricula. Cooperation with other disciplines are usually carried out superficially. The influence of design is very limited so that it is difficult to expect quality designs. Currently, there are many design departments which are subdivided with minute differences. As a result, students graudated from these different departments tend to work together on a same job. Therefore, there is a need for the many subdivided departments to be integrated. The previous studies on the need of convergence design were all focused on regular 4-year colleges or graduate schools. Thus, a new study is needed for 2-year junior colleges. The present study aims to set the direction of design education for junior colleges in the era of convergence and to develop a curriculum for the direction.
Methods Literature survey was carried out on the previous studies on design education and the present status of the design education. The surveyed cases were examined and analyzed. Proposed is a new design education curriculum for 2-year junior colleges based on the analytical results and the experiences of teaching in a junior college.
Result Bauhaus considered it very important to teach the basic modelling in preparation of the coming industrialized society and to effectively carry out convergence design education. As such, a new convergence design education centered on creativity, culture, and communicaiton is necessary in preparation of the era of digital revolution. Creativity, culture, communication became the basis of convergence design education associated with other branches of surrouding disciplines. That is, to meet the desires of customers and clients, the inherent properties of design is converged with other disciplines: arts, humanities, social sciences, management sciences, and engineering. Because the duration of education is short in junior colleges, proposed is the curriculum compopsed of three steps consisting of demonstration of creativity, understanding of culture, and cooperaton based on communication.
Conclusion The concepts on the relation between industries and design education and on the design education necessary for the era of convergence are defined. After the current status of the convergence design education in Korea was reviewed, and after the solutions to the problems were improved, proposed is the curriculum that can be executed in junior colleges. The proposed design curricula for junior college suitable for the era of convergence is very practical so that the students who finished the curriculum would be able to solve design problems in industries.
keyword : 융합, 전문대학, 디자인교육과정, convergence, junior college, design curriculum
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A study of an installation creating artificial natural phenomenon by media technology - Focused on Tent, Gong -
신은주 Eunjoo Shin |
JEWNR 51(0) 167-176, 2016 |
Background Nature is the subject explored in art history and artificial natural phenomena have been represented in installation works through the sensory interaction between works and participants, caused by scientific bases. It suggests new approach of the relationship extended to technology issue beyond the human and nature issues with developed technologies.
Methods This paper reviews the theoretical background and related installations that participants can strongly concentrate on the interaction with artificial nature phenomena generated by media technologies. It also suggests Tent, Gong exploring for the uncertainty of nature through sounds and fog, as a case study. From a case study, the relationship between man, nature, space and media technologies are analyzed.
Result Tents, Gong that consists of two tent units that only one participant can pass through at the end of the long, narrow space filled with white fog provides artificial nature interacting with participants. When the participants pass through the tent units, very low and heavy sound is played from the chinese instrument, gong hanging on the top of the tent units and white fog are filled around them. Participants are able to be aware of their movement by not visually but sound and more, it is hard to feel a sense of space because of thick fog. However, in the other hands, participants can recognize the movement of air by visual and tactile senses because fog becomes intermediate material showing the flow of air caused by the strong sound vibration Also, it spreads into the whole space and helps for a participant to recognizes the existence of the others who are hided behind the fog audibly.
Conclusion Tent, Gong makes participants to concentrate on the moment they easily pass by presenting the empirical situation of artificial natural phenomenon in an indoor space. Moreover, participants are absorbed in artificial natural phenomena more strongly than the real one as knowing that the interactive natural phenomena in the work, are reproduced artificially. In this way, it presents the new way of perceiving the natural, human and environmental space to explore the nature going through more immersive experience of artificial natural phenomena, realized by the convergence of technology, science and art installation than the real situation.
keyword : 유사자연 현상, 인공 공간, 인터랙티브 설치, Artificial natural phenomena, Immersive space, Interactive installation
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The Soft Spaces Study based on Membrane Structure of Core Structure in the Large-scale Architecture Design
류신 Lyu Xin |
JEWNR 51(0) 177-186, 2016 |
Background Being influenced by Bauhaus architecture movement in Germany, steel, concrete and glasses became the symbol of modernism in the 1950s. A large amount of building materials offered standards of quantity and quality for buildings and created so-called standard buildings. Buildings began to rely on factories rather than land conditions. Therefore, factories became machines for city transformation. In postmodernism period, these urban machines became dumped factories. Following the approach of globalization, new connotation of space was found in cities. That is blank and flexibility.
Methods Treat and research separately on building and space. Summarize and generalize the type of building and construction of space. Summarize the concept of building and space. Combining with the recent years` researches and the reflections and explorations on the development of modern building space, then summarize and put forward understanding and new design ideas of building space. Improve the quality of building space shaping.
Result By means of the summary and analysis on modern building space, ensure the attribute of core structure and membrane structure, the combination of core structure and membrane structure, and the combination of material technology and information technology. Then create conditions and basis for building a flexible space and put forward a design idea of combining core structure and membrane structure. And rigid and soft design direction.
Conclusion The appearance of flexible space is the production of society`s development and technology`s advance. The flexible space built by core structure and membrane structure is changeable, and its space forms are various. The flexible space can also enhance the utility of space and improve the usage rate of space.
keyword : Architecture Design, Soft Spaces, Membrane Structure, Core Structure, Large-scale Architecture
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Analysis on visual factors of disaster information design by media - Focusing on printing, computer, mobile media -
현은정 Eun-jeong Hyun , 임경호 Kyung-ho Lim |
JEWNR 51(0) 7-18, 2016 |
Background The purpose of this study is to analyze visual factors of disaster information design demonstrated by mass media since disaster information is considered to be essential to live a safe life in current society.
Methods manuals, websites of computer media, mobile applications are selected as the research subjects. In addition, graphic factors proposed by Jacques Bertin, the essential factors of information visualization and visual factors of typographic were analyzed by classifying into colors, forms, size, location and design based on the analysis standards of information design by moudling principles. In this way, visual factors of disaster information design in domestic·overseas media were compared and analyzed to propose the problems and improvement directions of disaster information design in Korea.
Result disaster information design in Korea has excessive amount of information less difference in visual factors indicating hierarchy and classification of the information and irregular and insufficient margin. Furthermore, the usage of colors was excessive and the consideration of the font size and weight was insufficient while text readability was superior. As such, it has been found that disaster information in Korea was created focusing on the information communicator thus the users cannot receive the information properly and the information causes confusion to the users due to information design lacking unity.
Conclusion In order to resolve the issues and create effective disaster information design, the design should consider linkage between information design and visual factors while clarifying information hierarchy and classification to maximize visual effects. Also, concrete image and minimum texts should be used to improve space efficiency and information delivery. In this sense, integrative guidelines regarding disaster information should be established to form a disaster information delivery system.
keyword : 재난, 정보디자인, 시각화, Disaster, Information Design, Visualization
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Development of a Prototyping Support Toolkit for a Product Interface Development
김성룡 Sung-lyong Kim |
JEWNR 51(0) 19-28, 2016 |
Background An efficient interface design that can help users to adjust system and make a proper decision for accessing to contents on purpose is became important in modern product system. Various researches about prototyping which is important design process for designing an efficient interface are being conducted, but researches about the method of analyzing and utilizing the prototyping data are negligible. In this study, I propose a prototyping support tool to assist in data collection and analysis and utilization through prototyping.
Methods After analyzing about the existing prototyping support tools and data visualization methods through previous researches and literature studies, defining the shape and designing the structure for a new prototyping support tool are conducted. Then, a new prototyping support tool will be proposed based on the analysis of previous studies.
Result The prototyping supporting toolkit which is composed of two models, Functional Model and User`s Behavior Model, was proposed in this paper. Functional Model makes designers to examine whether an interface of prototype is working effectively by visualizing the user`s input activities using List Sorting Diagram. User`s Behavior Model makes designers to managing and analyzing the product use pattern data of users by visualizing the progress to the results according to the user`s action performed using Flow Chart Diagram.
Conclusion Analyzing the prototyping data has been made fractionally on the experience of the individual designers. However, through comparing and analyzing the visualized data, the prototyping support toolkit makes the designer identify easily and rapidly the functional use patterns and the user`s actual behavior patterns of a product system. This allows the designer will be able to improve the quality of the interface to the overall production system.
keyword : 프로토타이핑 지원도구, 인터페이스 디자인, 데이터 시각화, Prototyping support tool, Interface design, Data visualization
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