abstract |
Background The current society demands that students should be taught in the perspectives of communication, integration, and convergence or fusion. To meet such demands, several university departments of design are offering curricula from the perspectives of fusion or convergence. However, there are some problems in executing the curricula. Cooperation with other disciplines are usually carried out superficially. The influence of design is very limited so that it is difficult to expect quality designs. Currently, there are many design departments which are subdivided with minute differences. As a result, students graudated from these different departments tend to work together on a same job. Therefore, there is a need for the many subdivided departments to be integrated. The previous studies on the need of convergence design were all focused on regular 4-year colleges or graduate schools. Thus, a new study is needed for 2-year junior colleges. The present study aims to set the direction of design education for junior colleges in the era of convergence and to develop a curriculum for the direction.
Methods Literature survey was carried out on the previous studies on design education and the present status of the design education. The surveyed cases were examined and analyzed. Proposed is a new design education curriculum for 2-year junior colleges based on the analytical results and the experiences of teaching in a junior college.
Result Bauhaus considered it very important to teach the basic modelling in preparation of the coming industrialized society and to effectively carry out convergence design education. As such, a new convergence design education centered on creativity, culture, and communicaiton is necessary in preparation of the era of digital revolution. Creativity, culture, communication became the basis of convergence design education associated with other branches of surrouding disciplines. That is, to meet the desires of customers and clients, the inherent properties of design is converged with other disciplines: arts, humanities, social sciences, management sciences, and engineering. Because the duration of education is short in junior colleges, proposed is the curriculum compopsed of three steps consisting of demonstration of creativity, understanding of culture, and cooperaton based on communication.
Conclusion The concepts on the relation between industries and design education and on the design education necessary for the era of convergence are defined. After the current status of the convergence design education in Korea was reviewed, and after the solutions to the problems were improved, proposed is the curriculum that can be executed in junior colleges. The proposed design curricula for junior college suitable for the era of convergence is very practical so that the students who finished the curriculum would be able to solve design problems in industries. |
Key Words |
융합, 전문대학, 디자인교육과정, convergence, junior college, design curriculum |