An Analysis of Participatory Textile Design Approaches Aspiring Emotional Sustainability
전유미 Chon Yumi |
JEWNR 37(0) 211-222, 2012 |
The purpose of this study is to unveil the correlation between sustainable, emotional, and participatory design so that it can establish a design methodology for building a long-term relationship between users and products. In order to accomplish the mission, the advancing process where the sustainable design research gradually finds a link to users` emotion has been carefully traced and a theoretical study has been made to draw a conclusion of the interrelation among design concepts. As a result, it found out that there has been serious consideration about how to induce consumers to form an emotional bond with products so as to control consumption and disposal. When it comes to extended relationship between two sides, the most important factors are attachment and involvement. The emotional design significantly takes users` emotion into account and focuses on developing an emotional connection as in sustainable design. In addition, both the emotional design and the participatory design have a common ground in terms of that they guide users to have sentimental reaction towards products by providing experiences. Active participation which is required in participatory design means responsibility for products and the base of attachment forming. It consequently proves that all those participatory, emotional, and sustainable design have a cohesive relationship. The specific cases within the textile deign field have been collected and they have been analyzed and classified into three categories; inducing completion of products, using variability of products, and pursuing ideal aging of products. It was certain that the each example offered the experiences of attachment and involvement and kept leading users into the sustainable consumption of products through a strategy which made the design a storyteller.
keyword : 감성적 지속가능, 사용자 참여, 텍스타일 디자인, Emotional sustainability, Participation, Textile
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The Position of User Experience Design in the Design Discipline and its Distinctive Characteristics
윤주희 Joo Hee Yun , 류한영 Han Young Ryoo |
JEWNR 37(0) 223-232, 2012 |
Although the significance of UX design has been amplified, it is difficult to explain its distinctive characteristics comparing with other designs. Therefore, a survey was conducted to develop its positioning map and to discuss its distinctive characteristics.
Participants of the survey, designers and students studying design, were asked the degree of aesthetic quality and functional quality that should be considered while designing. The results of the survey show that aesthetic quality is not important in UX design whereas functional quality is important. In addition, participants answered that UX design is far from some designs in which emotion and/or entertainment are known as important quality.
From the results of the survey, it is possible to conclude that theoretical UX design is not exactly understood by designers and future designers, and it might be necessary to let them know the distinctive characteristics of UX design.
keyword : UX디자인, 디자인 분류, 포지셔닝 맵, UX Deisgn, Design Taxonomy, Positioning Map
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The significance of plastic art expression through the impromptu action that is contemplated by Bergson`s theory
하정현 Jeong Hyun Ha |
JEWNR 37(0) 233-244, 2012 |
`Plastic art expression through the impromptu action` is one of the methods of molding expressions which was created in un-planned and illogical status and it shows the inner side of artist`s energy or emotion without rational thinking process and as a result, we could see the artist`s feeling in a frank and free manner. This, the plastic art expression through the impromptu, could be one of the effective expressions ways that are trying to get close to the ultimate goal of art, deriving the artist`s pure emotion.
The semantic properties of this `plastic art expression through the imprompt action` which exclude the logical and rational way of thinking have quite close connections with the Bergson`s theory that is looking the world in terms of existence theory.
Therefore, `plastic art expression through the impromptu action` based on the Bergson`s persistence theory `La duree` could be classified with the following 4 semantic properties such as < The new expressions escaped from spaced time expressions >, < The express -ions of currency that have thickness of persistence >, < Overall expressions of the past existed in the form of latent state >, < The expressions as the continuity of creations of various quality oriented > and have analyzed together with Abstract Expressionism and Informel.
This study would provide the new reason for one of the expression ways that is trying to be close to the real function of art by re-illustrating through the Bergson`s theory in order to evaluate the meaning and value of `plastic art expression through the impromptu action`.
keyword : 베르그송, 즉흥적 행동, 조형표현, Bergson, Plastic Art Expression, Impromptu Action
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Prototype for Mixed Reality-based Assembly Experience Contents - Focused on Educational Robot Kit -
정회준 Jung Hoe-jun |
JEWNR 37(0) 245-254, 2012 |
In this paper, an educational contents for assembly process is proposed, which can be interfaced with the actual assembly environment, in order to help the users understand the assemblyprocess in virtual space on the Internet.
This contents is implemented to allow the users to experience the process of assembling parts, using the flash animation and action script. Its Augmented Reality (AR) feature enables the users to experience the structure and operation of virtual objects, by letting them manually operate the marker in real space in real time.
In comparison to the existing unidirectional manual or video clips, this assembly contents is expected to produce better educational effects andenhance the users` understanding of the product information, based on the virtual assembly experience and the AR feature.
keyword : 조립체험 콘텐츠, 상호작용, 가상 및 증강현실, Assembly Experience contents, Interaction, Virtual and Augmented Reality
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Study on Color Strategy of City Brand Identity in Local Government - Focused on the City Brand Mark of Local Government in Gyeonggi Province -
정수진 Jung Soo-jin , 김초원 Kim Chowon |
JEWNR 37(0) 255-264, 2012 |
After the local autonomous entity system was introduced in 1995, to secure a competitive edge among other local government has been a crucial matter. Above all the importance of establishing a firm city brand became a trend. It has been a rush to develope a city brand since.
This study is tend to research the color trend among the global and local city brands and analyze the color use of 26 local government of Gyeonggi Province comparing to the 20 global city brands.
First, 53.8% of local government in Gyeonggi Province used more than 4 colors in their brand mark. This result can be compared to the fact that only 30% of the brands used more than 4 colors in 20 global city brands. Second, the most frequently used color was blue, green and orange. However the most frequently used color in 20 global city brands are red, blue and black.
The fact that the brand marks can`t signify their own local character it is not considered as a successful city brand and this fact needs to be improved.
keyword : 도시브랜드, 컬러, 컬러마케팅, City Brand, Color, Color Marketing
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A Case Study on the City Brand Vitalization through Urban Color Design - Focused on the City of Galway and Cork in Ireland -
이혜주 Lee Hye-joo , 류은숙 Ryu Eun-suk |
JEWNR 37(0) 265-276, 2012 |
The urban colorscape is a crucial element which satisfy both emotional and functional value through raising emotional and favorable city brand image. The soft touch of the city color design can contribute to not only an increase in tourism and investments but economic growth. In this paper, the urban color design of Galway city and Kinsale region of Cork city in Ireland have been selected for successful case study, because the color design quality of sustainable, emotional and environment friendly image contributed to the tourism and the economic growth as well.
keyword : 도시색채디자인, 도시브랜드리사이클링, 아일랜드 도시색채디자인, urban color design, city brand recycling, Ireland urban color design
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Model Development for multi-tasking and multi-modality through a case analysis of mobile devices
양정윤 Yang Jung-yoon , 정의철 Jung Eui-chul |
JEWNR 37(0) 277-288, 2012 |
The rapid development of the ubiquitous environment and the popularization of digital convergence equipment mean that individuals must now be efficient in processing vast amounts of information simultaneously. However, this requirement has resulted in multitasking becoming more common. Together with the convenience of utilizing various functions, this causes cognitive confusion in users due to complicated usability issues. Therefore, the application of effective multi-modal interaction which utilizes appropriate modalities is required to enhance multitasking performance and the user experience. The purpose of this research is to suggest a model that applies multi-modality to interactions to improve multitasking in a mobile environment. The model developed through this research can be applied to the design planning of various types of digital equipment in a mobile environment. Furthermore, it is expected that the framework will provide essential information for various interaction design studies as well as a basic method of design development.
keyword : 멀티태스킹, 멀티모달리티, 인간중심 인터랙션 디자인, multitasking, multi-modality, Human centered interaction design
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A Study on Storytelling Marketing Using John Dewey`s Theory of Experience - Focused on ad. design for product -
이영선 Lee Young-sun , 곽대영 Kwak Dae-young |
JEWNR 37(0) 289-298, 2012 |
Nowadays `Product Design` starts to provide not only `Intensive Technology` but `Design Marketing`, which called emotional design, the plus alpha what modern society wants. Moreover, `Storytelling` has been added to the emotional design and helped it to become more familiar to humans.
To achieve success in design marketing based on storytelling, we need to evaluate traditional way of marketing tools. Also this thesis would help to understand effects of storytelling marketing that user may feel based on theory of experience by John Dewy.
Storytelling here means the story that product owns. This thesis is analyzed various research cases by looking at what remarkable points the story contains and how the story touches customer`s sensibilities to accelerate purchase.
keyword : 스토리텔링, 제품디자인 및 광고 마케팅, 존 듀이 경험이론, Story-telling, product design and Advertising marketing, John dewey`s Theory of Experience
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The Effects of Ambivalent Shopping Value on Online Word-of-Mouth and Purchase Behavior of Fashion Products
김은영 Kim Eunyoung , 황진숙 Hwang Jin-sook |
JEWNR 37(0) 299-314, 2012 |
Today, as the development of wireless internet access and the rapid progress of globalization, consumers moved toward a more rational consumption that is to make choices depending on the circumstances based on rich information rather than standardized and repetitive consumptions. In these circumstances, consumers pursue a variety of values. The specific purposes of this study are 1) to subdivide consumer groups based on the value of online shopping, 2) to find out the differences in online word of mouth among online shopping value groups, and 3) to find out the differences of online purchase behavior among online shopping value groups. The study distributed 312 questionnaires, and 308 questionnaires were used for the final analysis. The statistical analysis used for the study were cluster analysis, factor analysis, ANOVA, Scheffe test, and Cross tabulation analysis.
The research findings of this study can be summarized as follows. Firstly, the result of consumer subdivision based on online shopping value, it is divided into ambivalent value group, hedonic value group, utilitarian value group, indifferent group. Secondly, in regard to word of mouth communication, the ambivalent value group showed the highest delivery and acceptance of online word of mouth, followed by the consumers of hedonic value group. Thirdly, there were differences among the groups in regard to online purchase behavior. Ambivalent value group used open market or internet private sites, visited shopping malls almost every day, and purchased fashion products two or three times per month.
keyword : 양면적 가치, 쾌락적 가치, 실용적 가치, 온라인 구전, 온라인 구매실태, Ambivalent value, hedonic value, utilitarian value, online Word-of-Mouth, purchase behavior
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Analysis on the Efficient value of the GUI icon design in Smartphone - Focused on Social Network Application -
이설민 Lee Seolmin , 김준교 Kim Junkyo |
JEWNR 37(0) 315-324, 2012 |
The growth of Social Network Service is accelerated up by advent of smartphone. This study finds out about tendency of icon design through expression analysis that is main image of Social Network targeting Social Network Application icon. 99 icons are selected at 100 ranked icon in App Store - Social Network - Free Applications. And 5 conclusions are found out by the results that analyze icons by the way of expression and the form of expression. First, arbitrary icons are used to reveal unique symbolism and implicit information efficiently. Second, expression tendency of design that basic function for implicit information transfer as icon is appeared in Image icons and Text icons. Third, expression tendency of design that basic function for implicit information transfer as icon is appeared in Image icons and Text icons. Fourth, text element in text icon is image of text, not text for communication directly. Fifth, number of expression element has to be restricted by reducing unnecessary element for effective visual communication. Fifth, `The phenomenon of Functional Common Element` is discovered and named.
keyword : 아이콘디자인, 소셜네트워크, 그래픽유저인터페이스, Icon Design, Social Network, GUI
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