Development of Children`s Wear and Textile Pattern Design using Jeju-Hyojaemunjado - Focused on < Chi >Characters -
안미화 Mi-hwa An , 장애란 Ae-ran Jang |
JEWNR 53(0) 127-142, 2016 |
Background This study developed and suggested children`s clothing design (age 4~5) inserted with textile design based on formative characteristics of < Chi > Jado (Being ashamed of losing one`s virtue) of Jeju Hyojaemunjado in order to remind them of instructive meanings above all things, and it showed it was possible to make children remind of instructive values of < Chi > Jado through children`s clothing design.
Methods As research methods, Adobe CS5 (Photoshop, Illustrator) were used for textile pattern work; < Chi > Jado was selected out of Jeju Hyojaemunjado to analyze 32 pieces; finally, 6 pieces adequate for design were selected among them to stylize motives and then, textile patterns were developed using repeated sequence format of Richard M. Proctor`s diamond pattern and square pattern of set layout method. As for materials for children`s clothing design, textile patterns selected as per designer`s intention were output by DTP on cotton material, canvass, and leather material.
Result Using output materials, the writer manufactured everyday clothes (bottoms 2 pieces, windbreak jacket, and raincoat) and children`s accessories (backpack, cross pack) for male and female children at the age of 4~5.
Conclusion In conclusion, in order to make people remind of instructive values, textile design developed through utilization of < Chi > Jado in Jeju Hyojaemunjado was adopted on children`s clothing design. And taking this opportunity, it is expect that utilization as a traditional cultural prototype in various fields by application of ethical values of Hyojaemunjado other than < Chi > Jado will be revitalized.
keyword : 제주 효제문자도 치자도, 텍스타일패턴, 아동복, Jeju-Hyojaemunjado(Hyojae painting of characters) Chi, Textile Pattern, Children`s Wear
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Design education for the improvement of the urban cultural environment
강현옥 Hyunock Kang |
JEWNR 53(0) 143-152, 2016 |
Background As urbanization advances around the world, the importance of living environment grows and the concept of such as`cultural city`,`amenity`,`urban design` become increasingly common. Continued research and education are needed to find how to effectively collect and process information and knowledge to generate new knowledge and make them valuable in people`s living. In this context, this study aims to explore the future direction of design education to attract and train talented future designers of the urban cultural environment.
Method For this purpose, we referred to the research on changes of future society and preparations, and various other researches on future society. As for a city`s cultural environment, we examined urban cultural identity and the aspect of amenity for ideal cultural cities of future through which was to explore the future direction of design education.
Result Design education needs to be convergent based on sharing, participation and systematic management of knowledge and information to enable integrated implementation of project, and during this process, ideas for other educational programs can be hatched. Design education should be done in a way that promotes sustainable society of future in the era of globalization based on exchanges among different regions, countries and cultures.
Conclusion In conclusion, design education needs to be recognize the value of cultural identity, the value of the space surrounding the person, the value of human relationships, the value of empathy, the value of the community public, value together share, the value of sustainable environmental, cultural, play and the value of play, the value of life in a safe place.
keyword : 도시 문화 환경, 어메니티, 디자인 교육, Urban cultural environment, Amenity, Design education
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Developing tourism souvenirs of Samcheok-si-by applying symbol motif from the Isabu & Dokdo Festival-
양순영 Yang Soon-young , 임혜숙 Im Hye-sook |
JEWNR 53(0) 153-162, 2016 |
Background Isabu`s expedition to Usan-guk in 512 has been commemorated by the annual Isabu & Dokdo festival organized by Samcheok city since 2008. And Isabu`s official portrait accredited by the Korean government was made public in 2011. These clearly show his pioneer spirit and the immense historical significances of the expedition. Moreover, as Korea`s sovereignty over Dokdo is contested by Japan without historical basis, Isabu`s expedition to Usan-guk has gained greater public interest. Considering these circumstances, the wooden lion known to be used as a threatening weapon during the expedition, if developed as symbol motif for tourism souvenirs, will greatly contribute to strengthening the image of this seaside tourism city, providing cultural contents for spurring the local economy, and also establishing historical lessons.
Methods For the purpose of developing various tourist souvenirs utilizing the wooden lion motif, the historical significance of Isabu`s Usan-guk expedition and the Samcheok area will be pursued, and then there will be research into the current tourist souvenir market in the Samcheok area. In addition, the comparative research and investigation of cultural commodities in other areas utilizing animal symbols from historical narratives will be conducted.
Result As a medium for advertising local history and culture, the wooden lion souvenirs will give a vivid image to the seaside tourism city for Samcheok, and it will also gather new momentum to brand itself as the historic location of Isabu and his wooden lion.
Conclusion These wooden lion motif souvenirs will improve understanding and awareness about Isabu and Dokdo as a part of Korean territory, and awaken historical consciousness for exploring and defending territorial waters. And the variety in tourist souvenirs will result in spreading the image of tourism for the city of Samcheok and eventually vitalizing its local economy
keyword : 이사부장군, 이사부독도축제, 사자상징모티브, Isabu & Dokdo festival, General Isabu, Lion symbol motif
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Development of Standard Design for the Public/Private Signs of Daegu-si
권기제 Ki-je Kwon , 홍창기 Chang-kee Hong |
JEWNR 53(0) 163-178, 2016 |
Background ASigns are an important mediating element delivering main information like location and direction of region/facility to citizens and external visitors, among elements of city. In the aspect of downtown landscape, it is an element having lots of influence on the landscape of downtown, on top of functional element. However, In case of Daegu-si, currently, it would be necessary to establish new standard guidance system, and also sustainable management measures of public/private signs that have been neglected like a hideous thing due to thoughtless installation and the absence of decrepit facility management.
Methods Thus, it examined the necessity of signs, re-established the concept of functional and aesthetic elements, and also reviewed diverse cases of domestic/international development & installation. Analyzing the current status of public/private signs currently installed in downtown of Daegu, the problems were understood, and also strategies to develop standard sign system were established based on the solution.
Result Based on the development strategies, the design concept was established. After that, the detailed application plan for font, color, and pictogram as the elements used for standard design for public/private signs was also established. Regarding the basic design of signs, a module-type design was developed to improve functionality, efficiency, consistency, and sustainability. Based on it, total eight categories of sign design were suggested, and then a design guideline was presented for its efficient and continuous management.
Conclusion Based on the development of standard design for public/private signs of Daegu-si, it would be necessary to inspire interest in core elements of neglected downtown landscape, and also to establish pleasant downtown environment through continuous management.
keyword : 안내표지, 사설안내표지, 공공안내표지, sign, directional sign, guide-line
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An analysis on Clothing Construction of Hips Exaggeration-Typed Dress
장윤정 Yoon-jung Jang , 박주희 Ju-hee Park |
JEWNR 53(0) 179-189, 2016 |
Background This study focused on hips exaggeration-typed dress showing the various forms along with the development of a new clothing construction. It aimed to consider a new possibility of the fashion design through classifying and analyzing hips exaggeration-typed dress by clothing construction techniques.
Methods Case study on hips exaggeration-typed dress in the contemporary fashion was done for 1,385 visual materials of womenswear ready-to-wear collections from 2012 F/W to 2016 S/S.
Result Analysis on types of hips exaggeration were showed cylindrical type, cone, bell, left-right exaggeration, back exaggeration and others. As the clothing construction for hips exaggeration, gore, gather, pleat and flare were expressed through materials easy to exaggerate. As for production techniques, along with reusing of a hoop, petticoat and pad used in the past dress, form of an exaggerated dress was maintained through fusing the interfacing to a material.
Conclusion These research findings give a novel possibility for hips exaggeration typed dress design through applying newly discovered types to the existing hips exaggeration typed dress or combining high frequent clothing construction of each type with other new ones, constructing data to raise expression and utility of dress.
keyword : 엉덩이 과장형 복식, 의복구성, 제작방법, Hips Exaggeration-Typed Dress, Clothing Construction, Clothing Production Technique
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Usability Evaluation Concept of Mobile Augmented Reality Interface Design
이운형 Lee Woon-hyung |
JEWNR 53(0) 191-200, 2016 |
Methods Augmented reality technology can be applied to various types of contents, and in particular, its potential and possibilities as a new media in the area of education related to social infrastructure is being acknowledged. In terms of its applications, the usability of interface design is crucial and should be regarded as an essential element. The interface design properly planned in order to secure users` universal accessibility and efficient and smooth use, and an appropriate usability assessment measure to evaluate them are necessary.
Methods This research aims at analyzing the characteristics of mobile media and augmented reality based on the analysis into the existing documents in order to evaluate the usability of interface design of augmented reality, and through which, finding the elements of the usability of mobile augmented reality that can be applied to the assessment of usability.
Result In case of augmented reality, a user should evaluate the usability of moving or controlling an object following its designer`s intention in a virtual three-dimensional space, not in a two-dimensional one. Accordingly, the factor of presence must be included in the assessment items of usability, which works as a main element that makes a user feel present in the environment of augmented reality through an exact and natural combination of a real object and a virtual expression. In addition, it has also been proved that the concept of affordance, which defines the relation between a user`s recognition of tools and behaviors, needs to be included.
Conclusion The concepts of presence and affordance are the important factors that should be included in the development of the rating scales of the usability of augmented reality, and the assessment tool of the usability of a new mobile augmented reality interface design needs to be developed in which the rating scales are specifically quantified and to which the characteristics of mobile media are applied.
keyword : 증강현실, 모바일미디어, 사용성 평가, Augmented Reality, Mobile Media, Usability Evaluation
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Research on the Development of Color Arrangement Models for Color Blindness - Industrial Safety Signage from the Perspective of Color Universal Design -
손모아 Son Mo-a , 손원준 Son Wonjun |
JEWNR 53(0) 201-210, 2016 |
Background The colors used for industrial safety signs are visual elements which instantly convey information regarding dangers resulting from accidents, and therefore must be carefully selected and determined considering the diversty of individuals`color recognizing capabilities. Acoordingly, industrial signs currently being used are required to use prominent primary colors, but in cases where these colors are used together the contrast between the colors is reduced, making the signs harder to read, especially for those with color blindness.
Therefore, this study suggests color Arrangement guidelines (manuals) for industrial safety signs fit for persons with color blindness.
Methods This study analyzed the visibility of industrial safety signs recognized by persons with color blindness based on a color vision defiency simulation. Based on these results, a famework for developing industrial safety signs which persons with color blindness can read was deduced.
Result As a result, the brightness difference was determined to be the element which affected visibility the most based on researching the visibility of domestic industrial safety signs` according to the visual characterstics of color blind individuals. From this, a research model for determinary the adjustments to brightness which can increase the the readability of industrial safety signs was produced.
Conclusion This study suggests a color development model for reducing the range of error in the color perception of color blind persons. Further studies studies modifying necessary elements of color adjustments are currently in progress, and it is anticipated that this study will be more easily utilized in diverse industrial areas.
keyword : 유니버설디자인, 컬러유니버설디자인, 색각이상, Universal Design, Color universal Design, Color blindness
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Beverage Package Design for Emotional Design study on the Expression of Rhetoric
박영화 Young-hwa Park , 윤혜진 Hye-jean Yoon |
JEWNR 53(0) 211-220, 2016 |
Background It is beyond the presentation of the existing standardized package design differentiated and emotional point package design is required to meet the diverse sensibilities of consumers made in the 21st century sensibility era. In particular beverage package design is a discipline that emphasizes the importance of further design ttyaemun belongs to the family of sensibility and low involvement products. The purpose of this study is to propose a sensible approach methodology of the beverage package design expressed through various techniques of rhetoric.
Methods This one on the basis of literature and Internet resources primarily for emotional design and package design had pondered the theory about rhetoric analysis of two overseas beverage package design of the car to the presentation of rhetoric were three car 20 college students to 50 people prior to that rhetorical analysis was carried out by type of beverage package design evaluation.
Result Beverage package design techniques applied to expression of rhetoric is all but highly functional aesthetics and attention Castle, uniqueness and relevance demonstrated that emotional design. This beverage package design rhetoric is that it not only provides a sensual and sophisticated image to consumers and meet the psychological imagination and emotions such as surprise, fun is that it can take over the emotional, competitive brands.
Conclusion Package design now will be to create value for the brand differentiation strategy by introducing a variety of ways to express the emotional design in accordance with the requirements of the times.
keyword : 감성디자인, 수사학, 패키지디자인, Emotional Design, Rhetoric, Package Design
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A Study on Application Methods and Expressive Characteristics of Interior Design of Idle Spaces according to the Original Building-Function Types
김민백 Min-back Kim , 류호창 Ho-chang Lyu |
JEWNR 53(0) 221-234, 2016 |
Background Today`s society has already entered the deindustrialization and information age beyond the industrialization period. With changes in the industrial structure, the existing industrial facilities have gradually lost their own functions. Consequently, such industrial facilities are not used and neglected and finally turning into idle space. Recently, however, there are active attempts made to utilize idle spaces. But, most of the previous studies in Korea were focused on cases of idle spaces led by public organizations. Thus, this study intends to analyze the design characteristics of idle spaces carried by private enterprises.
Method previous researches were investigated to categorize each type of facilities on the premise that special characteristics of Idle spaces can be defined by their original purposes and functions. Then extract utilization methods of idle facilities and design characteristics as well. Based on the result, 6 built projects were investigated as case study to empirically examine design characteristics.
Result Idle spaces can be largely classified into warehouse type, factory type and others by their original functions; design methods can be divided into preservation, restoration and transformation/alteration; typical design characteristics are temporality, identity and heterogeneity. As a result of the case study, it was found that out of all the design methods, restoration was relatively passive in the domestic cases. On the other hand, most of the cases were preservation and transformation/alteration. However, such design expression characteristics as identity, temporality and heterogeneity were evenly found in the cases.
Conclusion When idle facilities with great historicity are utilized, it is necessary to put more weight on preservation value like cases in other countries, and widen the range of interest even in the aspects of urban regeneration and regional development.
keyword : 유휴 공간, 건물 유형, 디자인 특성, Idle space, Building-Function type, Design characteristics
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The Effects of Sociocultural Attitude on Quality of Life Through Individual Appearance Satisfaction and Appearance Management Behavior
김해선 Hae-sun Kim , 한선주 Sun-ju Han |
JEWNR 53(0) 235-249, 2016 |
Background As the criteria of beauty based on sociocultural attitude toward physical appearance through the mass media affects body satisfaction, the positive quality of life can be enhanced by appearance management behavior. The purposes of the study are: to investigate the effect of the internalization and perception of appearance on appearance satisfaction, particularly on body satisfaction, in consideration of the importance of sociocultural attitude; to examine the effect of individual goal orientation, formed by sociocultural attitude, on appearance satisfaction through forced mandatory or voluntary goal orientation; and to explore the further effect of the appearance satisfaction, which presently has a direct effect on the quality of life, on the quality of life through more in-depth appearance management behavior.
Methods Questionnaires were administrated with residents of Gwangju and Daejeon in their 20`s through 50`s, from January 5th through 15th in 2016. A total of 375 questionnaires were used in the final analyses, employing exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, correlation analysis, and structural equation model with LISREL 8.30.
Result The findings of the study were: First, sociocultural attitude had a significant effect on appearance goal orientation and appearance satisfaction. In particular, the voluntary goal orientation, which is not affected by others` views showed a more significant effect on body satisfaction; second, of sociocultural attitude, the perception of appearance had a positive effect on goal orientation. Trendy social groups which are not conscious of other people showed a greater influence on the goal orientation of individuals, and more forceful influence on mandatory goal orientation toward appearance; and third, the quality of life was shown to change positively through appearance management behavior. The quality of life was improved through continued appearance management behavior and more in-depth and expanded appearance management behavior.
Conclusion In a relationship looks satisfaction based on sociocultural attitudes about appearance, body satisfaction and importance body satisfaction gives a direct impact on the appearance management behavior and appearance management behavior continued, expanded deep anger appeared to affect positively on quality of life. While the current study focused on satisfaction with body and face, other types of physical satisfaction need to be investigated as well in future studies, such as skin satisfaction and exercise satisfaction.
keyword : 사회문화적 태도, 외모만족도, 외모관리행동, Sociocultural Attitude, Appearance Satisfaction, Appearance Management Behavior
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