abstract |
Background As urbanization advances around the world, the importance of living environment grows and the concept of such as`cultural city`,`amenity`,`urban design` become increasingly common. Continued research and education are needed to find how to effectively collect and process information and knowledge to generate new knowledge and make them valuable in people`s living. In this context, this study aims to explore the future direction of design education to attract and train talented future designers of the urban cultural environment.
Method For this purpose, we referred to the research on changes of future society and preparations, and various other researches on future society. As for a city`s cultural environment, we examined urban cultural identity and the aspect of amenity for ideal cultural cities of future through which was to explore the future direction of design education.
Result Design education needs to be convergent based on sharing, participation and systematic management of knowledge and information to enable integrated implementation of project, and during this process, ideas for other educational programs can be hatched. Design education should be done in a way that promotes sustainable society of future in the era of globalization based on exchanges among different regions, countries and cultures.
Conclusion In conclusion, design education needs to be recognize the value of cultural identity, the value of the space surrounding the person, the value of human relationships, the value of empathy, the value of the community public, value together share, the value of sustainable environmental, cultural, play and the value of play, the value of life in a safe place. |
Key Words |
도시 문화 환경, 어메니티, 디자인 교육, Urban cultural environment, Amenity, Design education |