A Comparative Study on the Value Presentation between Chinese and foreign Corporate Advertisements in China
정창준 Jeong Chang-jun |
JEWNR 24(0) 29-40, 2009 |
This study aimed to aid a Koreans business activity, especially on marketing and communication strategy. The subject of this article is the contents analysis for Chinese and Foreign corporate advertisements on the home of chinese. For this study, 508 of advertisements were collected through the home page of the people`s daily. And the contents analysis was carried out with the 32 value list which was made by Cheng and Scheweitzer in the year of 1996.
Chinese corporate`s Advertisements showed up the following value lists; Quality, tradition, technique, craftsmanship etc. Foreign corporate`s Advertisements showed up the following value lists; nature, courtesy, wisdom. etc. In the analysis of the practical/ symbolic value, Chinese corporate advertisements showed up the both practical and symbolic value.
And Foreign corporate was assumed to held the localized strategy in China, because much of the neutral value was found in their advertisements. In the analysis of the vertical/ horizontal value, Chinese advertisements showed up the vertical value and Foreign advertisements showed up the same amounts in vertical/ horizontal value.
keyword : 중국기업광고, 외국기업광고, 가치표현비교, Chinese Corporate Advertisements, Foreign Corporate Advertisements, Comparison for Value Presentation
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The Characteristics of Color in Chinese Ethnic Fashion
김지영 Kim Ji Young , 김선아 Kim Sun Ah |
JEWNR 24(0) 41-51, 2009 |
The purpose of this study is to comparatively analyze the characteristics of color in Chinese ethnic fashion by Chinese designers and by foreign designers in comparison with the traditional color of China.
The results of this study are as follows;
The color range of Five-elements colors and an achromatic-centered colors have been expressed appreciably in Chinese ethnic fashion rather than the traditional colors of China. The trend has been conspicuous in Chinese ethnic fashion by Chinese designers. Chinese designers have designed colors with the concept of five-elements colors regardless of negative meaning of the white color in the past, and the tendency of avoiding yellow color in the present. Chinese ethnic fashion that is created by foreign designers demonstrates relatively more mild tone compared to the traditional colors of China and Chinese ethnic fashion that is created by the Chinese designers, foreign designers use exposure of a human body and voluptuous beauty in the structural side when they only refer to traditional images, However, they do not express floridness and garishness in terms of color characteristics.
keyword : 중국 전통색, 중국복식, 중국풍 에스닉 패션, Traditional Color of China, Chinese costume, Chinese Ethnic Fashion
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A Research for Figurative Language of Media Technology Art Using Light - Focusing on Light Art -
김재원 Kim Jae Won |
JEWNR 24(0) 53-66, 2009 |
As the 20th century began, studies on solutions to enable practical experience, not idealistic appreciation, by applying the essence of beauty to real life have been continued. Today, use of new media due to the rapid development media technology functions as an important factor changing the quality of art rather than mere expansion of expression methods.
Therefore, the current study aims to establish characteristics of media technology corresponding to the advanced technological society and expand areas of creation in order to find the foundation for development of up-to-date scientific media in terms of art history before analyzing and studying the influence of electronic art on modern art.
In particular, use of light occupies a big portion in modern formative art, so it is impossible to remind formative art without regard of light in the view of that it is another visual art.
In addition, by a tradition applying technology to art in the beginning of the 20th century, technological factors were considered new challenge at the same time it succeeded clear tradition of modern art by using light for movement and glitter of light suggested by the manifesto of Futurists. Also in 1970s, this attempt presented a new formative possibility of combination between art and science by using light like artificial light or natural light as expression materials of works.
In light art, light evokes an illusion that light stimulates sense, and further, makes feel as if it is felt and touched, not just an element lighting and forming space.
Therefore, the current study examines art historical development of media technology art and its characteristics as formative language, and analyze correlations between modern art and electronic art through the concept of light art and formative characteristics on the basis of the purposes of the study.
Accordingly, the study a meaning to establish the state of media technology art as a medium of new modern formative art by studying the influence of light on space in light art works using up-to-date scientific methods introduced in this century, expression methods of light, spatial constituent elements and their relationships with light, spatial formative feature by light, and works of artists.
keyword : 미디어 테크놀러지 아트, 전자예술, 라이트아트, Media Technology Art, Electronic Art, Light Art
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Presentation of the Color Application Standard by Analyzing the Colors of e-Learning Contents of a Distance University
이향아 Lee Hyang-a , 김지혜 Kim Ji-hye , 윤지현 Youn Ji-hyun , 고봉희 Go Bong-hee , 이성태 Lee Sung-tae |
JEWNR 24(0) 67-76, 2009 |
In order to reinforce interaction by means of design for e-Learning contents of distance education, it should be designed based on the standard of GUI(Graphic User Interface) which is suitable for the needs of learner and it is necessary to understand and introduce the main effects of the visual communication. In particular, the colors should be the most important visual representation elements for conveying information and knowledge and expressing clear identity, and thus we need to provide the comfortable and effective educational environment through the consistent plan for colors. This study analyzed the colors of the contents produced and used by Seoul Cyber University among other e-Learning contents which have been changed and diversified rapidly. For this study, the first survey of 21 contents designers and producers and the second survey for verification of the first one were conducted. The contents producers responded in the first survey that they would make their contents using the color plan as the basic standard, but the second verifying survey indicated that they used the colors from their subjective point of view without applying definite standard. In addition, the contents analysis showed that there was no consistency in applying the colors and the contents used the colors which did not consider readability and the unsuitable color image, thus causing ill-matched arrangement of colors of the whole contents.
The determination of the colors in making contents should be learner-oriented. Therefore, applying the findings of this study and the color application standard will guarantee the best contents which convey information more effectively and increase the effect of learning. Moreover, it is expected that the diverse utilization of the color application standard suggested in this study will result in a correct and desirable color plan in making e-Learning contents and various web contents.
keyword : 이러닝콘텐츠, 색채분석 및 계획, 색채적용, e-Learning Contents, Color Analysis & plan, Color Application
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The research for Need of the Shipbuilding designer
정찬수 Jung Chan-soo |
JEWNR 24(0) 77-86, 2009 |
In recent years, Korean shipbuilding industry has been ranked the first place in the world. In spite of the boom of shipbuilding industry and its international power, it has very little relationship with the design industry because of its characteristics.
Hereafter the Korean shipbuilding industry will move toward the fields of cruise boats, ferries or yacht, and etc for the high value-added. Those fields have very strong relations with the design skill, and we can expect the need for their design professionals. In this research, we investigate the demand and need for design professionals in Korean shipbuilding industry.
First of all, to grasp for demands, we made a population of 533 business enterprises in the fields of building vessels and mechanical equipments. Then, we classified it with 3 groups by the number of employees and the amount of sale, sampled 133 business enterprises from each group by Simple Random Sampling, and investigated the demands of human design resources. Also we inquired the senior designer groups about the need of design professionals in this area by fax, phone, or visiting. They are 50 of professional designers and engineering specialists in shipbuilding industry. The result shows high demand and need for professionals.
It is expected that the education of design professionals will result in the following industrial effects. First, it will contribute the prosperity of local shipbuilding industry by the support of advanced design skills. Second, cultural and tourism as well as maritime leisure business also will be benefitted. Third, new job creation for design professionals and the growth of design industry will be achieved together. In the long run, design industry will help the competitive power of shipbuilding industry, an important part of whole Korean industries.
keyword : 조선산업 디자인, 전문인력양성, shipbuilding Industry Design, shipbuilding designer
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The Influence of Entertainment Media at Modern Traditional Clothing Textile Design - Focusing on Drama, Film `Hwang Jin Hee` -
한기창 Han Kichang |
JEWNR 24(0) 87-100, 2009 |
In today, customer`s pursuit of Traditional Textile has been influenced by the costumes for films and drama, specially period drama, which is re-created by designer`s artistic imagination. Specially, drama, film `Hwang Jin Hee`, as symbolic elements on the big fashion blend and even the small on-line market, made trend, and as a result, there are lots of reproducing copy design products.
Actually, for the way of approach, there are big differences between historical real tradition and this reproduced `Hwang Jin Hee`s costumes, in terms of design. It seems much like followed the western pattern style and method of expression in terms of species, size, the method of lay-out, the way of expression. It also seems that modern type of patterns ( simplified, formalization ) are used, which is inspirited by contemporary style western paintings. Even more, other elements are followed in modern style, which is techniques, use of color, textile, source, and so on…….
These aggressive change for design could give lots of influence at modern traditional blend products, it could be end up with changes of its paradigm. This approach, which is distinguished with 90-00`s traditional textile design, would be regarded as big turbulence for direction of modern textile design and, it has caused big changes for peoples modern traditional textile`s design.
keyword : 영상미디어의 영향, 추구전통복식직물이미지, 전통복식직물디자인의 변화, Influence by Entertainment Media, Pursuit Traditional Textile Image, Change of Traditional Textile Design
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Historical study on The Modern age Chinese Comics
윤기헌 Yoon Ki-heon , 정양수 Jeong Yang-soo |
JEWNR 24(0) 101-108, 2009 |
Study for The East Asia Comics, especially Chinese Comics history of modern age is relatively rare. Before the revolution, comics in China wore the entertainment and anti-invasion action. Which was quite unique. In addition, similar forms of Lianhuanhua and Dianshizhai illustrations raised for modern china comics. On the other hand, after the active era after the revolution, Chinese Comics forced to obey the government . They acted like propaganda of the government. What was unique and should be emphasized side of the Comics, before the revolution; Impact to the ordinary people , and call for the people to anti-Japanese action. This study is to carefully look back the history of Chinese Comics history, other study on comics history.
keyword : 중국 근대만화, 중국만화, 만화사, Modern age China Comics, China Comics, History of Comics
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A study on the product strategy and the structure of product concept which based on the evolution theory through market trend analysis
천하봉 Chun Ha-bong |
JEWNR 24(0) 109-120, 2009 |
In the knowledge informatization society, the rapid development of network makes it difficult to expect the direction the trend will flow to. Therefore, it is very difficult for the enterprises to expect the result of selection of the time to launch new products or services in the market and it is required to designers to improve the wasting situation caused by weak logical background. Differently from such situation of enterprises, various product trends formed by the consumers` cool decisions exist in the market and the success and failure of such products chosen by the consumers are not logically proved but have the property to be decided by the psychological factors of consumers. This property is similar with the shape that many kinds of organisms evolve through the processes of survival of the fittest by mutual competition, organization routine, and mutation. That is, the trends may be explained as the process of evolution that is irregularly done by the dynamic consumers. If it is correct, it is required for the enterprises in establishing new directions or strategies to analyze the structure of product factors, which are naturally formed by the flow of the consumers in the current market, and to seek for the strategic values and processes of the next generation products or services based on such factors, rather than using quantitative trend analyses focused on expectation of politics, society, culture, and economy. By doing so, the enterprises would be able to make the strategic ground for market-oriented and continuous competitiveness in the uncertain social flow like present time. In this study, the factors to determine the trends are defined as the nature, i.e. factors, of products and these factors are defined as dominant factors, innovational factors, and optimization factors at the viewpoint of evolution theory. The forming processes of competitive product concepts and sustainable strategies were studied by analyzing the forming processes of such factors and, based on this result, the strategic frames to continuously maintain and develop the competitiveness of the enterprises are suggested.
keyword : 디자인트렌드, 디자인전략, 프로세스, Design trend, Design strategy, Process
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Foundation investigation of Public Signs in the Cultural Spaces in Nam-gu, Busan 1
정원준 Chung Won-jun |
JEWNR 24(0) 121-130, 2009 |
City`s public sign plan is systematically established and administered to build beautiful and comfortable images of the city to people. It is important that the sign system is able to understand the needs from the users who look at the signs, predict their behavioral psychologies and apply all sorts of elements to the elements in the entire city. The signs exist as a part of the surrounding environments, even the signs with great designs would not convey any meaning if it is not harmonious with the environment.
This study looks into the actual conditions of the public signs in the cutural space in Daeyun-dong, Nam-gu, Busan, and provides an efficient plan for the public signs through the first level field experiment and the second level use opinion survey research. From the result, the sign system, in general, exhibits an absence of consistency, does not provide a clear explanation for the destination, and lacks in the visual uniformity so that displays inferior visibility and readability. Also, in the user citizen survey research, numbers of opinions from the users on the information conveyance, color, expression method, size, location and maintenance of the sign facilities were collected and provided.
keyword : 공공사인, 도시디자인, 문화공간, Public sign, City design, Cultural space
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A Study on repeated pattern in William Morris Textile Design
조배문 Cho Bae Moon , 김선미 Kim Sun Mee |
JEWNR 24(0) 131-140, 2009 |
In general, design is presented in various visual ways in order to deliver information to the public, and textile designers, especially, can communicate with the public through the printed design. In the field of textile design, it is the main element to arrange repeated pattern. The origins of `Pattern` can be seen traced to `Ornament`, due to the changes in colour, decorative elements, art history, and the structure of the form in a long time, `Ornament` has been developing into a part of textile design. William Morris who changed the concept of decoration, such as simple to switch design, shown new surface design with aesthetic value and different order through the arts and crafts movement in U.K.
By focusing the structure of William Morris`s textile designs, there are analyzed the pattern can be used in the development of reference design as it will want to present. The study explores the source and the specific aspects of Morris design, and the visual order and unification of patterns founded in the structure. It is understood and looked into the spatial characteristics shown in his work of art through studying the Component and Density of pattern, the form of Primitive, and the array structure.
keyword : 윌리엄 모리스, 텍스타일 디자인, 리피트 패턴, William Morris, Textile Design, Repeated pattern
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