A Study on the Abstraction of Substance in Simulated Space of Computer Animation by Using Methaphore
정혜원Hay Won Jeong |
JEWNR 4(0) 210-223, 1999 |
We aimost depend on the computers that had the high-technology functions for the effectiveness maximization and the manufacturing hour through the electronicalzation by the technology revolution in the information age. That is the works and the representing media completed in the plane is expressed in three-dimensional simulated actuality now. The rapid development of science and the popularization of computers will make the various culturs and the chang of information real and popular, thus mass communication will develop much easier than this time. All mass communications assume the clear and correct meaning by the physical meaning but the human beings, `existence in the world` or `existence in the culture`, are living the implicated meaning. Thus when we interpret its meaning. we can`t derive the implicated meaning. As we are in the level of physical meaning, our creativity can be restricted to that extend. The nature of methaphore is to understand or exprience a certain by connecting with other things. The methaphore is applied in everyday life such as our thought and behaviors widely, not only in our languages. The concept system that we intend, depend on, do ordinarily contains a methaphoreic character basically. Anyhow, the methaphore can be useful as a means to overcome the conflicts. We can abstract the substance and the space in the simulated actuality by using the methaphore. This approach can remove to make the actual world going to from one place to another place embarrassing. The effectiveness of computer animation. known to us well now, can be developed in detail as years go by and stimulates the surrealistic description. Thus, in this study, I research the indefinite possibilities toward the space in simulated actuality and the purpose of this study is to provide the right direction of methaphore design.
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A Study on the Characteristic factors and Expression Strategy for the Korean Political Advertisement - Case Study on the Newspaper advertising for the 15th National Congressmen Eletion -
원종열Jong Yeoul Won |
JEWNR 4(0) 226-245, 1999 |
New strategic advertisement methods are currently being developed in order to hold the public in their political services to a maximum and persuade the voter to support the party`s political ideology. Newspaper advertisement still appears to be standard means of political campaign initiation. So comparisons have been made among political organizations to see which is more suited to the needs of the public for the 15th National Congressmen Election. The advertising performance is described in details here with :characteristic features, categorical classification, creative strategies, and analysis of conveying messages. Many other political organizations function in formal ways to provide voters with ways of sharig interests, goals, political information and activities. Most political advertisement is brief, routine, and easily expressed. But every advertisement also represents the party to its members and to the public and thus should be carefully prepared and attractively presented. Most approaches to date, however, have concentrated solely on a portion of the total negative effect process. There is a clear tendency for the advertiser to place more emphasis on rival`s weakness as they effectively influence people. This kind of method gives a clear indication of some of the qualities people feel are important in political campaign. But the more we believe that negative advertisement is unjustified or, in some case irresponsible, the sooner this trend will decline in the future, replaced by more positive attitude presentation. There is also something remarkable and unique about the font preference. Fonts of letters are so closely related that guidelines for writing them are nearly identical as Myung-Jo styles rather than Gothic ones. A key feature of the political advertisement is that a major portion of its development began at the 15th National Congressmen Election, playing a key role in helping people foster higher levels of aesthetic consciousness. The combined mass media strategy will become a more vital step in supplying politicians with the tools they need to expand their ideas. More creative design concept will add weight to political advertisement as it is being evaluated. The success of political advertisement depends to a great extent on how effectively design concepts are selected and accentuated by the art designer and the advertiser. This is a good illustration of why consistent design concept is a good practice for a good art designer. What the art designer must now do is to assign a higher order of priority to the spontaneous interest of voters in their political decisions as well as to fulfill many kinds of voter needs for aesthetic requirements at the same time. This important role is to be left entirely to the art designer and the advertiser for the years to come. This study has checked the political advertisement for appropriateness in view of design layout and the designer`s concept, offering a feasible solutions and the possibilities of design improvements to overall election marketing.
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A Study on Creative Advertisement of Green Marketing - Centered on Visual Presentation of Prints -
조윤아Yun A Cho |
JEWNR 4(0) 248-260, 1999 |
We are living in a rapidly changing industrial and information-centered society. People that who live in that society have different sense of value and they participate in criticizing their society enthusiastically. Here, the internal and spiritual value has been more pursued than the material value. Also, the issues of the environment have attracted more attentions from the public. It is thought that the restoration of the damaged environment have connected with politics, conomics and society. So, it is expected that the issues of the environment will take the leadership of and influencing on forming a new order of the world in this country. Advertisement worked as a general means of marketing strategy used by industries. It was just one of the communication media. Now, delivering green massages is a more urgent matter of advertisement. Most of advertisement in this country inclined toward headlines and copies instead of visual appeals. "Green" concept was used as a prompter for more sales by industries. This study has a focus on visual presentation of green marketing advertisement. Creative green marketing advertisement can break the limit of visual field. It is suggested that unique green massages should be delivered in visual presentation. The primary suggestion of green marketing advertisement is that people and the environment should be protected.
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A Study on the Character Design in the Cartoon
오영신Young Shin Oh |
JEWNR 4(0) 264-276, 1999 |
In a nation like Korea which is poorly endowed with natural resources but abundant in human resources, technology must be the key to increase the national added values. If the technology is featured in terms of aesthetics, it becoms design. In this abundant society, the age when any commodity can sell will not comeback. At the same time, additional added values are required of the functional commodities. Now, the information society full of sensual functions is coming up. Design is a sence, while the information is enhanced by sensual functions. In particular, the fancy commodities are a kind of sensual commodities which may well be differentiated form the ordinary products because they use some or other images or characters added. Currently, many young consumers use various fancy commodities, which in turn affect their emotional and psychological senses. Nevertheless, such enormous effects on our young generation have been overlooked, making them familiar with the western culture full of sensual functions. Therefore, reckless uses of foreign character should be avoided, and instead, a cultural arena should be created to enable our children and youth to see, feel and think about the characters befitting our commotion, at the same time, business managers are requested to recruit more able personnels and increase their investments to have the correct character designs established, while character designers should exert their maximum creative power to present new characters of our own. Moreover, businesses are requested not to spare their efforts to promote national cultural commodities and characters as well as expand the educational arena. With such basic conceptions in mind, this study was aimed at comparatively analyzing the characters between Korea and Japan and thereby, suggesting some data useful to awaken people of our fancy characters and contribute to the development of our own characters.
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