Comparative Analysis of Korean Cosmetics Purchasing and Color Image of Korean and Chinese Consumer's
김경화 Kim Kyunghwa |
JEWNR 57(0) 7-17, 2017 |
Background This research made an attempt to figure out the color preference and color image on Korean cosmetics design which Korean and Chinese college students recognize.
Methods For the progress of research, 186 persons participated in the research finally, and the results are as follows.
Result First, as a result of analyzing the actual situation of cosmetics purchase, the first thing that stands out when looking at cosmetics design is that Chinese college students are more interested in brands than Korean college students, but both college and university students are interested in cosmetics color and brand. Secondly, in the result of analysis on the influence of the design color of cosmetics on the purchase, it appeared that the vessel of cosmetics or the color of design cast a bigger effect on the decision of the purchase of goods for Chinese than for Koreans. Thirdly, in the result which they grasped the color of wrapping and the suitability of the brand of Korean cosmetics, it was figured out that all Korean and Chinese collegians recognized that the wrapping color and the brand suitability are conformed with regarding the wrapping color and brand suitability of Korean cosmetics.
Conclusion And in the result of analysis of emotional image of Korean cosmetics, all Korean and Chinese collegians recognized the sensitive image the highest. Therefore, the cosmetics companies which intend to launch both in domestic market and Chinese market will have to build up an emotional marketing strategy to reflect the function and quality and the characteristics of the company.
keyword : 화장품 디자인, 색채선호도, 색채이미지, Cosmetic Design, Color Preference, Color Image
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The effect of Image of Fashion Apparel Stores on Repurchase Intention: Interaction Effect of Brand Familiarity
최철재 Chul-jae Choi , 류철호 Cheul-ho Ryoo |
JEWNR 57(0) 19-30, 2017 |
Background The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of brand image and store image on emotional trust and repurchase intention and emotional trust on repurchase intention, and then confirm the interaction effect of brand familiarity in the relationship between brand image, emotional trust and repurchase intention, and in the relationship store image, emotional trust, and repurchase intention.
Methods The authors collected survey data from consumers who had experience purchasing clothes at fashion apparel stores. The statistical package of SPSS 23.0 and AMOS21.0 was used to evaluate the structure, validity and reliability of the factors and verify the research hypothesis.
Results Brand image influenced emotional trust, while store image had no effect. Both brand image and store image influenced emotional repurchase intention. Emotional trust influenced repurchase intention. The interaction effect was significant in the relation to brand image, emotional trust and repurchase intention and in the relation store image, emotional trust and repurchase intention.
Conclusion The marketing manager has the image of the store and brand image of the product in the store to enhance the image of the fashion apparel store and implement of marketing strategies that can be improving the familarity of the brand to the target customer to raising the level of emotional trust and encourage repurchase intention.
keyword : 패션의류점이미지, 브랜드친숙성, 감정적 신뢰, Fashion Store Image, Brand Familiarity, Emotional Trust
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A study on the pattern of elderly women's pants by lower body shape using 3D simulation - focused on the DC Suite program -
차수정 Su-joung Cha |
JEWNR 57(0) 31-40, 2017 |
Background The elderly population participating in social activities is increasing because of the improvement of national income, the improvement of education level, and economic condition, and the desire for clothes due to leisure activities is increasing. Particularly, as the activity becomes more important, the necessity of pants considering the shape of older women is increasing. In this study, the pants patterns of 60-69 year olds were compared by body shape. We want to present an excellent pants pattern that is active and correct by analyzing.
Methods This study analyzed the body shape of the lower body of 60-69 year old women according to the 6th Korea Human Body Survey Report and compared them by making the body type pants using the 3D simulation program.
Result In the evaluation of the appearance of the pants pattern according to the body shape of the lower body of the old woman, there was a significant difference in the front(front waist position, hip space, thigh space, inner seam curve, crotch position, crotch line position and knee circumference position) and back sides(waist position, crotch space, thigh space, hip position, and dart position). There was no significant difference in the airgap of the pants according to the body shape for the objective evaluation of the 3D simulation. In elderly women, as the age increases, the hip circumference and thickness, abdomen circumference and thickness increase, and the volume of the crotch area also increases. In elderly women's pants pattern drawing, if the hip circumference is small, you should set the amount of space to 1/4 of the hip circumference to 4 ~ 5cm instead of 2 ~ 3cm, and increase the length of the waist longer. It is thought that it can be improved.
Conclusion It is thought that it is necessary to meet the desire for the elderly, the silver layer clothes, which is getting higher by developing the pants design and pattern suitable for the old woman in accordance with the change of the body shape with the increase of the age.
keyword : 노년 여성, 체형, 팬츠, Elderly women, Body shape, Pants
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Structural Relations among Interactivity, Informativeness, Trust, and Favorable Consumer Attitude Hair Shop-related Instagram and Consumer's Hair Shop Use Intention
박다영 Da-young Park , 유태순 Tai-soon Yoo |
JEWNR 57(0) 41-52, 2017 |
Background Due to the increase in consumers' use of instagram, it is required to understand consumer behaviors related to hair shops. For this, this study aims to investigate the structural relations among variables by selecting interactivity, informativeness, trust, favorable consumer attitude, and use intention as variables.
Method A questionnaire survey was conducted on 861 women in their 20s and 30s who had experience with Instagram, and the data from the survey was analyzed using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0.
Results First, interactivity, trust, and favorable consumer attitude of the hair shop Instagram had a direct effect on the consumer's use intention. Second, interactivity, informativeness, and trust directly affected favorable consumer attitude. Third, interactivity and informativeness had a direct effect on trust. Fourth, interactivity had a mediating effect on use intention through favorable consumer attitude. Fifth, trust showed a mediating effect on the use intention through favorable consumer attitude. Lastly, interactivity had a mediating effect on favorable consumer attitude through trust.
Conclusions It was found that there were direct and mediating effects among the variables, and that favorable consumer attitude was an important variable which showed both direct and mediating effects.
keyword : 상호작용성, 정보성, 호의적 소비자태도, Interactivity, Informativeness, Favorable Consumer Attitude
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Image Analysis of Visual Perception Elements by Movie Frames
김해태 Hae-tae Kim |
JEWNR 57(0) 53-65, 2017 |
Background This study discusses the relationship between frame rates and visual perception elements using image analysis criteria based on the rationale that frame rates affect the visual elements in a frame.
Methods The films selected for the discussion include < Mommy (2014) > with a square frame rate, < Ida (2013) > with an academy frame rate, and < Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) > with wide and academy frame rates. For the analysis, the frames of the movies were minutely divided in accordance with image analysis criteria, and the visual perception elements expressed in each frame were classified into the balance, gestalt and vector of the screen for an analysis on their relationship.
Result he results of the image analysis of visual perception elements by movie frames can be summarized as follows: At the square frame rate, due to its spatial limitation, the balance, gestalt and vector of the screen tend to focus on the person. On the other hand, the wide screen rate, free in every aspect, produces a horizontal stable composition and features a variety of shot sizes, making the story more robust with the juxtaposition of short shots. Also, the force of the graphic vector, the index vector, and the motion vector was strongly expressed at the frame rate. Finally, the academy frame rate, which has the attributes of both the square frame rate and the wide screen that features a sense of freedom, best reflects the aesthetic intent of the director.
Conclusion This study shows that frame rates have an aesthetic significance and affect the composition of the balance, gestalt and vector of the screen, which are visual elements, as the aesthetic power of the elements arranged in the screen varies on frame rate.
keyword : 프레임 비율, 영상분석, 시지각 요소, aspect ratio, Image Analysis, Visual Perception Elements
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The Moderating Effect of Storytelling between Satisfaction of Traditional Gache Experience and Behavioral Intention
김영혜 Young-hye Kim , 유태순 Tai-soon Yoo |
JEWNR 57(0) 67-78, 2017 |
Background To invigorate the traditional Gache experience, this study examines what elements of storytelling have a moderating effect regarding how satisfaction of traditional Gache experience affects tourists' revisit intention and word-of-mouth intention.
Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted on 266 tourists visiting Gyeongju. To verify the proposed hypotheses, the data were analyzed using SPSS 20.0 and moderating effect analysis of the regression model was conducted.
Result Description of storytelling on the satisfaction of traditional Gache experience and behavioral intention showed significant influence on one's revisit intention and one's word of mouth intention. And the degree of emotion of storytelling showed significant influence only on one's word of mouth intention.
Conclusion In the moderating effects of storytelling on the satisfaction of traditional Gache experience and behavioral intention, education, interest, and local singularity were rejected, and description and emotion were adopted. Specifically, in terms of description, entertainment experience, educational experience, escapist experience, and esthetic experience among the sub-factors of traditional Gache experience had significant impact on visitors' revisit intention. And entertainment experience, escapist experience and esthetic experience showed a significant effect on visitors' word-of-mouth intention. Considering emotion, educational experience and esthetic experience among the sub-factors of traditional Gache experience had a significant influence on visitors' word-of-mouth intention.
keyword : 전통가체체험, 행동의도, 스토리텔링, Traditional Gache Experience, Behavioral Intention, Storytelling
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Online Opinion Analysis of Performing Arts through Social Big Data
장성복 Sung-bok Chang , 성열홍 Youl-hong Sung |
JEWNR 57(0) 79-90, 2017 |
performing arts in South Korea and the new Korean Wave, this study investigated online public opinions among people who enjoy performing arts and proposed a way to utilize the online public opinion through social big data analysis.
Methods For the study, 5.72million data collected from blogs, news, forums, and web documents from January 2013 until December 2015 were analyzed by using the social data analysis solution TIBUZZ, and the difference in satisfaction with the performance was compared based on the number of relevant posts, views, and number of references to performers by show.
Result The result showed that the most frequently mentioned type of performance was concert, followed by musical, play, ballet, and opera in the order and the amount of references to performing arts by channel was largest in blogs, followed by news, forums, and Q&A site. And larger-scale performances like Concert had higher amounts of references (interest) and positive feedback(satisfaction). In addition, the sentiment analysis related to the performance showed higher percentages of satisfaction and joy, and there was a correlation between the number of tickets sold according to the amount of mentioned.
Conclusion Findings in this study provide basic data related to online public opinion on performing arts and propose practical and policy-related implications as well as new criteria for evaluating online public opinion related to performing arts through social big data.
keyword : 공연예술, 소셜 빅데이터, 온라인 여론, Performing Arts, Social Big Data, Online Public Opinion
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The Formativeness Expression of Space Expansion using Optical Illusion on Optical Fiber
양이수 Yee-soo Yang , 김성연 Sung-yoen Kim |
JEWNR 57(0) 91-104, 2017 |
Background If the development of architectural materials was the major variable of determining urban forms and functions in a previous era, the development of scientific technology and information communication is triggering the changes of urban space structures in modern era. The city where we are currently living has the close relationship with the enormous network, internet. As the physical characteristic of urban was substituted with virtualization, such network system has emerged as the new characteristic of modern urban. Due to this change, the optical fiber has become the material that represents the best of the contents and structures of modern urban, which can be described as informatization, globalization, and speed & image. The light and medium displayed by the optical fibers causes the intentional optical illusion, which expresses not only “Night Life” and spectacle, but intensifies the characteristics of modern urban, and it also suggests the possibility of perceiving the urban space as an expanded space that has multi-purposes.
Methods Based on understanding the concepts and characteristics of optical illusion, analyze the cases using optical illusion phenomenon on formative arts and research the optical illusion produced by using medium. Based on the study, utilize the optical illusion produced by optical fiber and medium to materialize the image of urban space as the piece of art.
Result The revolution of information transfer enabled by optical fiber has destroyed the existing boundary and expanded the range of urban to world-wide. The speed of modern urban has created the rhythm that is completely different from what it used to be, and established the human and the life of urban in different dimension. Since optical fiber is the raw material which used in information communication technology, it carries the image of rapid speed and externalized power of urban space. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assure the possibility of formative expression of visualized space extension through the optical illusion using optical fiber. Especially, the modeling of urban space would be used to display the possibility of formative expression of visualized space extension, because the medium, optical fiber, symbolizes the changes of urban spaces such as globalization.
Conclusion In this thesis, the possibility of the optical fiber, one of the main materials used in textile art, as the medium was explored by scrutinizing the question, how the optical fiber and optical illusion can be used to expand purposes of a visible space. The optical fiber well-reveals the various spatial characteristics of modern urban through the optical illusion of visualized space that can be expanded by the light created by the optical fiber, which assures the possibility of the optical fiber as the material of formative arts. Ultimately, the goal of this research is to disclose the possibility of expanding an expression realm of textile art infinitely beyond the limited area such as applied art or subordinate art through the various experiments of the installation of space using the optical fiber.
keyword : 광섬유, 착시현상, 공간 확장, Optical Fiber, Optical Illusion, Space Expansion
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A Study on the Expression of Chaos in Human Relationship through the Recombination of Images -Focusing on my works-
윤경희 Yoon Kyung Hee , 오순 Oh Soon , 김정실 Kim Jung-sil |
JEWNR 57(0) 105-113, 2017 |
Background The purpose of this study is to analyze the chaotic expression in human relationships through recombination of image transformations and investigate the meaning of communication and the confusion of identity in the individualized society.
Methods There are different properties between needles including threads and inanimate objects that are used as motifs in the works. They demonstrate relational characteristics in that they all serve one purpose as they are expressed in a positive and negative relationship. Based on the research analysis of contemporary paintings, my paintings are completed with DTP(Digital Textile Printing) using the functions of Photoshop(CS6) and Textile Ver. 11.0.
Result The work that constituted the work(8) was expressed based on the psychological change that I encountered while meeting with various groups of people as I grew up and the sense of identity that arose throughout the process. As a result, it is necessary to carry out an empirical research that reflects pattern design through the development of trendy works from the perspective of diversity in other fields.
Conclusion The meaning of various expressions of the inner world of people who fall into confusion in relationships with others and those who are confused about their identity was incorporated into the works. The goal is to contribute to the development of industrial design including fashion design, textile design, and interior design by combining new images of motif with contemporary painting.
keyword : 인간관계, 소통, 정체성, Human Relationship, Communication, Identity
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The Effects of Experience Providers on the Level of Brand Experience and Brand Relationship - The Reconsideration of Strategies in the Aspect of Design Management in the Area of Identity and Products -
김세미 Kim Se-mi , 손원준 Son Won-jun |
JEWNR 57(0) 115-124, 2017 |
Background The current marketing paradigm has been changed from the traditional marketing emphasizing the unilateral communication to the bilateral relational communication. The ultimate goal of experience marketing is to create the overall experience for customers, and the experience providers of brand experience work as a strategic tool to provide positive brand experience. Therefore, this study aims to concretely reveal the differences in the effects of experience providers such as identity and product appearance on each area of the level of brand experience and brand relationship, based on the experiential greed module by B. Schmitt. Also, based on the results, it aims to suggest the strategic module by adopting BX to the aspect of design management.
Methods Based on the relevant research trend and theoretical background, this study aimed to set up research questions according with the research objective and then to draw results through experimental research. Suggesting practical implications, it aimed to suggest conclusions of study.
Result In the area of identity of experience providers, the sense, cognition, and sensitivity of the level of brand experience showed high correlations while the cognition and sense had huge effects in the area of product appearance. Also, regarding the brand relationship, the product appearance showed close relations.
Conclusion Based on the results, the approach measures of strategic BX design in which the attributes of brand experience level have been adopted to design management could be suggested. On top of observing the maximized brand experience and increased efficiency of brand experience, it is also expected to contribute to the retention of positive brand relationship with consumers.
keyword : 경험제공수단, 브랜드 경험차원, 브랜드 관계성, Experience provider, dimension of brand experience, brand relationship
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