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Vol.45, No.0, 487 ~ 497, 2014
Comparison And Analysis of Neo-impressionist Painting`s Texture Based on Brush Strokes
김철기 Kim Cheol Ki
This study analyze texture`s scientific meaning of Neo-impressionist painters who, working with Seurat and Signac, helped develop the Pointillist style. We uses GLCM based Haralick`s feature variables to analyze paintings. It is a good tool to extract 2D statistical values about painting`s texture. In this study, after we randomly extract 75 texture images per painter and measure 20 feature variables, we use a independent t-test for finding statistical meanings. Throughout experimental results, we can confirm the existence of texture`s differences in 14 feature variables among two painters. In comparison to Signac, Statistically significant differences are appeared between intensities. The results are confirmed that has the low-similarity between pixels. And it is known that texture have large variability. In the case of Signac, on the other hand, because texture correlation between adjacent pixels have high relative intensity, so texture is generally uniform.
Key Words
질감분석, 붓 터치, 동시발생행렬, Texture analysis, Brush strokes, GLCM
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