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Vol.45, No.0, 95 ~ 105, 2014
A Study On characteristic of expression shown in the Award-winning Works of Domestic Public Advertisement Festival-Focusing on Printed Advertisement of Korea Public Advertisement Festival From 2009 To 2013-
손소영 Son So-young
This study is a thesis on characteristic of expression shown in the award-winning works of domestic public advertisement festival, which focuses on the examples such as the printed advertisement of `Korea Public Advertisement Festival` from 2009 to 2013 and closely examines how their characteristic of expression is revealed. First of all, through the advanced research and the literature research for the purpose of analyzing the characteristic of expression in the printed public advertisement, have we examined by suggesting an analysis framework from categorizing into retroactive expression, visual one on such advertisement. As for the characteristic of expression shown in the `Korea Public Advertisement Festival`, the negative retroactive expression has been revealed in the first place, while as for the visual expression of advertisement, the metaphorical expression has appeared for the most part, furthermore, the expression of picture image has overwhelmingly appeared. As for the color expression, color has been mostly expressed, whereas with regard to typography, Gothic type[font] has a little bit appeared more, in addition, in case of lay-out(copy) of customized center, expression has appeared most. This result shows us that it is very closely related to the characteristic of public advertisement, being able to be seen as a more impactive and convincing way of retrospectively recollecting in inspiring a sense of alertness by negatively bringing up the advertising messages because the public advertisement operates the real problems of our society as an issue. In addition, there have been more metaphorical expressions in visual expressions, which can be interpreted as more effectively influential to express with being combined with or replaced by other images, than direct and realistic ones in enhancing the delivery power of the public campaign messages as well as visual impact & attention. Furthermore, other high-quality methods of advertisement expressions with colors using photo image could be seen here, with more Gothic font & lay-out(copy) of customized center, which can be clearly delivered by putting an emphasis on public campaign messages. It seems that the characteristic of competing form as a contest of public campaign ad and that of expression as the printed advertisement have been translated and reflected.
Key Words
공익광고, 수상작, 표현특성, Public advertisement, Award-winning works, Characteristic of expression
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