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Vol.44, No.0, 231 ~ 242, 2014
A Research on Female Role Image from a Female Perspective-Focusing on TV Commercial Cases-
손소영 Son So-young
This study focusing on the gender role imposed on females from the sociocultural point of view has been carried out to find out how to define a female`s role from the sociocultural aspect and how the role has been described centering on TV commercial cases. A traditional role in the category of gender role dominantly accounted for 76.1%, among which a beauty-oriented role made up 48.7%, followed by a role in the family. On the other hand, a non-traditional role was only 15.6%, where an ego-centered role turned out to be higher than a social one. In the female role image, `a young and beautiful female` came first, with `a female as a homemaker`, `a female pursuing external beauty`, `a female enjoying activities such as hobbies, leisure and sports`, and `a female as a mother` following in order. This result indicates that the image of a traditional female role is getting fixed distinctively, which also means a wide variety of a female`s roles appearing on TV commercials including the female`s ego-centered role and the role of enjoying hobbies, leisure activities and sports. From a female`s gender role point of view, our society requires women to have a traditional role (that is, a female pursuing beauty and taking care of the family at home), sending us a clear message that `a woman has to be beautiful`. In the face of rapid changes in the modern society and a variety of roles given to females, we can still see many traditional female roles in advertisements. This can be rendered in this way that the female gender role entrenched in our community puts more importance on a domestic role rather than a social one, while the role of a beautiful female is demanded more than an ego-centered role. In addition, the beauty-oriented role of women seems to be seen more often in TV commercials in the future, as a woman herself is envious of the image.
Key Words
여성, 성역할, 여성역할이미지, Female, Gender role, Female role image
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