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Vol.43, No.0, 267 ~ 278, 2014
Emotional level suggestion for anthropomorphic animal character-Focusing on the elephant character Horton-
이영숙 Lee Young-suk
This study demonstrates emotional intensity of anthropomorphic animal characters expressed in animation. For this, we have categorized DB about basic emotional (Happiness, Surprise, Fear, Anger, Disgust, Sadness) with elephant character in animation as our target. The classified DB to target the characteristics of movement and emotional expression analyzed. Then, we have examined movement theory of Laban for each emotional intensity and analyzed them by substituting effort factor. As a result, we have extracted emotional intensity factor depending on changes in sentimental level of anthropomorphic animal characters. And we have suggested emotional level about each emotional expression. This is essential to show natural emotional when anthropomorphic animal character expresses the scenario. Besides, when the character tries to direct appropriate movement for every emotional, it has the purpose to express the appropriate and clear emotional. We hope to contribute in directing movement depending on emotional expression for various expanded animal characters such as mammals and birds.
Key Words
의인화동물캐릭터, 감정단계, 감정표현, Anthropomorphic animal character, emotional level, emotional expression
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