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Vol.43, No.0, 255 ~ 267, 2014
A Development of a Safety Checklist for Children`s Park
조수찬 Cho Su-chan , 연명흠 Yeoun Myeong-heum
The Purpose of this study was to develop a safety checklist for facilities in children`s park. For this research, we have adopted a universal design safety principles as a criteria of evaluation. We have imposed twice the safety demand to a recently built `Imaginable-children`s park`. By interviewing experts, we gathered critical data that shows some facilities have several safety issues. Based on the defects of the `Imaginable-children`s park`, we developed a detailed checklist to assess the safety of public facilities and children`s park. This checklist was based on the laws and theories of the universal design. Additional concrete date and objectives were applied to the checklist through verifications of industry experts. This checklist will help increase the safety standards for future children`s park.
Key Words
어린이 공원, 안전성 체크리스트, Children`s Park, Safety Checklist
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