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Vol.43, No.0, 233 ~ 245, 2014
According to the type of premium credit card design image gender and age user attitudes - Focusing on the domestic card industry -
임가현 Lim Ga-hyun , 이경현 Lee Kyung-hyun
Credit card, known as the third currency or a plastic money, became a necessity among contemporaries that credit card corporations are showing fierce competition between themselves. They are developing competitiveness to secure the good customers since the differences of benefit and service between companies have been narrowed. Consumers regard the design as the important element besides service and benefit with the choices being widened. Thus, credit card companies need to pursue the card design reflecting consumer`s preference. In this study, the design of the premium credit cards among domestic credit card companies were analyzed, and the result demonstrate the discordance between the current status of the premium credit cards and the preference of consumers. Simple type took the highest percentage in the preference research while it took second low in the current status. Logo and symbol type took the second highest percent in the current status, it took high percentage in the consumer preference research. Black colors took the highest percentage in the current status while it took the second highest among preference research. Logo and symbol enlargement type took the lowest percentage both in the current status and preference research. When preferred color was being examined, achromatic colors took the highest percentage in the current status while red colors took the highest in overall in the preference research. The most preferred color was gold in overall. Despite of the low percentage gold colors took helpful in suggesting the direction of the credit card companies towards premium credit card design. This study attempt to provide materials which are stage in the research while it took the highest in the current status.
Key Words
신용카드 선호도, 프리미엄 신용카드, 신용카드 디자인, Preference of credit card, Premium credit card, Credit card design
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