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Vol.42, No.0, 131 ~ 141, 2014
Study of market Development for Educational Cartoon - Market Development research in segmentation -
이승진 Lee Seung-jin , 강은원 Kang Eun-won
Since 2000, the Korean market of education comics has been increasing steadily, starting with『Far countries and neighboring countries 』. But most of education comics have been made for elementary students and this is a glutted market. The ministry of education announced that the textbooks of elementary schools, mid schools and high schools will be revised completely for convergence until 2016, so this gets education comics focused to connect with other various subjects. This study shows three steps in survey to subdivide the existing education comics and propose new personalized convergence model in order to change format of the market of education comics. The first survey is for 15 specialists in education comics and then the second survey is for these specialists one on one as to extract the variable of education comics. This analyzes the reason using the extracted variable and assorts the reason of using education comics, the preference of education comics, the style of life and the concept of new products.
Key Words
델파이, 학습만화, 시장세분화, Delphi, Educational Cartoon, market segmentation
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