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Vol.40, No.0, 209 ~ 220, 2013
The Influence of the Wayfinding Ability on the Visitor Attitudes
박경하 Park Kyoung Ha , 장동련 Jang Dong Ryun , 오명열 Oh Myung Youl
The modern society is changing rapidly, and a large amount of information coexist around us everyday. In these complex variety of living space, the pathfinding ability on the visual Perceptual information is the important part of the function to deliver accurate information along with an increase in interest in the environment. The type of the sending and receiving of information in the information age appears as one of the main ways to find a destination in the architectural space efficiently with increasing complex buildings which have various space. As a part of the way of the Land-Value rising and the conservation of ground, the speed of the underground development has been increasing rapidly. Most of these types of underground development is kind of complex buildings. Due to the purpose that should be equipped with a variety of entertainment elements such as exhibition, shopping, etc. in the limited space, problems that cause confusion to users may occur because of a provision of the colorful visual attractions. Wayfinding information systems have been attracting attention in terms of user-centric service designs that can provide efficient information in a closed space. In other words, It requires new thinking, new approaches to reduce the gaps in their ability to respond to the complexity of the market. So It would have a significance that this paper establish a foothold that expand wayfinding problem to marketing-related research of the social sciences.
Key Words
WAT(길찾기능력), 방문자태도, 정보처리유형, Wayfinding, Visitor Attitudes, SOP
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