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Vol.40, No.0, 97 ~ 109, 2013
Development of a Table Lighting Design using a Slim LED Bar
이진욱 Lee Jin Uk
Modern lighting should meet the needs of art which satisfies human emotion by providing a high-quality lighting environment as well as the simple role of lighting. Therefore, this study focused on the development of a table lighting design using a slim LED Bar which can be eco-friendly in saving energy. For this study table lighting design trends were reviewed, an understanding of customers was researched, current table lighting markets were analysed, and basic directions for design development were presented. Then the study analysed the materials and characteristics of Slim LED Bars and sought their applicability in a design. The conditions for the design were the satisfaction of basic functions, the use of a Slim LED Bar`s characteristics, emotional lighting with aesthetic elements, and a design with mobility and stability, A 3D model was created using sketch and CG programs to specify the design and create a numerical Database for CNC. The DB was modelled with the use of standardized CNC processing and the Slim LED Bar, a table lighting design which is faithful to the basic purposes of lighting and that can satisfy the emotions of customers was developed.
Key Words
조명 디자인, LED 조명, 탁상 조명, Lighting Design, LED Lighting, Table Lighting
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