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Vol.39, No.0, 241 ~ 251, 2013
Understanding the concept of `convergence` and Design
김향원 Kim Hyang-won , 남용현 Nam Yong-hyun
We call our age `convergence Era`. But the term has never been correctly defined in any scholar domain until now. This study reflects this term of convergence in comparaison with those of consolidation, consilience, integration etc. which have mixed often the real demands and the majors` exchange in scholar areas. It has approached to a linguistic term of convergence as meaning `two elements conducted in a new element`. This linguistic terminological meaning corresponds exactly to that of the biological one: 1) two substantially different species 2) living in a same environmental circumstance 3) producing s same biological trait for each one. But in the social sciences` perspective, the terminological trend is conducted for the purpose of utilitarianistical effects, especially in the domain of economy, marketing and medicine. Social term of convergence occurs a problem of terminological confusion lack of scientific consideration vis-a-vis those of linguistic and biology. But the term in social sciences` perspective gives a pragmatical sense in this term: real effect. This study, resuming the term on all scholar base, tried to define a convergence in design environmental domain as like these: 1) two elements functionally different 2) driving together effectivly for human life 3) resulting or attending in the final a new element. Although these definitions or meanings are not enough to make deep relation with every realty in our present design actuality, these can clear some terminological problems occurred from early in the domain of design for projection ots meningful creation in the future.
Key Words
융합, 정의, 디자인, Convergence, Terminology, Design
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