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Vol.38, No.0, 399 ~ 411, 2013
Aesthetics of Superhero Costumes in Fantasy Movies since 2000
김윤희 Yoonhee Kim
This study aims to interpret the images of superheroes who appear in fantasy movies in increasing numbers since 2000 and to conduct a systematic analysis of the aesthetics of superhero costumes. The result can be summarized as the following. First, superheroes can be defined as "fictional and fantastic heroes beyond everyday life, heroes with superhuman capabilities, high achievements, and moral purity." The most popular and beloved superheroes include Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man, Hulk, X-men, and Iron Man. Second, there have been at least eight superheroes who originally appear in comic books and are made into at least nineteen movies since 2000. Most of the fantasy movies in which superheroes are leading characters have been produced after 2000. Third, important characteristics of superheroes expressed in these fantasy movies include the duplicity of transformation, mythicized heroes, American patriotism, and perfection of body. Fourth, the aesthetics of superhero costumes in the fantasy movies seem to try to illustrate tragic beauty of transformation, sublime beauty of mythicization, American symbolism, and immaculate formal beauty. It is clear from this study that the characteristics of superheroes in these recent fantasy movies are most effectively highlighted and completed by their distinctive costumes.
Key Words
슈퍼히어로, 판타지 영화, 복식미, superhero, fantasy movie, aesthetics of costume
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