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Vol.38, No.0, 215 ~ 225, 2013
Study on How Emotional Quotient of Consumers in Beauty Shops Affects Emotional Service Awareness and Customer Satisfaction in Each Emotional Category
이형숙 Lee Hyeong-sook , 김성남 Kim Seong-nam
Lately, it is being observed that customers in Korea tend to prefer much of mental, psychological satisfaction than functions or performances of a product. In consideration of the fact, the study aims to understand how emotional quotient of beauty shop-goers affect emotional service awareness and customer satisfaction in each category of emotions. The research interests are presented as follows. First, demographic characteristics of the research targets are examined. Second, particularities found when the research targets use beauty shops are gained. Third, how the emotional quotient of consumers affects the emotional service in each category of emotions is discussed. Fourth, The study looks into effects of the consumers` emotional quotient on the customer satisfaction while it examines how the consumers` emotional service awareness in each emotional category influences the customer satisfaction. Research data was processed for statistics by SPSS 16.0. Data analysis was applied in order in consideration of the research interests and frequency analysis, reliability analysis and multiple regression analysis were used. The results of the study are provided as follows. According to the results of how the consumers` emotional quotient affects the emotional service and customer satisfaction in each emotional category, among the consumers` emotional quotient, tactile service was observed to have the greatest importance with a ratio of 32.1%. It was also learned that the tactile service would cause the highest customer satisfaction. Next, effects of the emotional service in each emotional service by the beauty shops on the customer satisfaction were examined. The results reported that, among the emotional service in each emotional category provided by the beauty shops, the customer satisfaction would be explained by the tactile service, the auditory service and the olfactory service by 58.5% except from other visual service and gustatory service. The study reviewed references related to the emotional service to see what factors of the emotional service would have an influence on the customer satisfaction. Now, it is expected that the study can provide the beauty shops with practical emotional marketing strategies so that the shops properly cope with psychology of the customers which would, in return, lead to the customers` re-visitation to the beauty shops.
Key Words
감성, 감성마케팅, 감성서비스, emotion, emtional marketing, emotional service
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