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Vol.37, No.0, 97 ~ 109, 2012
The Concepts of Body by Foucalt and Merleau-Ponty in Dress
이민선 Lee Min-sun
One can accept and visualize various concepts of the body through clothing. Therefore, understanding the changing concepts of the body is the key to understanding the change of the dress. The purpose of this study is to explore a useful tool for explaining how dresses have been changed during the period from the Victorian era to now. This tool owes mainly the two contradictory views on the body by Foucault and Merleau-ponty complementarily. Foucault understands the body and its actions on the basis of the power group`s intention and function. On the contrary Merleau-ponty recognizes the body as an active being which acts subjectively. According to Foucault, the power group brings in its ideal beauty and induces the public follow it. Based on the view of Foucault, we can confirm that the dynamics between the power groups and the opposition groups have led the change of dresses. The Victorian dress of men and women was introduced by the power group and against it, the dress of the opposition group like zoot-suit and channel dresses were appeared. According to Merleau-ponty, the body is a subject interacting the surroundings. Based on the view of Merleau-ponty, Asian designers and Northern European designers have created dresses within mind that human beings are part of the nature interacting surroundings. These cases in dress history imply that the two contradictory concepts of the body by Foucault and Merleau-ponty can be a useful tool for explaining the change of dress on the whole.
Key Words
몸 개념, 푸코, 메를로-퐁티, Body concept, Foucault, Merleau-Ponty
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