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Vol.35, No.0, 255 ~ 265, 2012
On / Off-Line connection to learning for the e-learning content research - 3D graphics learning content around -
정회준 Jung Hoe-jun
In this study, E-learning contents, which linked between off-line resources and on-line contents, were designed by referencing 3D graphics learning contents and customizing to coincide for each class. E-learning contents support retraining and improving teaching materials by changing from previous education methods which cramming off-line education and noticing lecture materials to connecting Off-line contents and On-line contents. Learners could solve their problems to search and access information which related to their works. The purpose is improving effectiveness of learning by designing learner-centered E-learning contents, which make professors and students to participate and share their class activities on Web 2.0 Internet environments.
Key Words
On/Off-Line 연계, 이러닝 콘텐츠, 3D 그래픽, On/Off-line connection, e-learning content, 3D Graphic
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