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Vol.36, No.0, 421 ~ 433, 2012
Analysis of Classic Style in Modern Fashion
김정실 Kim Jung Sil
The purpose of this study is to analyse the modern fashion trend that favors classic style by examining styles, fabric, and colors in fashion collection photos. It is also to offer documents of conventional colors used in classic style as well as development of color trends and fabric. Moreover, the study is to provide basic information that will help those who wish to observe a breakdown of classic images, so that they can develop a sense of individuality with keen sensation. The result of a case study shows that classic design has a distinct historical value that transcends generation boundaries and due to its universality, many have worn classic style clothing. Through the analysis of colors, fabric, and patterns, brown was the main color along with other colors such as wine red, dark green, mustard yellow as well as white, gray, beige were mostly used. As for fabric, natural fabric like wool, tweed, velvet, corduroy, and silk were used mostly. Especially, classic images were most evident when wool was matched with silk. For patterns, geometrical designs such as glen plaid, hound`s tooth, tartan, plaid, classic stripes, and polka dots were utilized. Moreover, classic images in modern fashion based on seasonal trends were reinterpreted by the classic fashion of Britain, modern sensation, and conservatism. This study will hopefully have a positive effect on practical use of women`s fashion design by applying classic images in expressive ways.
Key Words
클래식 스타일, 색상, 소재, 패턴, Classic Style, Colors, Fabric, Pattern
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