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Vol.35, No.0, 87 ~ 98, 2012
A Study of Positioning Strategies for Low-middle Priced Innerwear Brand in Korea - Focused on Female College Student in Seoul and GyeongGi-Do Area -
이민경 Min-gyung Lee , 김현주 Hyeon Ju Kim
This study attempts to provide basic data for differentiated product positioning strategies by analyzing main attributes that influence the selection of domestic low-middle priced innerwear brands and making a perceptual map in order to obtain ideal directions for the present status of the brands. A survey was conducted on product attributes of 5 innerwear brands to evaluate costumers` preferences with 175 colleges girls attending colleges in Seoul and the metropolitan area. For the data analysis, factor analysis and multiple regression analysis were introduced using SPSS 12.0 program. The results of the study are as follows: First, product attributes of low-middle priced innerwear brands are classified into 3 factors such as aesthetic appreciation, reliability and promotion. Second, the results of multiple regression analysis show aesthetic appreciation, reliability and promotion all have effects on brand preference. Third, ideal directions for innerwear brands were drawn through the multiple regression analysis of preference; Y brand was recognized as the most ideal brand among college girls corresponding to the ideal directions in reliability and promotion.
Key Words
제품속성, 이너웨어 브랜드, 포지셔닝 전략, 지각도, Product Attributes, Innerwear Brand, Positioning Strategy, Perceptual Map
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