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Vol.33, No.0, 159 ~ 169, 2011
Differntiation Strategy for Designing University Symbol Mark - Focus on Case of Kyung Hee University Symbol Mark Renewal -
정수진 Jung Soo Jin , 김초원 Kim Chowon
Nowadays universities are facing a major change in the educational environment, such as, declining number of domestic students and increasing number of oversea studies, To survive strong global University Brand is more required than ever. Therefor the universities are now focusing on developing University Identity(UI) system targeting not only the domestic market but also the global market. Kyung Hee University, which recently celebrated their 63rd anniversary, is working on their UI renewal to establish a global acknowledgment. As a core element of the UI system, symbol mark is a visual icon that represent the philosophy and history of the university. This study is intented to analyze 50 symbol marks of the universities in the asia area and suggest a differentiation strategy on designing a successful symbol mark for Kyung Hee University and other universities in the similar position.
Key Words
대학 아이덴티티, 심벌마크, 차별화 전략, University Identity, Symbol Mark, Differentiation Strategy
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