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Vol.32, No.0, 327 ~ 337, 2011
Neo Platicist ideology and pattern propaganda of De Stijl group
김연화 Kim Youn Hwa
De Stijl group - firm supporter of the formation of modern abstract art with mechanical aestheticism and influenced the formation of modern art and painting - did not only created patternized art but also acted as pioneer of abstract painting, architecture, design, etc. The paper looked at metaphysical and metachemical variances contributed to Neo-Platicist theory based on P. Monderian Theo Van Doesburg, and probability of common plausibility by referencing existing thesis - specifically that of Carens. Along with contribution of the creation of modernized patterns, mean of expression and audiences` experience play an important role in foundation of new art that is based on fusion of art and technology. Thus, problems concerning obtaining credibility and objective rationality in selection of pattern, movement, methods for the topic emphasize the importance of the discussion and verify facts based on qualitative and quantitative reinterpretation. Along with cubism, futurism, constructionism, De Stijl identity had not only provided empirical experience in formation of 20th century`s modern art, but also reinterpreted factor and property of model employment in equivalence way using existing. Thus establishing mutual reciprocity of ideological type and form as well as its value. Also, the paper looks at interrelationship of framing influence between De Stijl movement in the formation of neo-formative art - visible and non-visible composition, influential factor, standard and value of ideology formation as formative art.
Key Words
등가적, 조형성, 신조형주의, Equivalence, Formativeness, Neo Plasticism
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