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Vol.31, No.0, 381 ~ 391, 2011
Material-Imagination of Bachelard and Design Creativity
강성중 Kang Sung Joong
Gaston Bachelard gave new meaning and value into imagination which reason-based Western culture had underestimated. This study aims to explore the concept of material-imagination, and to examine applicable methods into design creativity. Material-imagination is rooted at the Four Elements of western culture, Bachelard explored his imagnation theories with respect to water, fire, earth, and air. Material-imagination is image not for form but for matter, it distinguishes from form-imagination based on visual appearance. Bachelard calls the directness of imagination activity as `culture complex``, which has to do with symbolic system of society. Folkmann addresses that creativity in design creates a specific connection of abstract concept and concrete view, wherein imagination is the interaction between consciousness and the exterior aspect of the material world. Material-imagination is evolved to dynamic imagination, and archetypical imagination. Image is the result of imagination, imagination is a energy for creativity. Bachelard`s imagination theories bring us explanation for extracting abstract concepts, theoretical base for subjective design methodologies, direction of culture design through culture complex, and connection with humanities. His theory has limitation of dependence with language, and subjectiveness. Material imagination could be applied as expansion of creativity activity, approach to form and matter, and tool for culture design in design education.
Key Words
물질적 상상력, 창조성, 가스통 바슐라르, Material-imagination, Creativity, Gaston Bachelard
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