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Vol.31, No.0, 305 ~ 315, 2011
Hangul Design using a Module system
강화영 Kang Hwa-young
Our letter is proud of the heritage of technically and aesthetically wonderful traditional print type as shown in metal type of Goryeo. Hangeul charged the roles of communication and recording transmitting contents which are essence of letters based on understanding about visual composition shown in type printing. With such various material of Hangeul design, this study explored that concepts of grid and square module were applied to Hangeul design by Kim Jinpyung. And structural system was investigated through regular horizontal and vertical grid system used in Hangeul alphabet. Module system in Hangeul design makes production of effective type possible by regulating Hangeul letter type and makes one see in visually arranged shape and gives balance by dividing space in a form of certain unit. Accordingly, module system got a favorable review in the middle and later period of the 20th century and made structural system with visual composition possible. The author could know that by applying Korean consonant and vowel to module system of perfect square, circle, and triangle, module system which is a standard unit for arrangement of letter makes background of Hangeul be arranged. And it was known that module system is a standard unit where letter can be arranged adding functional and formative meaning along with clarity through strict order. Especially, these modules-perfect square module expressing good order, circle module giving stable feeling by line without angle, triangle module showing plastic beauty in peculiar form-play the roles not only as a tool of communication but also as a visual factor. By utilizing this advantage and applying to graphic design and products, values of function and formative aspect of Hangeul letter type could be known. Accordingly, based on this study, the author recognized the infinite possibility of Hangeul design and would give efforts to develop various design for industrial development along with continued development of Hangeul forwards.
Key Words
한글디자인, 그리드, 모듈, Hangul Design, Grid, Module
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