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Vol.30, No.0, 285 ~ 295, 2011
Formative Characteristics of Eco-friendly Fashion Jewelry - With the Focus on Necklaces-
배정후 Bae Jung Hoo , 이경희 Lee Kyoung-hee , 제기연 Je Gi-yeon
In contemporary fashion, jewelry takes so much importance that it sets the trend. They carry a sensible message that expresses esthetic desire and originality. In addition, more recently, with growing interest in health and in the environment, the jewelry industry is being transformed as more and more jewelry is made of eco-friendly or recycled materials. The purpose of this paper is to explore the design qualities as well as types of eco-friendly Necklace and to analyze their characteristic qualities. For data collection, 32 web sites* related to eco-friendly jewelry as found by looking up keywords such as eco jewelry, eco-friendly jewelry, eco ornaments, eco-friendly ornaments, eco accessory, and eco-friendly accessory, as well as related images on an internet search site were used as the source for 189 necklace photos, which were analyzed following collection. As for the analysis method, SPSS statistical analysis and content analysis were used. First, The characteristics of eco-friendly Necklace were Matinee, Y-line, chromatic composition, material composition, recycled plastic and wood and a variety of images. Second, The types of eco-friendly Necklace design were recycling, natural, folk, complex, multi-function. Among those types was most frequently observed eco-friendly necklace design, recycling and natural materials and inspired use of color combinations are the most important. Third, Formative Characteristics of eco-friendly Necklace were harmony, uniqueness, permanence, improvement, and reproducibility.
Key Words
친환경 주얼리, 조형적 특성, 네크리스, Eco-friendly Jewelry, Formative Characteristics, Necklace
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