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Vol.29, No.0, 213 ~ 223, 2010
Influence of consumption affect displayed by mobile phone on user experience
이승민 Lee Seung-min , 양보영 Yang Bo-young
Today, mobile phone plays a significant role in creating a new culture as it is rapidly becoming an integral part of our daily lives. In this process, great importance is considered to be attached to user experience. Therefore, not only technical feature but also user`s affect greatly contributes to selecting the handset model. In this regard, the need for studying user`s experience by considering various affects is ever increasing. This paper extracted affects that can be displayed while purchasing and using mobile phone, and studied the influence of this on user experience. A total of eight types of affects including inconvenience, pleasure, likeability, novelty, passion, intimacy, lack and anxiety were extracted. Among these, novelty has the biggest influence on user experience followed by lack, intimacy and likeability.
Key Words
휴대전화, 사용자경험, 감정, Mobile phone, User experience, Affect
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