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Vol.27, No.0, 323 ~ 333, 2010
formative analysis of entertainment program`s subtitle
강현옥 Kang Hyunock
A television is an audio-visual medium that delivers messages through sound and image. These days, subtitle on a television program comes in various visual formats such as graphics, charts, symbols, pictures and characters, in addition to words. The primary role of subtitle is not found in mere combination of words and phrases anymore. A subtitle can effectively deliver a message by combining words and phrases with other elements. In particular, for an entertainment program, a subtitle helps create a more enthusiastic and lively air, and therefore, it is more liberally used than in other programs. Sometimes, a subtitle can be even more effective than the images, and it can be independent in delivering information and entertaining the viewers. A subtitle does not merely provide assistance anymore; it has established its own boundary, and can be more power than images as an independent visual element on a television. If a subtitle for a TV program is simply laid out on the screen to convey a message, the essence of the message cannot be captured. It is necessary to understand how the viewers perceive and process images on the screen, in order to decide effective format and contents of a subtitle. In this research, visual types of subtitle for a television program are analyzed with focus on entertainment programs. The objective is to identify common elements of different subtitle types, and to suggest a desirable expression method for a subtitle as a visual communication medium.
Key Words
텔레비전 영상, 예능 프로그램, 자막, television image, entertainment program, subtitle
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