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Vol.23, No.0, 321 ~ 333, 2009
A Study on the aspects of modern ceramics regarding with Art Nouveau of Europe and Korea
김연화 Kim Youn-hwa
Looking into the history of ceramic arts finally means dealing with the history of human life. That is, it means we have to understand the ceramic arts of human history as well as country, race and region multilaterally. In order to properly know culture of ceramic arts regarded as a standard unit of contemporary culture, we need to understand political, economical, social, cultural, regional characteristics and the current of the times. Therefore, the understanding of ceramic arts should be conducted in point of view based on regional and periodic characteristics. Art Nouveau movement at least theoretically has played a role in `countermovement` or `obstructer` which helped to grow rapidly since 1918 and throw away obsolete customs of 19th century society. In this point of view, Art Nouveau has occupied such an important position though it is not a historical mainstream. Around 20th century, the revolution of ceramic arts is breaking out silently than most of other decorative arts. Modern age was the time when feudal society changed into civil society and production system of handicraft into that of mass mechanized simultaneously due to the industrial revolution in Western society. At this side, I want to study ceramic arts of former period of 19th century profoundly, with Art Nouveau ceramic and ceramic arts as central figures.
Key Words
시대적 특성, 아르누보 운동, 장식 예술, 새로운 가능성, regional and periodic characteristics, Art Nouveau movement, decorative arts
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