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Vol.23, No.0, 291 ~ 301, 2009
Illustration through Primitive Art
김혜경 Kim Hye Kyoung , 임수은 Lim Soo Eun
In the 21st century, culture has advanced and improved rapidly into the wave of information and high-tech media. People today live in an era that is highly complex, mechanized, and fast-paced. However, people seek simplicity in their minds. The origin of cave paintings of the primitive age which is thought to be the beginning of such illustration was examined. Through its concept and comprehension, a new territory should be established by searching the possibility of simple patterns and modern expression with geometric images and colors that cannot be seen through the naked eye. It is vital to visualize sentiments or ideas through interrelationship between historical significance of illustration described by the general public and the primitive concept. The seven works presented in this thesis adapted various images and details of primitive art such as body decorations, mask decorations, architectural decorations and etc. I also have emphasized the primitiveness through analysis of representation of worn-out and faded colors, barren earth color, the color of the desert, the color of a rusted steel and etc. Those colors are analyzed by using primary colors like red, yellow and green. Through the exploitation of illustration with colors, as a decorative element and symbolical patterns of primitive art, I hope to stimulate ecologic sentiment of pure and primitive senses in the world of scientifically civilized and complex modern life and satisfy the needs of modern people.
Key Words
원시미술, 일러스트레이션, 문양, primitive art, illustration, pattern
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