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Vol.22, No.0, 335 ~ 345, 2009
Creative Teaching Methods for History of Space Design
임영숙 Youngsook Lim
The purpose of this paper is to discuss how students perceive western history of space, the way they interpret and develope critical thinking and to explore appropriate teaching methods. A case study was conducted to sophomore level space design major students during the course of History of Space Design. The results of this case study revealed some notable issues; 1) Students pay more attention to the space design issues parallel to their familiarity about specific issues of western history in general. 2) Students explained that comparisons and identification of cultural differences in relation to their existing knowledge of history strengthened their awareness of their own historical and cultural background. 3) Recognition of design as major social force influenced their critical and analytical thinking in perceiving history and applying to their studio projects. 4) Writing journals has helped students not only to identify their major tools of approaching history but to enhance broader perception of future career aspiration in the areas of journalism, curator, illustrator, etc. Student examples and specific teaching strategies are discussed and the issues of considering and applying multiculturalism in the context of history of space is further addressed.
Key Words
공간디자인역사, 창의적사고, 교육방법, History of Space Design, Teaching Methods, Critical Thinking
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