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Vol.22, No.0, 225 ~ 235, 2009
The Study on Alternatives for Activating Communication between Instructor and Students in Large - Scale Lecture
김은경 Kim Eunkyung , 조주은 Ju Eun Cho , 정의철 Eui-chul Jung
These days, many classes in elementary, junior high and high schools are gradually adapting small group classes for building academic environment. In contrast, many universities still have adopted large-scale lectures, which is generally include more than 80 students, as they can effectively utilize faculty resources and save cost. Nevertheless of these advantages, large-scale lectures have fatal flaws of difficulties in communication between instructors and students, which can lower the students` understanding level and obstruct accomplishing the study goal. In this research, we devised an interaction device for activating communication between instructor and students in large-scale lectures through analytical method. First, we referred to sundry research to grasp the present conditions and alternatives applied actually. Second, we observed the large-scale lecture, conducted in-depth interviews to find out their needs. Third, we analyzed the result of the surveys under AEIOU and User Communication Analysis method, and clarified the need of interaction device between instructor and students that will not break the natural lecture flow. On the basis of these steps, we are suggesting a device design that can deliver 6 consuming questions and their feedbacks.
Key Words
교수-학습자간 커뮤니케이션, 대형강의, 인터렉션 디자인, Communication between Instructer & students, Large-Scale Lecture, Interaction Design
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