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Vol.21, No.0, 263 ~ 273, 2008
Design Management of a TUE(Total Urban Experience) Prototype
김은아 Kim Eun-ah , 김철호 Kim Chul-ho
Design management of a TUE prototype emphasizes the creative aspects and the human emotional experiential aspects of TUE management using design thinking and design process rather than being concerned with just financial aspects and business aspects. The fundamental purpose of urban design is to create Total Urban Experience. The goals of urban design are not only about shaping spaces and architecture, but also about the emotion, value and experiences which those spaces and architecture convey through their interaction with citizens. Prototypes are utilized for accessing design processes and design decisions, and essentially used to create innovation. The goals of this TUE prototype have been expanded from focusing on objects and services to an examination of experiences and emotion. This research proposes TUE prototype for urban design to be innovative and competitive. This research attempts to define what the TUE prototype is, suggest TUE Prototype approaches, and analyzes how design activities for the TUE prototype is design-managed to create an optimum and innovative prototype system.
Key Words
TUE, 프로토타입, 디자인 경영, Prototype, Design Management
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