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Vol.21, No.0, 151 ~ 160, 2008
A Study on the Comparative Analysis of Plot Composition of Long piece Animation-Focusing on Five Tailed Fox and Wonderful Days-
김희현 Kim Hee-hyun
With its high expansibility, animation business can create vast additive values and it is evaluated to make various window effects. Through creative production, its sales amount in and out of the country has increased showing its possibility of growth as a competitive business. However, domestic long piece animation is in stagnation. The purpose of this study is to find ways to improve competitiveness of domestic long-piece animation. It establishes the concept of a plot, which is the most fundermental element of a story-telling in animation, compares and analyses a success and a failure to learn a lesson. For the development of domestic long piece animation business, the most important thing is to make a product with a successful plot through accurate self diagnosis and proper analysis of the market. There`s a saying that if you know your enemy and know yourself, you can win every battle. Even if there`s no success yet, you should never give up and you don`t have to hurry to make a success. On the basis of accurate self diagnosis right to our situation and clear analysis you can make a success soon.
Key Words
이야기, 플롯, 장편애니메이션, story, plot, long piece animation
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